AJ Buckley Fan Project

Ah, I was just thinking about this project the other day... I'm glad the scrapbook made it to LA, and I'm sure he'll be happy when he (finally) receives it. :D
As of Monday, it still hasn't been sent for, so he still doesn't have it. Hopefully it'll get to him some time before the season is finished filming. It was timely two months ago during the hiatus, now it's starting to feel pretty ridiculous. :(
Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that Fay :(. Just know that the love & admiration for AJ will be the same, regaradless when the scrap book is in his hands. I & many others appreciate your effort & dedication & I know AJ will too :). Thank you!
I know, I know. I'm just thinking that the whole thing was timed nicely to get there before filming started, and here they are five or six episodes into the season, and he's signed a contract to be a series regular--and he still doesn't have it.

It's frustrating that it's taking so long to get to him. I mean, it was in Los Angeles on July 7th...None of the other fan projects seem to have had this much trouble.

I'm just a worry-wart, it's cool. ;)
He'll get it Fay. :) I'll keep checking in with the manager. It's definitely irritating, I know.
Wow, AJ's manager is slow as freakin' molasses. All other representatives have been great about forwarding projects right away. You'd think with that nice 10% of AJ's shiny new 5 year contract, someone would find it in their heart to have an assistant run that right over to him.
Well, it's a bit complicated since AJ switched managers and I had the misfortune of sending the scrapbook to the old manager (who didn't seem to see the importance in getting it to him, I suppose).

I know it's just a scrapbook from some fans, but geez!
Ok, ignore my wankiness in the previous post--I was clearly in a grouchy mood. :lol:

I've just been informed by our lovely Top41 that AJ is officially in possession of the scrapbook! He wanted to thank everyone for it, and I wanted to thank you guys as well--the scrapbook was awesome and, despite all the drama that's happened and how long it took to get to him, it was all worth it. Thanks so much for participating and for making the scrapbook even more successful than anybody expected!

*hugs and kisses to everyone* :D :D :D
Aww I thought about the scrapbook the other day. I am so glad that AJ now has it.
Nat - thank you so much. Stone is ace huh?