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Re: Det Vartann

Jumping up and down !!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully I will be able to lock myself in my room away from the hubby & kid-lings so I can watch(drool) in peace and quiet.

Thanks for the info.
Re: Det Vartann

I want to watch The Mermaid Chair.
You are very enviable. I am seeing only the Promotion Video.
I want to see him. I want to meet him very much!
Re: Det Vartann

vartannswoman said:
Jumping up and down !!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully I will be able to lock myself in my room away from the hubby & kid-lings so I can watch(drool) in peace and quiet.

HEY vartannswoman
and I am wanting to do the EXACT SAME THING
lock my self away with no hubby and kidlets :lol:
but that is what the DVR is for ;) so we can watch over and over :)
Re: Det Vartann

Happy Birthday Alex Carter..:D how old is he? 44? is that right?
I'll go to the LV CAST Birthday thread too...
Re: Det Vartann

You are welcome, hhunter!
another Lifetime movie = "Her Desperate Choice"(1996)
His role is Jody's Ex husband.

Oban Star-Racers.....I want to listen to his voice.
Re: Det Vartann

Oh, you're kidding me. If I have to watch any more Lifetime crap because he's in it, my head is going to explode. There has got to be a way to get that man a decent job.

Like Veritas, for example. I watched Veritas when it first aired, and I was pissed for weeks when they took it off the air. It was awesome -- Alex Carter, Arnold Vosloo, Ryan Merriman, AND it was a thinking show. There was a lot of thought and research put into the writing of that show. It was like Star Trek before it started to suck, but very original. And our boy did a fan-bloody-tastic job, both as the scientist and in the father-son scenes. He had a love interest on one ep who was also his adversary, which was interesting. Mr. Carter did the tension (of both kinds) very well. And his scenes with Vosloo were hysterical.

Vosloo's character: Would you please look out for yourself?
Carter's character (Zond): I always look out for myself.
*five minutes later, Zond is up to his hips in trouble and about to die*
Vosloo's character: *death glare while saving Zond* THIS is what I mean!

Awesome show. ^^ Very geeky, but with some action too.

Another awesome show he guested in was Due South. He played an incompetent FBI agent. Mr. Carter was so funny; he completely made the scenes. ^^ Another actor would have changed the entire tenor of the scenes, made the lines more bullying than bravado.

The interesting thing is, first I saw him on Due South in '94, then in Veritas, then in Out of Time (I will never get that hour of my life back; I turned it off after the doctor died in the most unlikely method in the history of bad writing EVER), then in CSI -- without intent. He's just in stuff I like. Now the Lifetime stuff, those I saw because he was Vartann/Ford/Zond, because I'd rather sit through a root canal than watch your average Lifetime movie. I saw "The Island" for the same reason, and even though he was only on for a few minutes and he was technically the "bad guy," he portrayed the character as more oblivious than sinsister, which was cool. Not all evil is intentioned; sometimes it's just stupidity.

So, the conclusion to my ramble is that Alex Carter does whatever he does well and needs a role that actually does justice to his talent.

Like, say Alex Vartann.

And yes, I am going to keep calling him Alex. Those books mean as much as the bios on the official site (which have been contradicted three times over), so until they call him Tony on the screen, I'm staying here in Denial-land. ^^;;

Vartann Fic

Speaking of "The Island," how I managed to forget to post this here, I have no idea. But here it is:

Title: Only Human
Author: DragonLady
Summary: Detective Vartann's son has a decision to make. CSI/The Island crossover.
Timeline: 2019
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own neither CSI nor The Island. I borrow with every intent to return.

Only Human

I thought fanfic was allowed here, but if I was wrong: I'm sorry.

Re: Vartann Fic

I agree DragonLadyK
he does stuff that he wants
I did really like him on CSI I hope they don't get rid of him forever and this is why
**agreed also on the name Tony, UGH** they could have given him a better name**
in the ULTIMATE CSI it says he has a quick whit and a synical mind that would fit with Brass and the team of investigators
well of the 13 or so episodes he has been it, his 'quick wit' and wry sense of humor as only been apparent to me a few time. What I'm saying is that maybe if he were either in more episodes or if for some reason they keep his character we will actually see more of his personality.
I do really like Vartann and suposedly the bio in the ULTIMATE CSI says he is not policially correct
but so far that has only been one episode that I know of

And for the Lifetime movies
the one that was on last night( which I watched just to see Alex) was done about 10 years ago and his role was minor
and the newer one
I said this on the Lifetime thread, Alex is a good actor
the role that he was playing was of a tortured/confused monk
the movie I don't think let him explore that from what the book has described
I watched that one to and in case you are intersted DragonLadyK the movie is called The Mermaid Chair and it will be replayed on Dec. 31st at 11 am
just in case you want to see him play a monk :D

I haven't seen Due South or Veritas so I'll take your word for it

PS-I'm sure Destiny will move your story to the Fan Fiction section so more people will have an oppurtunity to read it :)
Re: Det. Vartann

Actually I can not move an individual post, I can only move whole threads the board isn't set up the other way. But you are welcome to copy and create a thread in the Fanfic section and paste it. But we do not deal with fanfiction in here sorry.
Re: Det. Vartann

I came here to say that SpikeTV has season 3 up for CSI and Vartann's first episode
Grissom vs the Volcano
then on Thrusday Dec. 7th -- 11 Angry Jurors
anyone got any screen caps of Vartann and Nicky from that episode?
Re: Det. Vartann

This is from the Grissom thread, bringing it where it's on topic. Does anyone have screencaps from his Due South or Bones eps? I recognize the eps right off but didn't know he was in them.

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