Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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I think they've gone too casual with quite a few of the NY characters. Yes, Flack and Mac are in suits, but some of the others *coughDannycough* look like they just rolled out of bed. I like Lindsay's look, but it's starting to veer a little dull. TPTB need to kick it back up and make her look like she's in a happy relationship.

One would think TPTB would want the wardrobe to adhere to some sort of professional standard. Of course, if you think back to Carmine's OK! Magazine, he replied that his sister always complained to him that real NYPD didn't dress with low-cut necklines or perfect hair. I can't remember the exact wording.
I do find the heels thing wierd, cos both lidsay and stella where them tho first season they did got for more the boots.

NY does look the most relaxed in style tho out of all of them cos Miami they are always spotless and LV its still in a way smart.
I don't know what's wrong with Linds's style. In fact, I don't even know if there is something wrong. The thing is that the little girl seems some kind of strange on those outfits, you know?

Even Ana seems unconfortable with her new clothes, it's like as if her character, all of a sudden, decided to change her whole wardrove.



"I'm glad you stayed"
Top41 said:
I preferred the country girl casual look.

I was JUST thinking that! But I was thinking more of a casual country girl with a "BAM!" of city to show how it's influenced her a bit. If I was thinking country girl casual all the way, I'm picturing the cowboy boots with denim shorts and plaid shirt. (Did I spell that right??)
^^ When I think about Lindsay, the word "coutry" actually crosses my mind. But not in the Texas-country way as Nick from CSI, it's more like the country-deep wood way with a corduroy shirt and a big coat.



"I'm glad you stayed"
I liked her wardrobe in the Boo-epi

and I think she rocked. she actually had to deal with a grieveing mother and she was slightly uncomfortable but she sold it well and the scared/heroic scene was pretty good IMHO. she is one curageous girl
Yeah, Carolina, Lindsay's clothes during "Boo" were so much Linds style. The green sweater really suited her!

But, did anyone notice that neither Linds nor Danny changed clothes during the whole episode? The action was supposed to take place along two days, wasn't it? Because Stella and Mac changed clothes, actually.

Well, it's not a big deal. I guess that with all the going to Amyteville thing and everything, they didn't have that much time for refreshing...



"I'm glad you stayed"
I concur that Lindsay's outfit looked good this week. She looked like S2 Lindsay!!!

I also have to say that it was nice to get to see Lindsay in cop mode for a change and not just scientist mode!!!
Hey, CSIFANINMD, if by "cop mode" you mean "going out to run a crime scene, facing the suspect and pull out her gun", yeah, I'm definitely with you.

I think it was time to let her left the lab ang get into action.



"I'm glad you stayed"
^^ I like the 'cop mode' description. It was really great to see her actually investigating a cs again, have her chase after someone, draw her gun, interrogate and work in the lab.

carolina said:
she actually had to deal with a grieveing mother and she was slightly uncomfortable but she sold it well
Yeah that was a wonderful scene. There was this really upset mother and she went in to interrogate her. She could've easily let Danny handle the mother and talk to the son herself, but she didn't.

And I liked the scene with the little girl in the hospital a lot too. You could clearly tell that she's still pretty uncomfortable around young victims, but she didn't chicken out and actually tried to comfort and talk to the girl.
I really enjoyed watching Lindsay in "Boo" ..
Really great seeing her that much out on the field.. how she kept it together, following the old lady with her gun drawn,,

She did really good work on a case that easily can remind her of what she has gone through..

I truly enjoyed it,,,and I really like seeing her and Danny work together.. they play off eachother so well...
Lindsay is so awesome, she is my favorite character in CSI NY. I just barely started watching CSI New York so can you guys fill me in with what has happened to Lindsay's character.
I liked her outfit in Boo was less of the bright more of the casual but still smart.

You could see she was wary when she pulled out her gun at the end.
I felt like in the hospital scene she brought the dog as a peace offering and was a little taken aback by the girl seeing through it and rejecting it and wasnt sure how to aproach her so she just tuned the compassion down a little - but the whole scene was more of facial expression/body language kind and they all did a perfect job
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