Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by HnStetlerfan, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    "I thought you might say that." Janson grinned around his food. "There is a catch, however. Since you are our most experienced investigator and have such effective interrogation skills, we'll need you to be able to come to the office if a situation comes up--in short, you'll be on call on your telecommuting days."

    "I can live with that," Rick nodded, hoping that the burly man hadn't noticed when he'd pushed his plate of food slowly away from him. "Thank you very much for this opportunity. And thank you for the compliments. Being in IAB, I can really never get enough of them."

    Just then, Rick saw something out the corner of his eye, and turned toward the window just in time to see the fly that had been waiting there take flight and zip to one spot on the window and then to another in a rapid skipping stone motion before it careened at an angle and came to rest on the edge of the Commander's cheeseburger. The edge closest to his mouth.

    "Isn't that the truth," the Commander exclaimed, and looking at his cheeseburger, took a quick, hearty bite.

    Rick couldn't believe it. He had to have seen the fly. How could he not have seen it?

    "Sir, you might want to spit that out," Rick told him. "There was a fly--"

    "Oh, don't worry about that," Janson said, chewing. "It's a little extra protein."
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  2. ruby&theheadmen

    ruby&theheadmen Lab Technician

    Jul 16, 2008
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    **** At the Lab, in the break room****

    Horatio was glad that he decided to drink his small, but refreshing container of Ensure away from his office and desk. The break room he had chosen was a new one, far away from others, there he could drink calmly with little or no disturbance. I'm glad I fought off that blushing attack, he mused as he began to sip at the nutritious beverage- that would have raised questions that thankfully, he might have felt compelled to answer. Fortunately, Tim was a good friend, now a far better friend than he had realized in the past since despite his inquisitive nature, he had chosen not only not to pry but to also keep it a secret. We didn't say it to each other, but he knows that there weren't any female biologicals in that hay; so he knows I was with a man. I'm glad that bit of information didn't bother him simply because in his case he's in his own relationship with a man, just in flash, the image of Tim's partner, the blond haired, green eyed Andrew came to mind. Looks like a long-term relationship too, from what I've noticed although he didn't advertise either when they first came here; a look of understanding crossed the redhead's handsome features.

    Horatio felt his muscles tighten just a bit out of tension; he had always tried to keep his sexual life private from others; no one at the lab and very few outside of the lab, Artie being one of them, knew about his penchant for both sexes. An openness for being involved with a man and being in the force as it were was something he had up until now, successfully kept a secret from anyone he had ever worked with, whether it was in New York, or even here in Miami.

    How am I to break it to everyone? I'm not going to hide and I hope Rick won't hide the engagement rings we're going to have- he began to visualize again the kind he wanted for his betrothed as Rick would say- it was going to consist of the darkest, best sapphires that he could find and they would be set against an antique gold band. That is going to look so beautiful against his coloring, a small smile settled on his features, one that gave him comfort. I'll figure out a way to deal with my work situation; I'll never be ashamed of him, of US or the love we have for one another; the smile changed to a look of firm determination on his face.

    It pained him to look back at the past, back to the Academy when he had sadly shook his head when Rick had wanted to be involved with him. He must have loved me so much and my had to hurt him so very badly- he hasn't yet told me how badly that it hurt, but I can imagine... for a moment he closed his lovely blue eyes. I wonder how his meeting with the Commander is going, he felt a bit of fretfulness settle in, one if he didn't get control of, was going to spoil even the light meal that he was attempting to digest.

    I hope I hear from him soon about it all, the Commander, everything. As for the rest, I'll love YOU my Colt, I promise you I will... I'll make it up to you for the past, day after day, night after night, loving you, giving you all that's in me....for the rest of our lives.... I promise....the determined will in his eyes appeared once again, casting away the fear as he repeated a silent vow to himself.

    Finishing the beverage, he decided to go back to his office and in privacy go over some papers he had gotten from Human Resources pertaining to rules and regulations about same-sex couples as well as beneficiary forms. That's the fun part about being *the boss*, the redhead smiled as he walked back to his office, HR didn't know that I was obtaining those papers to read about...for myself.

    As he walked back from the break room to the office, Horatio wasn't aware of the fact that Tim was walking from a distance behind him and didn't fail to notice a subtle but definitely sensual looking sway in his boss's walk, one that the long jacket, by hiding his pert backside, made it more sexy than if it had been visible.

    Must have been some kind of roll, Tim thought naughtily and smirked to himself, grateful that Horatio couldn't see the look on his face.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  3. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    **At the Restaurant**

    "Oh, there's something else I wanted to mention," Janson said matter-of factly as he chewed, ignoring the look of stunned shock on Rick's face. "I think you should think about re-taking the Lieutenant's Exam. It's very likely that two divisions at the department are going to have openings in the relatively near future."

    Rick shifted in his seat, a different look of surprise was coming across his features now, overtaking the previous look. There were suddenly things he needed to know.

    "Can you tell me which divisions, sir?"

    "I really shouldn't say anything yet, Stetler." Janson eyed the brunet sergeant with a grin. "But..." The burly man inserted a french fry into his mouth to go with what he was already chewing. "It will likely be the IAB and Accident Investigation divisions."

    "Lieutenant Searles is leaving IAB?" Rick asked, trying not to wince as he watched the commander swallow his unique mouthful of food.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  4. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    "I really can't comment on that," Janson said, giving Rick a look that let him know it wasn't a good idea to ask any more questions on the subject.

    "And there's one more possible opportunity for you to move up," the Commander said, pausing. "But it would have you working more closely with Lieutenant Caine, so you probably wouldn't be interested."

    Rick clenched his teeth so his jaw wouldn't hit the floor. Wouldn't be interested?! I'm going to marry the man!

    "I'd--I'd be interested sir," Rick almost shouted the words. He looked Janson square in the eyes.

    Janson eyed him curiously for a moment and then said, "Well, the job position doesn't actually exist yet. But it's part of some changes that we'd like to make in how the lab operates. To protect the department."

    "I see," Rick replied, very much wanting to ask more questions.

    "Can I have that?" The Commander pointed to Rick's plate with the uneaten cheeseburger and fries.

    "Uh, yes, be my guest," Rick said, wincing when he looked at the food.

    The Commander pulled the plate in front of him. "Anyway, Stetler, when these opportunities come up, I'll let you know."

    "Thank you, sir."

    "You're welcome," the Commander said. "Now I just need a box for this wonderful food." He motioned for the waitress.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  5. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    **IAB Headquarters, Rick's office**

    Rick sat at his desk. He rested his chin on his hand, closing his eyes. What a day. On the drive back to IAB, Commander Janson had started to talk about the many different species of flys in the Northern Hemisphere. And all Rick had wanted to do was ask more questions about the career opportunities Janson had brought up at the restaurant. But he couldn't get a word in edgewise.

    Rick allowed his arms to relax and drop to the desktop. He folded them and laid his head down, using them as a pillow. Yes, that lunch had really sapped his strength. And there was the fact that because of the unsanitary condition of the restaurant, he hadn't eaten anything, so no wonder he felt so weary.

    **IAB Headquarters, Hallway**

    The woman with the light brown hair made her way with sure steps toward her son's office. She carried a large tray of Cinnamon Apple Fritters.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  6. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    **IAB Headquarters, Rick's office**

    Behind his closed eyelids, Rick started to see the Monte Cristo sandwich he had been planning to have for lunch at the Cafe Dorado before he had been intercepted by Janson. He could almost smell the ham and cheese, and the bread that was made with egg like French Toast. He knew he should get himself to the breakroom, and at least get one of the sandwiches from the vending machine that was in there. The sandwiches from that machine really weren't too bad. He started to lift his head up, and as he did, someone knocked at his door. "Come in," he called, pushing himself up out of the chair and standing.

    Rick expected it to be someone from administration or one of the assistants. Just anyone but--

    "Mama!" he exclaimed when he saw the shoulder length light brown hair and the warm smile. And she held a tray of fritters.

    "But what are you doing here?" Rick didn't mean to sound impolite. "I mean, why didn't you call me first?"
  7. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    "Well, I had been telling your father how much I missed you at Christmas," Rick's mother said as she walked over to his desk and set the tray down on top of it. "I just needed to see you, son." She went over to Rick and gave him a hug.

    Rick hugged her back and smiled. "I've missed you, too, Mama. I just didn't expect to see you" He gave a nervous laugh. "Where are you staying?"

    "At the Amber Woods Hotel. We're in our favorite suite." Mother and son had released their embrace, and Adelle Stetler was taking in her son's appearance as she spoke.

    "Oh, so dad is here, too."

    "Of course, Richard. We both have been thinking about you and wanting to see you."
  8. ruby&theheadmen

    ruby&theheadmen Lab Technician

    Jul 16, 2008
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    The brunet kept his hands away from his hair, refusing to run his long fingers through it in a gesture that would surely betray not just a sense of nervousness, but rather, out right bewilderment over the succession of events that had occurred over the past few hours.

    "Someone told me you were at lunch; but I get the idea that you didn't eat," Adelle replied softly, but with a growing concern in her eyes.

    "Yes, I was out... in a place with my superior, but let's just say his choice of places to eat don't agree with me..." he spoke the words very softly, just for her ears alone.

    "I see and I understand," Mrs. Stetler nodded. "Then I'm glad I made these for you," she smiled softly over the fritters. "However, first things first- you can't have dessert, before you have a proper meal. You looked rather hungry and depleted right now; I can go get something for you; surely they have something here decent to eat; a sandwich, or..."

    "Yes, they do, pardon me for butting in, Mama," Rick looked up at her and away from the fritters, which were still warm and well as neatly wrapped up in a tray covered with cellophane. "There is one nice cafeteria here, with Monte Cristo sandwiches..." he gave an involuntary sigh.

    "Then I'll go and get it for you, right away and don't worry, I'll find my way to the cafeteria," the gracious lady said as she began to go to the door. "I won't be long... and don't you even think about sneaking one nibble at those fritters- I raised you right!" her voice, although tinged with mirth, still had an authoritative mother tone to it.

    The sound of that voice lingered in Rick's mind as she walked out of the office. Between her and Tante Heloise, I might as well be 7 years old- now alone, he gave into the urge to run his hands quickly through his luxurious hair and let out a deep sigh. The sigh was followed by a deep intake of a sweet scent through his nose; these fritters were laden with cinnamon.

    Oh my! His brown eyes grew wide at the thought: "Horatio!" he had spoken his lover's name without even thinking about it, as in his mind's eye he could already imagine what effect the tantalizing smell of cinnamon on his breath and clothing besides was going to have on his passionate partner when he got home.

    "Might as well be some leg of a sofa covered in catnip and find Smokey just walking in the door..." he thought as image after image of past reactions of the redhead to the spice came to his mind.

    Although he was fortunate enough that no one had heard him mention the ginger haired man's name in such a fashion; time for Rick seemed to stop- until he heard a voice.

    "Such a look on your face son... if you could only SEE YOURSELF!" Adelle said after she came back into her son's office, with a freshly made and wrapped sandwich in hand, eyes wide at the red tinged cheeks and smoked amber bedroom eyes of her flesh and blood sitting there before her.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  9. ruby&theheadmen

    ruby&theheadmen Lab Technician

    Jul 16, 2008
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    **** In the Lab- Horatio's office ****

    Horatio was voraciously reading over all of the new rules and regulations that related to same sex partnerships. There would certainly be a lot of papers to read and sign and of course he would make sure that such material would be kept strictly confidential.

    For a moment, he decided to rest his eyes and let his mind drift to the new life that he and his fiance were to have. He seldom allowed himself to indulge in daydreaming, but he couldn't help it- everything still seemed to a corner of his mind to have a surreal edge to it. However, some memories were quite tangible- the vibration of his cell phone when Rick had sent a text message to him; the feel of such a mundane thing from his pocket, right next to his body, the feel of it... he suppressed a groan, because it had been initiated by his lover... the pleasure of remembrance arched up, out and through his body- he took a long, deep stretch of every limb, like a contented cat. Just wait until I get home... a sensual, knowing smile of anticipation crossed his handsome face...
  10. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    **IAB Headquarters, Rick's Office**

    Rick's eyebrows shot upwards at his mother's words, and he took a step backward. Then he ran both hands through his hair and then over his face.

    "I--I have allergies, mama," Rick said, hoping his voice wouldn't give him away.

    "Oh?" Adelle stated, eyeing her son carefully and with a smirk. "Are you sure that's what it is you have?"
  11. ruby&theheadmen

    ruby&theheadmen Lab Technician

    Jul 16, 2008
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    "Yes," the brunet got his voice under control. "Now, why don't we sit down? I'm famished actually," he began to purposely focus his eyes upon the fresh sandwich.

    "Famished...that's a very versatile word," his mother said as she gave the Monte Cristo sandwich to him.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  12. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    Rick couldn't believe his mother just said that. He blinked hard, feeling his cheeks burning. He thought it best to ignore his mother's surprising innuendo, and he sat down and took the sandwich. He quickly took a bite, hoping the taste would distract him from turning any redder.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  13. ruby&theheadmen

    ruby&theheadmen Lab Technician

    Jul 16, 2008
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    Not wishing to cause her son any more discomfort, she gave him an apologetic look, one that gradually put her son at ease.

    I'll need subtlety to solve this mystery, she mused as she could feel the gears in her mind beginning to spin...
  14. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    "Thanks so much, mama, for getting me this sandwich," Rick said, thankful for the older woman's change of expression. "I'm glad the cafeteria still has them on the menu. I wasn't sure it would since they renovated it recently."

    "Oh, yes, the place looked quite nice," Adelle Stetler said, content for now to make small talk with her son until he was more ready to tell her what was going on in his life. Whatever it was, she knew it was something big.
  15. ruby&theheadmen

    ruby&theheadmen Lab Technician

    Jul 16, 2008
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    Horatio's dark haired lover knew he had to think quickly; Mama didn't make those cinnamon fritters for nothing- as the tempting smell of the spice through the wrapping made his nicely shaped nose pay attention, he got an idea.

    "Mama, I am so happy that you made the fritters for me; would you mind if I shared half of them with the staff and then take the other part home with me?

    I'd like my stomach to settle down a bit so I can enjoy them properly." He put on his best precious baby boy image.

    "Why of course, Richard. " she responded with a *mother's pride in her cooking talents* smile beaming on her face.

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