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(Looks like you wanna make this GSR - unless.... :D)

The rest of the CSIs ran over and Nick tackled Grissom.
[People, that poor Sara is being hugged to dead by now :)]

"Stop touching her, Grissom," Nick screamed, "I'm sick and tired of this crap, I want my own storyline, damn it!" "Join the club," Warrick, Cath and Greg muttered...
((well duh i wanna make this GSR :p))

Grissom didn't listen to Nick. He kept hugging Sara. He smiled when Sara hugged him back. Then Gil stuck out his tongue at Nick when Nick noticed that Gil and Sara were hugging eachother.

((mwa hahaha))
((ahah! do I sense a bit of jealousy?! :p))

Grissom, to answer to Nick's jealous rage, kissed Sara right smack on the lips.
decided to pull out the big guns and he planted a big kiss on Warrick's lips, who was to surprised to react...

[haha .. well i dont want this GSR .. blech]

At this point Grissom and Sara were so shocked that they stopped hugging and kissing.
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