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She grabbed the nearest object, a remote controll, and hit him on the head with it. Get away from me!

((Sorry hollie, this is going GSR :p))
Sara ran away from Greg and hugged Grissom. Greg wouldn't kiss her if she was kissing someone else... so she kissed Grissom.

((hehe hollie, you're outnumbered. GSR RULES!))
rolled her eyes at Sara and Grissom before her and frowned when she noticed that Nick was still kissing Warrick. "Yo, guys," she yelled...
(Bunnies, eh?)

Just then a guy dressed as the Trix rabbit came by and proposed to Sara. "I do!" She exclaimed, before grabbing his 'paw' and running off. ( ;) )
Then a huge swarm of killer bunnies headed by Frank (the one from Donnie Darko) came and flocked around Grissom while chanting/singing "It's a small world after all"

when the Trix rabbit and Sara were safely away, the Trix rabbit took off his costume head, and it was NICK. Sara was glad to be saved from making a big mistake with Grissom. :devil:
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