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I found another picture I really like


from Bodies in Motion
OHHHHHHH! wonderful! :D Great :D

By the way,
Tue. Mar. 13 9:00 PM CBS CSI: Crime Scene Investigation A Bullet Runs Through It #6.7

CSI: season6 is broadcasted next month in Japan.
"Bullet Runs Through it " I want to watch it early, too.

Alex's new drama is Without A Trace.(guest star)
Episode is Deep Water .
His role is Allen Crane.
3/11/2007 10:00PM CBS ON AIR
That's what I thought when I saw the promo for Without a Trace and that is why I came in here... So... that is him in the promo

Got to watch that show :D thanks aki and A Bullet Runs Through It one of my favorite episodes :)
akiaki1109 said:
I watched Promo, too. :lol:
Is he a position of a suspect? :confused:
I was able to watch his figure a little. ;)
You can read where he guests at the futon critic the ep is called "Deep Water", the story is written by Byron Balasco and series star Anthony LaPaglia, based on a story by LaPaglia.

BTW no real spoilers just a descript of the episode mostly.
Hey I just thought I'd update Vartann fans that TONIGHT Alex Carter is on an episode of Without a Trace It should be good because it's co-written by the lead actor Anthony LaPagila

**Just a heads up**
I am envious of everybody which can watch WAT by real time.
It will be the year after next that I can watch WATseason5.
did any one catch Alex on Without a Trace last night?
His character was kinda shady but he pulled it off well

He also had the same brooding looks as Vartann :D
ack! I completely forgot! Man, being in school and having to do homework makes my television life nearly non-existent. I used to watch WoT all the time. RL took it away from me. *sigh*
hhunter said:
did any one catch Alex on Without a Trace last night?
His character was kinda shady but he pulled it off well

He also had the same brooding looks as Vartann :D

I saw it !!!! It wasn't bad. I'm not a huge fan of the show so I only watch sporadically.

I loved Alex's character. I have to say, it was a nice change seeing him as a bad boy. He's bad but he's still HOT !!!! :devil: I too noticed some "Vartann-isms" It was more along the lines of his facial expressions than anything. I'm just bummed I didn't get a chance to tape it.
Maybe next time.

Also...for those that can put up with Vartann's snarky remarks.... Big Middle is on Spike TV @ 8pm.
Oh,You watched WAT! It is good :lol:
and It is enviable. :)
I want to watch Alex in WAT.

and Hi,edog! ;)
Are you a student?
My daughter has homework every day. :(
I love [Big Middle not only for the remarks we love to hate come from Vartann's mouth, but Grissom too, but that is for a differnt thread :)

aki if you go to they I'm sure have it on inntertube by now...
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