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The detective Vartann was very cool. :D
The police and discord between things of a citizen were described in the whole episode interestingly.
Sofia and a suffering of brass are drawn, and it is a very interesting episode. ;)
I want to watch Part 2 early :p
Yeah, ABRTI1 and 2 are very good episodes. I think one of my fav two-parters on the series. It features a nice range of the cast and of course, spotlights Vartann. ;)
Yes,yes,me too! :lol:
It is a very profound episode. ;)
I like a calm action of Vartann.
I strongly hope that Vartann comes back in CSI. :D
Thank you! hhunter. :lol:
Last Vartann of Part 1 is particularly wonderful.
Vartann caught a criminal calmly.
Vartann of this time was very strong and was cool. ;)
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY akiaki1109 may all your Vartann birthday wishes come true :D

Can someone help me find a copy of The Mermaid Chair I have been looking all morning to no avail :eek: :mad:

I'll be back later aki with your present :)
Happy Birthday, akiaki1109!
A little tongue action for ya! ;)

I haven't seen the Mermaid Chair yet, but Lifetime is pretty good about getting their movies out on DVD. All I can say is give it time.
I've got some pictures from The Mermaid Chair I'll PM you with them...

And as promised here is your gift from me to you


A reply became slow. I'm sorry. :(
and thank you hhunter and edog. :lol:

A very wonderful image! I am very glad. ;)
Handsome Vartann. :D

It is the best gift.
Thank you very much ;)
I am having more Vartann withdrawls so I *bumped* up this thread

aki What did you think of A Bullet Runs Through It??

I think the whole episode is fantastic but one of my favorite Vartann moments is when the Undersheriff says "Don't call me SIR you.." then is cut off :eek:

But I have to say Dead Ringer is my favorite Vartann epiode, that one and Iced
I do not like Vartann of Part 2.
His these words are not good.

Vartann said......
[Paramedics prioritized transport of the injured. Downed officer
first, civilians next. By the time they got to the suspect, he'd passed on.
You know, just a little retroactive birth control.] :mad:

my favorite episode is " Iced " ;)

The episode that can watch his figure is only Bang Bang. :(

By the way, please teach a meaning of hhunter, withdrawls.
I was not able to translate it. :confused:
I think we all winced some when Varatann said that about 'retroactive birth control'
The same way in Big Middle when he said
"there are curves then there are rolls, have tons of fun"

That's just his personality ~ a smart-ass

aki for you..

from the American Heritage Dictonary

withdrawl - the act or process of withdrawing.
The act or psychological effect of terminating use of an addictive drug.

Basically since Vartann is not on the show anymore, I miss seeing him

does that make sense?
Thank you! hhunter. :lol:
I was able to understand. ;)

Oh, yes,

The same way in Big Middle when he said
"there are curves then there are rolls, have tons of fun"
he surely said. :rolleyes:

hhunter said....
"That's just his personality "
Yes, I think so. :)
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