Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I watched several episodes of "The Handler" when I was working a second job during college (my supervisor liked the main star of the show). Anna played a rookie FBI agent; Hill played a season veteran. They had a few funny scenes together. :)

I think the show was an instant hit. The ratings were good. It was moved, I think, to a different night to accommodate another show or something and quickly lost viewers.
I've seen some pictures of Anna in 'The Handler' and she looked so pretty. That usally happes to a good show. Look at that really funny show on FOX called Oliver Beene.

Anyways, look how pretty Anna looked as Lily:

picture credit goes to Rutta. :)
I never saw "The Handler," but I loved "Medical Investigation." If "The Handler" was better, I guess I really missed out. :lol: It sounds like my kind of show, and if they ever released it on DVD, I'd probably have to snag a copy. ;)
Rutta said:
I didn't think MI was a great show. I liked THE HANDLER much better
I agree, The Handler was better, but I think MI was okay. Didn´t like the lead character (the VERY blond guy, don´t remember his name) but other than that I think it was cool. Danish tv is also showing reruns of it for the third time now.

I didn't like the lead in MI initially either--so much so that when the show first aired, he turned me off so much that I didn't watch again. But seeing it now he's slowly grown on me. He's still not my fav, but he's much, much better than he was in that first episode.
I never saw either of these shows in their entirety, and I really wish that I did now, like I've said before, I've seen bits and pieces, but all those bits did was make me want to see the whole thing... :(

She does look different with glasses, still very pretty, different though. I love her hair in those pics from 'The Handler' it looks really pretty curled. Does Anna have naturally wavy or straight hair? anyone know? I've seen s dozen pictures of her, and obviously for certain events I'm sure she gets her hair done - as all us girls tend to do.. :) but, in some pics I've seen her in with her hubby it looks like it may be straight, no?
^I think her hair is naturally straight. I think that Anna wears her hair straight. I think she only wears her hair wavy for the show. Although if she has chemically treated (perms or coloring) her hair for a long period of time, it might have a wave to it.

I actually like her hair straight and slightly tapered. It brings out her highlights and it has a bit of an edge to it. But for more formal occasions, her hair looks nice wavy.

I probably like "The Handler" a little bit more than MI. Then again I didn't see much of MI...they did have some nice moments on there. Anna was actually quite comical on MI and a little more edgy.
I like Anna's hair better wavy... I think she wears it better.

Man, I really wished I would've seen those other shows! They sound pretty good, and if Anna's in it, I'm sure they are good... Oh well, maybe someday I'll see them.. :p
*comes out of the Miami thread and into the other side*

I have finally found you guys! It's great to be with some Anna/Lindsay fans. Oh hey, I remember her on Medical Investigation. I thought she did a superb job on the show, and I'm glad that she's on CSI:NY. They couldn't have picked a better actress. :D

Anyway, I thought I'd pop over and visit. I know a lot of people were a little apprehensive about Lindsay, but I feel she is a wonderful contribution to the show.

Thanks for the link to the fic Radical618. I shall have to check it out sometime. :)
Hi Speed! Welcome! :)

Rad great fic! :)

I guess I'm in the minority I think she wears straight hair well. Maybe it's because I wear my hair straight. ;) But I do like it when she wears it wavy...I just think she should change it up on occasions.

Should we start taking 'bets' (not real ones of course) about what exactly her past could be...we've been having discussions at other forums and people have thought up some really interesting things I must say. ;)
Either she was raped or her mom was raped by a boyfriend or something... that's my guess judging by the way she lookd during that interrogation scene.
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