Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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That would be ep 318 Sleight Out of Hand. Lindsay was featured testifying at the murder trial of her friends' killer. This was also the episode with Danny Messer's "Go with your instincts" where he went to Montana to support her. Great ep!
I think it's my first time to post in this thread. I gotta give my props to Anna. I love her and her character Lindsay. She's the reason I got hooked to watching the show. Now, I love everyone else, too. :)

I'm looking forward to DL and Lindsay working more with Flack and Stella next season.
Without sounding biased, but does someone who is not a D/L fan here actually like her?

That's not a rhetorical question; I actually want to know becasue it seems that every single post here is either directly or indirectly related to D/L...

Although personally after the finale, her character is far too ruined for me to like at all.
I'll be honest--I've wondered the same thing. My feelings about the character are well known, but that aside, it seems like liking Lindsay and liking D/L go hand in hand, whereas the same is not true with say Danny or Stella (with the M/S pairing). Nothing wrong with that if that is the reason, but it does seem that liking her character (or not) comes down to the D/L pairing for most people.
If I wasn't a D/L fan, I would still like her. I'm not one to dislike characters *shrug* Personally I think she's amazing, both the character and actress.
I liked her before I was DL fan. The first eppy I saw was All Access and I fell in love with her immedeately. It was after that I started to enjoy DL.
does someone who is not a D/L fan here actually like her?
Well, I liked Lindsay before even thinking that there were something going on between her and Danny. And it actally took awhile because I saw them just as two really good friends/colleagues, who expressed their friendship by flirting with each other in a friendly way. Not strange at all, I think.

So, I'm not sure if you guys have already done this before, but here comes a little assignment for you! Tell me (and others) why you like Lindsay and why you think that she must stay on the show!

Me first ... :)

* She has a mind of her own.
* She is able to speak up.
* She is trustworthy and loyal.
* She is good at her work.
* She has a twinkle in her eye. ;)
* And finally, those city people need some country manners!

You go girl! :cool:
Wow, I don't have much time to write a long post now, but I feel like I need to say soemthing in here.

I do liked Lindsay before I noticed she could have anything with Danny (though I admitt I am a D/L shipper now!) I amire her, in the first episodes she was so cool. She still is, well, season 3 has been a little down for her, actually, she just had boring lab work during some episodes due to the pregnancy thing.
I like the character, I agree with what you^^^ said. I know lots of people don't like her, but well, isn't it just a matter of taste? And there are always characters who are not loved by all. Still, I think Anna is not such a bad actress. I don't dislike seeing her on screen, and I don't feel like she sounds fake. Well, so far of course...I haven't seen most of the real emotional scenes, that might be where her skills are more criticized, but that I can't say before I actually watch it.
Top41: I feel the same. I mean, I'm actually really not into Lindsay after the season finale... I mean, how useless of a character can you get? And this season, she just pushed it--she didn't feel like like a real person. She was inconsitent, mean, harsh...

Sorry if I offended anyone, but I think Top41 is right: often people like her relates back to D/L.
kissmesweet said:
Top41: I feel the same. I mean, I'm actually really not into Lindsay after the season finale... I mean, how useless of a character can you get? And this season, she just pushed it--she didn't feel like like a real person. She was inconsitent, mean, harsh...

I think the finale pretty much illustrated that her purpose on the show is as a love interest, which really doesn't suit someone in the main credits. Her dark secret was wrapped up so neatly and with such finality, and a lot of that seemed to be because the writers wanted to get her together with Danny ASAP. Yes, her pregnancy interferred with her screentime this season, but there's no reason the dark secret storyline couldn't have been drawn out a little longer. Instead, it was rushed so she could get busy with Danny.

Sorry if I offended anyone, but I think Top41 is right: often people like her relates back to D/L.

Yeah, I'm definitely not trying to criticize anyone here--everyone is more than welcome to like a character for whatever reason they want. Plenty of people like Danny simply because he's hot. :lol: But in my time here, I've only seen one or two Lindsay fans who aren't fans of D/L. Again, nothing wrong with that, but to me it suggests the main thrust of the character is her relationship with Danny.

And I definitely think with all the country girl jokes, D/L was there right from her first episode. ;)
^ Well I do like D/L a lot ;), but it's not the sole reason that I like Lindsay. Especially in season two there have been scenes in which she wasn't with Danny and she still made me smile when she came on screen. She can hold her own, she's not easily being discomfited, she can crack a joke too and like SB said, she has that twinkle in her eyes.

I agree that the Lindsay we've seen throughout season three was unbelievable, to say the least, at times. I still think that TPTB used the 'bloody past' from the character's description to deal with Anna's maternity leave, but they, imo, did it in a horrible way. The tough, spunky country girl they introduced us to in season two would've reacted different to the trauma she had to relive...that girl would've faced it and fought for her dead friends' remembrance with everything she had; not hiding and whining, but she would've been open about it and tell people what was going on with her head held high.

And as for the D/L. I really hope that TPTB decided to bring them together in the season three finale to start focussing more on the individual characters next season. They will mention or show it once in a while, but since we now all know they're together they don't have to be attached at the hip every single ep anymore. :)
She isn’t just Danny’s love interest however. Just ask any FM or MeLty shippers ;) :lol:. Bad joke, I know.

I believe a lot of people preferred and enjoyed season 2 Lindsay. Season 3 however… TPTB have done the character an injustice with ill-timed plot lines and scenes that weren’t well chosen for the actress involved. Other shows on television have dealt with actresses’ pregnancies with more finesse.

The finale. Oh, the finale. I thought it was a good episode (except for the ending warehouse scene). The writers went for sensationalism and they achieved it. I found it to be an exciting episode with all the action in the lab and whatnot. The way they wrote the episode, they did not leave much room for Lindsay to have a more involved role in the investigation or police action of the episode, much to my disappointment. It is no secret that I am a D/L shipper, and that I loved the whole pool table scene (see avvie). However, the ending warehouse scene left me with a bad taste in my mouth, and a ‘huh?’ expression on my face. It really could have been handled better; I can think of a dozen ways they could have altered that scene with improvement. But as a whole, I enjoyed the ep.

I like Lindsay, but I must say I liked her much more in season 2 than season 3. Time will tell where the PTB take the character from here. My hope is that in season 4 they will let her go back to some of the more lighthearted scenes which seem to be her forte. TPTB should take this opportunity during the hiatus to regroup and come back with some improved direction for Lindsay. We have gotten no indication that the character is going anywhere soon, so hopefully they can get her back to where more people will enjoy her presence on the show. I have heard several people state they would come closer to liking her again if they gave her more of her season 2 persona back.

CSI:NY is my favorite show on television at this time, and I am optimistic that it will continue to grow and improve. I look forward to seeing what season 4 will bring us all.
I agree with both mercy and dutch. I liked S2 Lindsay a lot more than S3; she definitely had better scenes that were lighter and funnier. I know it was due to Anna's maternity leave and they couldn't really do a whole lot with her because of it, even after she returned to the show. Hopefully next season she will have more scenes and we'll see her back to her old self.

As for many D/L fans liking her just because she's with Danny...over at DLChem someone asked the same question and everyone who has answered so far has said that they liked Anna even before she came onto CSI:NY, and they liked the character when she was introduced, myself included.

Whatever floats your boat :)
mercy said:
It really could have been handled better; I can think of a dozen ways they could have altered that scene with improvement.
That pretty much sums up my feelings on Lindsay as a whole, especially in season 3. The writers dropped the ball with the character, period.

I don't buy the excuse that everything can be blamed on Anna's pregnancy. Last season she was new, this season she was pregnant--at some point, we have to face the fact that the actress is responsible for part of the overall presentation of the character, rather than trying to come up with new excuses. Yes, Anna had less screentime, but that should not have had any effect on the impact of her screentime. I've said it countless times, but Sid and Adam get less screentime than Lindsay on a regular basis, and both characters manage to be memorable and have staunch fans despite this.

Lindsay needs better storylines and scenes, and Anna needs to be given material that plays to her strengths as an actress. I haven't seen the two meet very often in season 3, and the result is messy. If they don't fix it in season 4, I doubt I'll ever like her.

As for Anna outside of NY--I watched "Medical Investigation," but I wasn't a huge fan of her character (when I actually realized who she played, since I had kind of forgotten her and thought it was a different actress coming to NY when the announcement came out), nor was I a fan of her acting. I liked the show, but she didn't thrill me. Much like on NY, actually...
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