Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Either she was raped or her mom was raped by a boyfriend
Im with you on that one Rad, by the way loved the fanfic :D, maybe something similar to what happend to Stella you guys remember how she was acting in the episode.
^^^ Those are all such great theories, I seriously think that TPTB could go anywhere with her past, anything from rape (either her, or someone close to her), to a brutal beating/attack, a shooting, something involving kids (possibly having to do with her not like to talk to mommies about death of a child), anything... I'm excited to finally get the whole story, even if it is in bits and pieces, I just hope that its a GOOD story and a GREAT episode, and of course - worth the wait and us driving ourselves crazy over what it is.
I really don't want Lindsay to be the vitcim of sexual abuse...every woman on TV seems to have to go through that one. I think her secret has to do with a lot of other people and something much more than just rape...I'm thinking multiple homicide...something very deadly.

RULZ, I think we might just drive ouselves crazy until her secret is revealed...they might just reveal it a piece at a time. ;)
audacity glad I'm not the only one that doesn't want her secret to to rape. Thinking back to her line about 'seeing alot more blood then that' I'm also thinking a lot of people were involved. Maybe she was a child at the time. The mother issue could be something esle.
CSI Watcher--couldn't agree more. It's something bigger and something that might have to do with her parents or loved ones.

We talked about this over in the D/L thread. But it would be great if she had someone stalking her...then she got really ticked off and kicked his ass or racked him in *****. Hey if she could flatten a guy upside a car, then she could do something like that.

I'm just like most of you, I'm tired of seeing the 'damsel in distress' thing on TV or movies. I feel like most female characters start out strong and then end up being the victim of something or being rescued by someone. I love the idea of the 'knight in shining armor' but it is done way too much. ;)
This is totally OT, but someone told me that Anna's pregnancy was confirmed. Unfortunetly they didn't tell me where they ound it out, but they said it was true... IDK what to think though. I'm going to keep my mind open until I hear the truth!

4 minutes!
^^^ Dont believe everything you hear/read gals. Thats how rumours start and spread. I wont believe anything until I hear it come from Anna or her manager or someone of that caliber.

2 more hours over here in Cali... :) yay!
I wouldn't say that her pregnancy has been confirmed or denied---her publicist would have to confirm or deny that information. I think we should wait until it's confirmed by her representatives. :)

But I'd be lying if I denied that there wasn't good evidence that she is preggers...unless she's proned to weight gain in the stomach area only...which I suspect not. ;)
I'll admit that I jumped on the boat back when S3 Promo pics came out that Anna looked pregnant, but then episodes aired and it didnt look like she was, but then again, the past week I've seen promo pics for upcoming episodes and I have to say that she does look a bit bigger in the stomach area and they seem to be trying to hide her behind big shirts and bags... I'm happy for her if she is, thats awesome. But, I'll wait to be excited until her reps say she is/isnt.

20 minutes!! I'm so stoked!! yay!!
I'm a bit late on this one, but I would love to see a stalker story for Anna. I think she would play it out rather well. As to her being pregnant, maybe I'm just not good at noticing, but she looked the same to me. I was kinda bummed not to see her as much this recent episode, but I know I'm just asking for my cake and eating it too.
I was disappointed alittle that she wasn't used alittle more in this episode. Seemed like they didn't know what to do with her. Because she and Stella said they were working on blood evidence from the first scene and she was at the second they never really had me believing she was really working the scenes. ;)
I'll admit that I jumped on the boat back when S3 Promo pics came out that Anna looked pregnant, but then episodes aired and it didnt look like she was, but then again, the past week I've seen promo pics for upcoming episodes and I have to say that she does look a bit bigger in the stomach area and they seem to be trying to hide her behind big shirts and bags... I'm happy for her if she is, thats awesome. But, I'll wait to be excited until her reps say she is/isnt.

20 minutes!! I'm so stoked!! yay!!

I dismissed the idea when people are talking about it with the S3 promo pics but after seeing "Hung Out To Dry" I got to admit she does looked pregnant and on that scene when they found the guy victim I noticed she seems to be covering her stomach with the large clipboard(?) that she's carrying on her side. You guys are right though not to get carried away with this until it has been confirmed. I'm all happy for her if it's true but I just hope this doesn't negatively affect her place on the show because I really do like her character. :)
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