Originally Posted by Isla:
Totally agree. You really got the feeling watching two equal partners who seem to know each other very well. They both have a great dynamic.
I anyway totally like it when she does her demonstrations with Mac as the ´guinea pig´. I think Mac wouldn´t allow Danny or Hawkes to do that with him. I´m ready to see some demonstrations again this season. :lol:
:guffaw:Oh lol, I just got that mental image (either Danny or Hawkes doing a Lindsay-esque demonstration on Mac).
Before "Dead Reckoning", I have to admit I
was kind of wondering whether Mac saw her as an equal; they've had a ton of great moments that made me think so (like in "Dead Inside", when he asked her
why on earth people would anonymously send secrets anywhere; and when he asked her why she wasn't at home in "Grounds for Deception"), but other times he's just extremely indulgent, and it makes me wonder if he sees her as
too much of a daughter-figure. Like, Lindsay might not be so far off base in always stressing about proving herself to him (which is something that really does un-equalize her relationship with him...especially in earlier seasons, I always got the feeling they weren't that close because Lindsay was so obsessed with proving herself to him, which meant she
still thought he didn't think her that capable of handling serious stuff).
But recently, she seems to have eased up on that ... I mean, she's always been comfortable with him on some level, I think, because of the demonstrations. But lately, she doesn't seem to think the
only way she can talk to him on a more personal level is by using him (and strangely, only him
) as her personal guinea pig. And I think that's why he's likewise starting to see her as an equal too.
Lol, okay, that was a lot about Mac/Lindsay
That´s not really a Sid/Lindsay scene but I liked it when Danny said to Sid that he and Lindsay must hang around a lot together (or similar like that, I can´t remember the episode) I liked the imagination of Lindsay and Sid hanging around together after work:lol:
That's the one I forgot! :lol: I knew I was missing an extra Sid/Lindsay moment from Season 5. I wonder if they had been hanging out -- or at least, exchanging "coincidence" stories, because it did seem weird that between the two of them there was a whole stash of stories.
I´m so hoping that, too. I´d like her to be somehow involved in a case, be it emotionally or for family reasons.
Originally Posted by MissCandy:
So totally agree! Stealing Home is an episode I could rewatch like a billions of times. She had such a huge role in it. She got to work with both, Danny and Flack. She had to deal with her own thoughts about her family as she had to face this case. The moment with Sid where he told Lindsay that Danny has a crush on her was so cute as well. And her determination. We saw so much of her and learnt so much about her character. That was really brilliant.
Seriously, this is all they'd have to give us! It wouldn't even have to be a huge, episode-long storyline...Stealing Home is still one of my very favourite Lindsay-episodes, and easily the best part of Lindsay's dark-secret storyline, and it came off amazingly. In just one episode. Other characters manage to have mini-stories that stay restricted to a single episode. It'd be beyond cool if we could see another one of those for Lindsay.
Sorry if I'm double-posting!