AJ Buckley Fan Project


CSI Level Three
This project is brought to you by AJ's #1 super fan, Faylinn. This is her baby and the following was written by her:

Alright, my lovelies, the time has come to show CSI:NY's resident lab geek some love. :p AJ Buckley, who portrays Adam Ross, is a great guy and a fantastic actor, and he's overdue for a fan project. If you adore him from a role other than NY, if you tune in every week hoping to see Adam on the show, or if you just think a man who can pull of a beard is sexy--join in!

We are putting together a scrapbook for AJ with the theme that the love has spread around the world. Here is a picture of the scrapbook I bought:


Pretty fun, right?


Contents: The theme is the AJ love around the world, so some part of your submission should involve where you are from--city/state/country, whatever strikes your fancy. Beyond that, the sky is the limit. Postcards, pictures, stamps, poems, drawings--anything that you like can be included. If you would like to make it even more personal, you can include things that we know AJ likes. I've been told that these include BBQ and beer (that's what they told me, people ), photography, music (he mentioned Bono on the TV Watercooler interview, so that's where I got it from )... You can also reference his roles other than Adam on CSI:NY, of course.


~ The album has 12x12 inch pages (30.48 cm x 30.48 cm, according to that nifty converter on Google ), so that is the maximum size. If you do something smaller, try not to make it too small--otherwise it will get dwarfed by the page it's on.

~ If your page is 12x12, I will stick it into the protective cover as-is. If it is smaller, I will mount it on a backing page before I put it into the cover. (I haven't picked out the paper that I will use for this, so if you need to know or would like to know about what I might use, send me and e-mail and I'll reply. )

~ This album has page protectors to keep the pages from getting messed up. Because of this, please be careful of the thickness of your page, and what is glued on it--putting anything that movies or needs to be moved isn't a good idea because then he'd have to take the page out of the protective cover to see it.

~ I need to have a basic idea of how many pages are going to be included so that I can ensure that I'll have enough inserts for all of the pages--I don't want to have to put off sending it to order more inserts. Because of this, I'd really appreciate it if everyone could give me a heads-up that they're participating. Here, my LJ, the Adam Ross LJ, the Brokeback Crimelab board, e-mail--anything works so that I can keep a basic list.

~ If you are sending your page electronically, I'm not going to be the one printing them off (at this point, this may change). I should have a definite address to send submissions to within the next few days, so send me a PM or e-mail and I'll share it when I know it. If you are sending your page through the mail, please contact me via PM or at the e-mail address below and I'll give you my address.

~ Also, please make sure I know where you're from (at least the country, if you don't wish to be more specific, or the state/province, etc in a larger country). I have an idea for something I might do in the front of the book, and I'll need to know where everyone is from. Your pages will probably tell me, but I want to make sure that I know. This part of the project isn't definite (it depends on whether it works out the way I'm planning ), but I'd like to leave myself the option of doing it.

Deadline: Because this project got started late, and it took me a while to find the perfect scrapbook, I won't be able to send this to AJ before NY goes on hiatus for the summer. However, even if he doesn't get the scrapbook immediately, he'll get it, and I'm really hoping that he loves it. The tentative deadline for new submissions is April 30th, which gives everyone a little more than a month to get their submission finished and sent to me.

E-mail to contact Faylinn: faylinn_drake@yahoo.com (Questions, comments, problems--don't hesitate to send me a message )
Yay, thanks for posting this, MrsG! :D

I'm really excited to see what you guys come up with for this, and I hope we get a lot of submissions. :D :D :D
^ Sorry for the delay in posting. I'm enjoying me some LA and haven't been online.

Girls, let's see some great participation on this one. Show AJ that he's got plenty of love on the board.
Sorry for the delay in posting.
Not at all! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying LA. :D (I'll be enjoying it myself in a few months. ;))

AJ definitely deserves a lot of fan love--I mean, does anybody not adore Adam? (Don't even speak of such a thing! :eek:) :p
^^If anyone doesn't adore Adam, we can convince them different! :D
Ladies: I have been offline for a week, and have just now been able to talk to Faylinn. If you are sending your submission electronically--I am the one who will print it off and send it to Fay. Just attach it to your email and I will make sure it gets to her on time!!!

My email address is: peanutjcd@yahoo.com

Let's see those submissions! I am so excited! :D

Fay--hope it's okay that I posted that. This is your baby. ;)
I just blogged this at myspace .
I have made it public, so anyone should be able to view it... :)

edit because:
I am trying to blog it at myspace, but keep getting errors. It will be up as soon as possible.... :p
Ahh, the AJ love has spread around the world! How great is that? :D

Oh no, now I need to start being all creative and artistic...not my strong point but I shall do my very best. :) In fact I shall take my camera out with me tomorrow I have some picture ideas that might work well.

Great theme, great idea. Thanks for organising this Fay.
Okay, so the blog is finally up. :rolleyes:

To those who are submitting electronically, I will automatically print your submission on matte photo paper. Why? I like it. :D
If you prefer it to be printed on regular paper, let me know when you email your submission.
If you prefer glossy photo paper, I will need to know that,too, so that I can go buy some.... :cool:
Fay--hope it's okay that I posted that. This is your baby.
More than alright! :D I'm glad to hear that y'all are already hopping to it. :D

(I need to figure out what I'm going to do, I suppose. :lol:)
Cool project, Fay! :D And that's a great scrapbook you picked out...definitely a great choice for a guy. :D
Such a nice manly scrapbook, Fay. :p I'm not sure if I'll be able to participate or not -- April is a bit of a busy month between school, work, and whatever other godforsaken thing I agreed to participate in thinking it was a good idea at the time. Don't quite count me out on it, but I'll give you a heads up a little later if it's yay or nay.

I've been looking for something creative to do anyway. :)
Now I have to figure out a way to give AJ some sweet Trini lovin'...
Yay!...just no boobie-pictures. They'll make me jealous. :(


that's a great scrapbook you picked out...definitely a great choice for a guy.
Thanks. :D

Such a nice manly scrapbook, Fay. :p
Hey, I like it too! :lol:

I'm not sure if I'll be able to participate or not...Don't quite count me out on it, but I'll give you a heads up a little later if it's yay or nay.
Aww, but you have to participate!!! :( I hope you can find the time to do a little something...just a little something...not too time-consuming...*whistles innocently*
