American Idol

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I was sort of hoping that after last night's performance, David Cook would be eliminated. Yes, he has a huge support group and fan base, but his performances were dull and not sung well at all last night. David A. is still my choice to win since Brooke is out of the competition, and I'm glad Syesha has made it as far as she has. She's not a bad singer, really. :)
I personally find David A overrated. He has a nice voice and all but I would never buy an album by him, whereas David Cook I can definitely see myself buying an album by him.

Syesha is another one I would not be buying an album of. I am glad Jason finally got the boot. His voice is nice but weak.
The thing about a David vs. David finale is that it really comes down to personal preference. Both guys can sing really well. But they have two completely different styles. In my opinion, either deserves to win. It will come down to who's style is more popular.
I still think overall it will come down to the teen vote because they like to flood the phone lines and are willing to text away for their favorite.
actually, the major age group voting for David A, and who have the most control over the idol vote is females 40+. It is quite disturbing...
Sooo, tonights episode.

It's pretty hard to judge considering they all sang three songs. That being said, I wish the producers would stop picking songs. Every year they pick horrible songs.

Here's my summary.

Syesha Mercado
I thought the first performance was very good. Grant it, Randy gave her a song that completely suited her voice. Sometimes I think Syesha's big problem is that she is trying to be a certain type of singer that she is not. Alicia Keys was exactly what she should be singing, and she did a great job with the song.
Her second performance was just offensive. Playing the "sex card" much? Not only was her performance not right for a family show, but it took away from the actual vocals. I understand she was trying to showcase her "broadway" side, but it just wasn't right.
Her third was exactly what Simon said. Cabaret. It was boring, and as I'm typing this I'm trying to remember exactly how it sounded. But I can't.
I'd give her a B- for the night.

David Cook
Once again, his first song was good. I actually didn't love it, only because it felt exactly like what we get from him every week. Even the ending note is that same power note that he ends every song with. Still, vocally it was very good.
His second song didn't work for me at all. It felt weird and not right for the stage. His voice sounded off, and I didn't connect with him at all.
His third was better than the second, but not as good as the first. I think he could have changed it more than he did. It still felt like the same thing I've always heard from him.
I'd give him a B+ for the night.

David Archuleta
I absolutely loved his first song. I thought it was very well done. The notes were perfectly hit, and he changed it up a bit.
The second song was....complicated. On the one hand, it was quite shaky at the beginning and it did feel a little awkward. On the other hand I felt like he really picked it up at the end. I actually enjoyed hearing him sing a newer poppier song.
His third was well sung, but as Simon said, boring. I felt kind of neutral about it. It was just sort of like, "ya okay David we know you can sing."
I'd give him a solid B.

My Predictions
Highest votes - David C.
Going Home - Syesha
i like how the producers picked unknown songs for syesha and David A, then picked the most over played song of all time for David Cook. Nice, rigged much?

On the second song David A. forgot his lyrics again, yet it goes unnoticed his breathing problems seemed to be getting worse.

Cook picked a song for himself, so he can do his pearl jam impression...too bad his lower register sounds like crap.

Syesha is just flat out boring.

This season sucks, ulg.
I liked Sayisha in the beginning, but I think she's gotten way too cocky lately. :( It's like she knows she's headed to Broadway no matter what. Good luck to her. I think that's a good fit for her.

David Cook...he's always seemed too smug to me. Again... :( because he could be really good if he'd stop trying so hard.

I love David A. I'm just afraid of what will happen to him after this when he's shoved into stardom at his age, especially with his dad controlling him. He deserves better.

That said, I hope Sayisha goes home tonight! :)
David Cook = my new favourite person.

I don't know what it is about him! I stopped watching this season for a bit but last night I watched it during dinner and I've got the biggest crush on David now. I've always liked him but now he's definitely my favourite. I'm so happy he made it to the final two. Even if he doesn't become the American Idol, I'm sure he will still have a successful career.

The thing about David Archuleta is... he tends to always pick ballads which, in my opinion, gets boring after a while. Also, I can't see myself buying his album if he were to win. Even if he doesn't, he'll obviously still get a contract... but I really don't think I'd spend my money on him.

However, I can't wait for David Cook to release an album. I'd buy it for sure. I love his voice! :) His cover of Billie Jean was incredible.
Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I almost passed out during the results show tonight. I was sitting in my dorm room watching, and new David Archuleta was going to make it through based simply on his fan base and everything. But I was freaking out when it came to David Cook and Syesha Mercado, because both are so amazing, it was hard to want either of them to go home, just because they are both so wicked awesome! Granted I am a major David Cook fan and want to see him win, but I love Syesha, too (hail to the fellow Nutmegger, I always say).

I had my ears covered and I was screaming during the results! I watched for their reactions, but got really confused when David hung his head... I was like, WTF DUDE ARE YOU GOING HOME?! But then I uncovered my ears, and it just got more confusing. It took me THREE MINUTES before I figured it out. I was like... OH! YAY! But BOO!!!!

I think it's safe to assume that this finale is going to kick butt and then some. I root for neither, because it's too tough to choose.

I was straightening my hair when I was watching and I almost burnt my finger (again) when they were announcing who was going home. I was FREAKING OUT. I knew Archuleta would stay and I had a feeling Syesha was going, but sometimes it's a total surprize so I was so nervous. I felt like I was one of them on the stage. When Ryan said David was in the final 2 I jump up and screamed, "OMG YES!" which caused me to get some annoyed looks from my parents. :p

The finale is going to be INTENSE. And when Ryan announces it... I'll bet you any money he'll be all, "and the winner... of American Idol is... David..." and then pause for like 43948 seconds before saying their last name because he's so nice like that... and then Katie will have a heart attack. :|
Weee David Cook. :D I was so nervous near the end when it was just him and Syesha. For the past couple of weeks, I've been saying "eh, he had a good run" so in case they pulled a Daughtry, I wasn't disappointed. :eek:

I can't believe how many people showed up for his 'homecoming' bit. I think we could tell who was going home by the amount of people at each. Syesha didn't have nearly as many folks turn out. :shrug:

^ Ugh yes, Ryan Seacrest. *shakes fist* I'm going to have an anneurism when he does that. He's a cool guy but irritating as heck when it comes down to something this important. :lol:

I'm really happy with how this competition turned out. During Hollywood Week, I was saying how David Archuleta should make it through pretty far and that in a perfect world, David Cook would win. Well, I almost have my wish, heh.
The finale is going to be INTENSE. And when Ryan announces it... I'll bet you any money he'll be all, "and the winner... of American Idol is... David..." and then pause for like 43948 seconds before saying their last name because he's so nice like that... and then Katie will have a heart attack. :|

That is exactly how I've pictured it going down for a long time. I mean, how can they pass up such an oppurtunity? :lol:
I haven't watched since Ruben Studdar won. So I don't know whats going on this season except the goof with Paula Abdul. Hilarious!!
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