Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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CSI_NY_Addict, Adorelo, NattyBatty, and Elsie, it's nice to welcome you to this thread. :) If I've overlooked any other new poster, I'm glad you're here too and am passing you brownies and milk.

Anna is a private person but it would be nice to see more promo pictures of Lindsay. Seems like all we're getting is Mac and Stella with a side of Flack or Adam - which is fine, but there are other characters on the show
You took the words right out of my mouth. Anna as an individual is a private person, and you don't see or hear anything about her or her family, which is a good thing, in my opinion.

Lindsay, however, and the other characters not given top-billing in NY need to be given the promo love that Mac and Stella are given. TPTB graced us with new credits this season (love the pics, hate the song - see the credits thread), but it would stand to reason that all the characters, and the cast as a whole, would have new promo pics taken for PR purposes. That's a major "duh" in my book. :eek:

I'm going to echo Top's sentiment. We must be cognizant of what we say, and how we say it. Top and MrsG are putting forth major effort to make the NY forum more fan-friendly for everyone. Almost all users are attempting to change their habits, and we need to do our part if change is going to occur. :D
and you don't see or hear anything about her or her family, which is a good thing, in my opinion.

Yes - I like that she keeps herself away from the media. Some celebs can't seem to get enough of the spotlight - no matter how often they're in it - but Anna likes to keep a low profile :) and at least she's not dragging her child into it.

Top and MrsG are putting forth major effort to make the NY forum more fan-friendly for everyone.

They are :) so hats off to them. *claps*
I read that she is a private person and I totally accept that. Ive seen some pics from actions and stuff from before but I think now with the baby she is staying at home rather then go out. I respect that but its a pity still

I really liked the way she handled the drama in S3 too. it was rather subtle. Lindsay tried to bottle the feelings in and they came on surface only ocassionally. and thats exactly what she did we only gut to see glimpses of her turmoil

but its true, they didnt address all of her issues and I dont think they will but one can still hope
hey this is prob just stupid!! but i watchd the commentary about consequences and Eddie Cahill mentions that Anna's baby is a beautiful baby!!! i swear i thought he was gonna give name!! lol
He also mentioned that she was a real trooper for all the work she did when she was pregnant!
^^^ I heard that too on the commentary - kinda nice they had a few good things to say about her during the commentary - apparentley she worked hard throughout her pregnancy and - im sure its not an easy task no matter what job you have. so yay! *claps*, I was pretty sure they werent going to spill a name, shes a private person and thats totally respectable - good on her, at least shes not waving her daughter around to the media.
Howdy :D

indsay, however, and the other characters not given top-billing in NY need to be given the promo love that Mac and Stella are given.
Definately agree with you there. The other cast members hardly ever get the same about of promotion as Mac and Stella do ( pretty much the same throughout the franchise i think). *shrugs* It would be nice to see more of Lindsay around.

She must have been a *real* trooper to keep goin' on during her pregnancy. Maybe she wasn't exactly up to par as per usual but she gave it all she had and she rocks now more than ever :D
Ive just seen Bad Beat yesterday and she was so cute there. the DL scene was *squee* but my favorite part was probably the dumpster diving - she kinda stood up to Mac - very courageous,and the tousled her was adorable

if my math is right she was working practically during her whole pregnacy, thatsdedication, really. and that comment from Eddie is so sweet
I loved that dumpster scene!!! 'Thats a shame....someones trown away a perfectlygood shotgun!!' (If I remember correctly!)
Hello all!! Some of you may know me as Firemouse over on!!!!

I agree that the dumpster scene in Bad Beat was funny!!!!! So was the "walrus documentary" scene! I also loved her in Jamalot!!! I thought that the way she teased Mac about his "girlfriend" was hilarious!!!!! It showed that she was getting much more comfortable in her environment and she was gaining more confidence.

One other thing I love about Lindsay is the way she is the one who gets the most excited when she learns something new while on a case and the way she loves to share what she has learned with other people!! I have mentioned this over on But, I have a personal theory about her that she seems like she may have wanted to be a teacher before her friends were killed and that's what led her into law enforcement instead. She just seems like she would have been a good teacher and a rather fun one at that. Granted, this theory is not based on any cannon facts on the show, it is just a personal theory of mine. Feel free to agree or disagree.
Those little things like the comments on the DVD's are great (not stupid at all MONTANA101 :) -txs for sharing), because there is so little we know about Anna.

I respect that she's a very private person, but like some of you've already mentioned, it would be great to see some new pics of her at a premiere or party or perhaps an official photo-shoot.

But what I would really like is to read an interview with her, where she could answer a lot of the questions that there are about Lindsay's character, and to find out what she thinks of Lindsay's story so far and what she would like to happen in the future.

CSIFANINMD (Firemouse) said:
I have a personal theory about her that she seems like she may have wanted to be a teacher before her friends were killed and that's what led her into law enforcement instead
I don't could be, but I think her own 'need to know' exceeds the love to share her knowledge. The death of her friends and especially the 'why' has probably triggered her to always look for the tiniest details and when she does unravel something she gets so enthusiast that she just has to tell others. :)
From the DL scenes that I have seen of Season 4 so far, I am so pleased that fun Lindsay is back!! As others have said here, she is so enthusiastic about her work and you can practically see her bouncing when she is telling people what she has discovered :lol: She is the tigger of the ny lab,

I loved the crossbow scene (not sure of the name of the episode) where mac gets her to test his theory.... and she gets so excited that she wants another go! And the dumpster diving scene is very funny too.

That said, i did enjoy the ansty scenes of last season...
Hooray for fun Lindsay. I agree completely. I thougth she handled the dark, brooding stuff really well, but she's definitely a fun character, too and it's great to see that again. I think the hair goes really well with it, too. The hair last season seemed like it would have taken her a long time to do every day which didn't seem very cop-like to me. This hair seems more carefree and practical which is what I like about the character.
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