Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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BulletGrrrl said:
He looks so hot with a hat!
Here are some more - if you repost credit would be nice!

Adam1 Adam2 Adam3 Adam4
Images edited to links by Mod

***droooooools*** This was a very nice thing to see since its been a while that I have been checking this thread!! And this whole Adam vs. Brad debate~ ADAM of course!!!! :D ;) :p
Besides the fact that Adam is better looking, he seems to have a more down to Earth personality than Brad (although lately it seems Brad has learned what he should really do with all his money and fame). Besides, I'd read somewhere that Brad doesn't always shower or make friends with a stick of deodorant. :confused:
Here's some more yummy eye candy for the weekend from the season 2 bonus DVD:
Hehe, he look funny... but no less hot... I dont get it. surely there is a law against possesing the ability to do that?

But yeah, he does have a very down to earth personality. Watching him in interviews, it's like listening to a friend...
Just a reminder to please place the images as links when quoting as bandwidth is rather expensive the images should really only appear once per page.

Also, as there have been many pictures posted of Adam lately, please bear in mind the following guidelines posted in the Picture Thread regarding multiple images:

We ask that you post no more than 2 medium or small sized pics per reply, if you have more than 2, the rest should be posted as links. Please limit larger pics to one per reply, and the rest as links.

We ask this as those with slower connections may find it difficult to see the images as well as the rest of the thread. Thanks. :)
Only two pictures per post? Oh, please, let's not get as militant as the CSI moderator. It's the only reason why I don't visit that board, it's like a Nazi camp. I was hoping the CSI: Miami board would be friendlier than that.

I use 56k sometimes and I guarantee you it's not a big deal.
Like I said above, it's a guideline. It's more out of courtesy to those who have slower connections, firewall problems, or problems with the site itself or their own internet browser and other issues. (Connections being the prevelant problem among some)

Small pictures like the ones BulletGrrrl posted should be fine as long as the poster doesn't exceed 6, otherwise they should be placed as links. Larger pictures like the ones Shehir posted or any picture 480pixels in length should be posted two at a time and the rest as links, again out of courtesy to those who are having computer load-time issues.

We're not trying to inhibit posters from showing pictures, nor are we trying to be unfriendly. We are simply avoiding any problems that others may find when multiple pictures are posted, especially since this page contains quite a few.

I also suggest you leave the attitude at the door. Moderators are not here to spoil the fun, we're here to make sure the board runs smoothly so we expect our guidelines will be taken to heart and that our rules will be respected. Any complaints can be PMed to myself.
read and agreed with Speed_Cochrane's post. i think it's a good idea especially for people with slower internet connections :D

and that pic is hilarious HoratioStalker :lol: where'd you find it!?
Why can't one raise a concern without being accused of having an attitude or being a troublemaker? I've been a member of this board forever and lurked for years before I joined. I know the rules well, even though I think some of them are slightly ridiculous, which is why I spoke up. Please don't make assumptions about my "attitude" or where my concerns are coming from. It's very disrespectful and patronizing. I'm not a 5 year old.
SPEED COCHRANE, have read & should say thank you . I have a slowpoke computer & it does take awhile sometimes...on the other hand I love to see all the nice pics that everyone posts so thankies to them as well! :)
_____Skylar said:
Why can't one raise a concern without being accused of having an attitude or being a troublemaker? I've been a member of this board forever and lurked for years before I joined. I know the rules well, even though I think some of them are slightly ridiculous, which is why I spoke up. Please don't make assumptions about my "attitude" or where my concerns are coming from. It's very disrespectful and patronizing. I'm not a 5 year old.
_____Skylar said: Only two pictures per post? Oh, please, let's not get as militant as the CSI moderator. It's the only reason why I don't visit that board, it's like a Nazi camp. I was hoping the CSI: Miami board would be friendlier than that.
May I point out that implying that another Moderator is militant, and that the CSI Forum is like a Nazi Camp is extremely disrespectful and inflammatory. This kind of 'attitude' is unacceptable. Raising concerns is fine, but we expect posters to conduct themselves in a civil and respectful manner. The concern could have been raised without these derogatory comments.

The simple fact is that some posters are still on a dial-up connection. Therefore, loading a page containing lots of images can take forever. So, in fairness to them, we have these guidelines in place.

If you wish to continue this debate, instead of disrupting this thread further, please contact us either by PM or feel free to raise the issue in the Questions, Suggestions and Feedback Forum. Thanks.
OMG have not been here for SO long!!!! Adam looks great with a hat!!!!! Thanks for the pics!!! Fave would have to be the MiTRL one and the pinky!! hehe
Speed or Lucy : I don't get it. :confused: Meep, sorry. I have never posted a pic before. But like, is there a page/thread where it tells you? I'm looking for the rules :)

OOOOOH Guys, it all starts again tomorrow! Who's excited to see Adam!?!? :D :p

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