Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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csiboy said:
I gotta say, I'm digging season 4 Lindsay. I always have to scratch my head at the haters.

You've got one warning for flaming for that little dig. After the attempts to make peace in the forum, we're going to have a lot less tolerance for commentary like this. This isn't the first time you've been cautioned, either, csiboy; if you can't play nice, you won't be welcome here much longer.

Back on topic, please.
Bah! I have, like, been missing all the NY episodes! Yes, I know, bad Jodie.

But you guys have been great :) Seriously, I've caught up with everyhitng by visiting everywhere. Sometimes you don't even have to watch the episode :lol:

I prefer the 'Fun- Lindsey'. Smiley is good. :) I like smiles. I don't think they have really given her anything too dark to work with yet. A bit, but not much.

^Yeah, the light-hearted stuff really suits her better.

How do you guys feel about her wardrobe this season? I gotta say, I preferred her outfits last season, like the cute denim jacket and the light layered look. I think the black pants and bright color combos aren't quite as flattering--it's too much of an office look, and kind of contrasts too much with the casual styles of the other characters. I preferred the country girl casual look. What do you guys think?
They've gone a bit odd with the wardrobes of all the CSI shows don't you think.

Grissoms odd combos

Delkos flowery shirts.

I don't know. I love the colors, that's nice. But she suits the cute jackets and layers much more. Reflects her personality. With her sort of 'funky/cute-ness'

I'm a guy, so I only notice a few things about a character's wardrobe, whether it's on or off, or if it's on fire.

However, I don't think I've seen anything I'd say Lindsay looked bad in.
I've noticed that Lindsey doesn't seem to be as prevalent this season as she was in the past. Has Anna Belknap asked for a lighter workload in order to spend more time with her baby?
Top asked:
How do you guys feel about her wardrobe this season?
Well, last week I was just glad to see her out of that lab coat.

And it's just a matter of personal taste but I'm not a huge jeans fan and I do really like the black combined with the bright colors. But I do actually work in an office and perhaps Lindsay could use a little more casual outfits in her line of work.

Besides, the fact that they are always emphasizing that she's a Montana country girls does require a certain look or at least some details like a jeans jacket or some killer boots.

Islandgirl asked:
Has Anna Belknap asked for a lighter workload in order to spend more time with her baby?
We don't know that, but the amount of screentime she has had thus far this season made me wonder about that too.

She's still on the main cast list though, and I can imagine that someone with a part-time contract may end up on the recurring cast list...but that's just me guessing...
Top asked:
How do you guys feel about her wardrobe this season?

it is not bad but I think colorful suits her better. but as the others said it was nice to see her out of the lab coat. what always makes me wonder are the heels - isnt it incredible uncomfortable to run around a crime scene and/or lab on heels?

loved the Stella/Lindsay scene. its always nice to see them girls together.

and she is counting down the days till X-mas - such a little-girl think to do :)
I liked last seasons, and even Season 2 Lindsay when it comes to wardrobe. I'll agree with Top and say that this season the colors are a little too bright for an office environment/police work (they do still question suspects and so to me it always seems they should be in a more neutral color combo - not as flashy), The "country girl" look I liked a lot - which I think was more Season 3, the thing im not in with are the heels - I just cant grasp wearing heels to crime scenes - same as I cant grasp low cut shirts to crime scenes.

All in all, im happy to see her out of a lab coat so I'll take her wardrobe however they give it, but I would tone down the colors just a tad.
I'm new here... and i love the character.

I have to say I prefer the Happy/Eager Lindsay to the angsty it always make me slightly on edge but the happy just suits her so much more.

I love her demonstrations its what makes here that little bit different its so quirky. and how eager she is to get the answer.

I like the new look makes her look older if that makes sense, tho i did like the curls the short look and the more suited look is nice but i like the slightly dressed down look aswell.

Loving the look of Boo!.... could be an interestin ep.

^ Welcome Dawni *waves back* and Happy Birthday! :D

I'm really looking forward to 'Boo!' too, from what I've read and seen so far I think it could be a great episode
There will be plenty of scenes with Lindsay and she will be out of the lab and the lab coat. And if the spoilers are correct we get the first angsty/sad scenes she'll have this season; and although I love her happy and funny side I'm kinda looking forward to those too
I have to say I prefer the Happy/Eager Lindsay to the angsty it always make me slightly on edge but the happy just suits her so much more

That's why I loved Linds since the first day she appeared on the zoo. I mean, it's like "look how happy am I!" and then, at the next scene she can be "I have this past behind me that I can't forget and it's allways haunting me". Just adorable!!



"I'm glad you satyed"
Exactly i like she is eager to please because being the newest it is probably on you mind. It was nice to know that she wasnt all counrty girl no secrets it did give another dimension. but the angsty stuff i always feel there is something missing.

I did think that they did the past storyline well but i can remember thinking something was missing.
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