~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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i think they were tracking down people he knew or something. and in the london paper they had a girl that he 'hooked up with'. first of all, a newspaper should never say 'hooked up'. secondly, the poor girl had the contents of her facebook published in the newspaper! i dont know if they asked her, but they talked about all her drinking and pot smoking pictures. woops.

and the parade was pretty big this year! there were only 7 protesters and the crowd was cheering and clapping at them :lol: it was fun.

and my family were definitely the only canadians in florida :lol: all the people we talked to were so interested in us when we said where we were from. one lady was going through the condo parking lot and her daughter saw our car and said 'wheres ontario?'. and the lady said 'i dont know, somewhere up north' and im thinking the least she could say was its in canada! jeez. :lol:
In my next semester at college I will be taking Early Canada history. The reason why is because I need it for my diploma for my career program. I don't see the relevence but meh, it'll be interesting to hear how our country was shaped.
ew, unless its like 2000 years ago (or more) i hate history :lol: i think it was in grade 8 we did early canadian history (and then grade 10 was like 1800 and on or something) all i remember is the fur trade, and the consequences of the fur trade, and how people lived through the fur trade... you get the idea. we even went on a fur trade field trip :rolleyes: it was actually kind of fun, we had to track down numbers on our sheet that were hidden around a park and then go back to the 'general store' to get 'money' depending on what we found. although it was the middle of winter and some mean boys kept putting snow over the numbers :( plus our teacher was kind of sleazy, and would hit on some of the guys. so she picked her favourite two to be inside with her to run the 'store' while the rest of us froze outside.
I love history. I find Canadian history fascinating. I think if I had gone to University or College I probably would have taken History. We can learn so much from our past and hopefully we don't repeat our mistakes.
I think the reason people today don't care for history (espcically Canadian history) is the way it's taught in schools!

Author Will Ferguson said it best:
Fortunately, Canada's academic historians and well-intentioned educators have picked up the ball. Who needs heroes and exiles and great campaigns for justice? Booooorr-ing! Why should Canadians know who their leaders were? Why should they be familiar with the key battles and major turning points? That's so outdated.

Instead, we now have "social history". Which of course isn't really history at all. Regular history is about cause and effect. Social history is about endless details and accumulated minutiae. It isn't so much history is it is "historical sociology". Hint: If you see the words "working-class conditions" or "an examination of genre roles" you are reading social history. And boy oh boy, kids today can’t get enough of it! "Forget John A. Macdonald and the conquest of the continent," they cry. "We want to know more about the social conditions of eighteenth-century textile workers!"

Canadian history is no longer about "people" (as in the individual sense). It is about "peoples" Note the telltale use of the plural. Whenever you see the word peoples in a title, you know you're in for some excellent, rip-roaring, social-demographic, ethnically sensitive, gender-correct sociological studies!

Canada is just as nuts as every other country. In Canada prime minsters have thrown up in the middle of political debates, talked to the dead for political advice, dated the rich and famous, and actually tried to send all homeless men in the country to concentration camps. In Canada one of our proudest moments in history is a 1972 hockey game! Only in this country has the leader of a province gone into a homeless shelter drunk, told the inhabitants to get jobs, thrown money at them and stormed out... And as a result his popularity skyrocketed! There are so many facinating Canadian stories, I wouldn't know where to begin. Real Canadian history is facinating.
Welcome :D! It's always nice to have another Canuck around here. *offers timbits*

I was orginially gonna take Ancient Greek history but then I figured, why pay for that course when I can have my family teach me for free :lol:. And to be honest, I'm not really looking forward to the Canadian history class but I need it for my diploma & besides, if I take it now I won't have to take it next year when I'm enrolled in the program. It'll be less work for me.

Ooh, and will you guys help me study :lol:?
dont forget the prime minister that wore a bright orange wig and threw it at people when he got mad! :lol: when my grade 8 glass went to quebec city for our year end trip we re-enacted the battle on the plains of abraham and one guy wore the wig :lol: i was on the french side, so we got to run around all unorganized until we decided to drop dead.

i took ancient greek and roman history in second year (taught in one class) as well as classical mythology. loved them both! if they hadnt have been offered i dont know how i would have gotten my social science credits, since i hate english and psychology. even though id taken an ancient history course in high school, the university one went more in depth and was really enjoyable.
^ Now see, that is something I want to learn in history class :lol:. Who knew our country was filled with wacky PM's haha.

Post secondary history is much, much better. More informative & much more interesting but much harder too :lol:.

I'd take ancient Greek history if it was relevant to my library tech program but alas, it's not. Roman history doesn't interest me as much because I find it quite similar to ancient Greek history.
when my grade 8 glass went to quebec city for our year end trip we re-enacted the battle on the plains of abraham and one guy wore the wig

My class did that too! LOL. I was like 40C out and we all wanted to dead bodies so we could just chill on the grass :lol:

jorja, Im a history nut. Canadian & World. Let me know if you need anything, I'd probably write your papers for you :lol:
Nomate said:
Only in this country has the leader of a province gone into a homeless shelter drunk, told the inhabitants to get jobs, thrown money at them and stormed out... And as a result his popularity skyrocketed!

oh please don't get me started on my reasons for hating that man! thats just one of many! :mad:

btw.....i know ive been gone an insanly long time.....life is crazy. but i did do something totally canadian while away (other than tim hortons, of course) i took in the Calgary Stampede on several days :lol: oh and i now work at a Canadian shoe store :)
No wonder you've been gone for a long time, you were probably recuperating from Stampede.

allmaple said:
dont forget the prime minister that wore a bright orange wig and threw it at people when he got mad!

Hey, which Prime Minister was this? It reminds me of the Russian leader who would take his shoe off and whack the table with it during his speaches.

Here's another interesting Prime Minister:

Definbaker was so determined to be Prime Minister that he ran for a seat for 15 years before he was finally got elected as an MP. He ran for leader of the Progressive Conservative party for another 14 years before he finally won the spot. He once said "my baby cows will soon know how to sh*t" in French while trying to say "I hope my wishes will be well-recieved". During the cold war he had a strict policy against nuclear weapons until he bought nuclear weapons by accident!! It was only until they were brought into the country that he realized what they were. He had them filled with sandbags to make them unusable and the whole thing cost canada almost 700 million!

And he wasn't even close to our worst.... :rolleyes:
*bumpity bump bump*

Man, did I ever have to search for this thing!

Im pretty sure Im not the only Canuck around here, so get to chitchattin' people. Don't make me bribe you with ketchup chips & Iced Capps :mad: :p
Mmm... Ketchup chips. I haven't had those in ages. Now I'm going to have to go find some.

*Huggles Canadian thread*
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