Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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_____Skylar said:
Eric + cane = HOOOOOOTTT! Omg, so hot.
HAHA!!!! Eric could be the CSI: Miami version of House!!! LOL!!!!! cause i gotta say...House is very sexy. i think it HAS to be the cane cause i think with out it he'd just be...uh yeah. so just imagine Eric like that!? OMG *drools*
Did anyone say something about Eric and a cane? :devil: That would be so HOT! :devil: Are they allowed to show that on broadcast TV? I think TVs around the globe would "spontaneously combust!" :lol:

Eric is sexy enough without it, but damn, what woman in this universe would be able to resist him? I have millions of things I'd love to do with Eric and his cane... :devil:


Luv yall...

xane, is that a good, "What the hell?" or what? :confused:

I think Eric and a cane would be sexy... :devil: he'll defnitely give Hugh laurie a run for his money! :D So long "House" and welcome to "Casa Delko!" ;)


Luv yall...

It's a "House" thing.....unless you watch "House" you wouldn't understand.

:lol: i just thought of this....Eric + Cane = Pimp!! LoL!!! now all he needs is a pimpish coat and a hat and he'd be all set!!! maybe a little bling too :D
xanessa said:
What the hell? Eric and a cane? I really don't know what to say...

I do: YUM!

House uses a cane and it's hot. Delko could've been the Hispanic House. El Doctor Casa. Sans the Vicodin addiction, of course. The poor guy has suffered enough. I wouldn't put it past the writers, though.
Hilarious, :lol: but totally hot! :devil: I'd love for him to be my pimp... :lol: Hey, with his leg injury, he'd be a little limp, so he would have that ganster lean when he walks... plus a cane (a hat and a coat)... that's be insanely funny! :lol:


Luv yall...

Really HOT... :devil:

Adam/Eric could wear whatever he wants and he'd pull it off... the man's a total GOD! ;) He'll look perfect in anything. Actually, he could wear absolutely nothing and he'd be even hotter than HOT! :devil:

On "Man Down," Eric was wearing a bloody shirt, while almost dying, but he still looked amazing! (Though it made me cry seeing him like that, :( my head was thinking, damn he still looks great! :devil:)


Luv yall...

Hahah you guys are NAUGHTY!!!! This is what Adam does to your mind if you spend to long thinking about him. Oh and I wana see him kissing ;) Then i can get a screen cap and manipulate the photo so he kisses me.... sigh, :p

It seriously should be illegal to look that good!
adorelo said:
Hahah you guys are NAUGHTY!!!! This is what Adam does to your mind if you spend to long thinking about him. Oh and I wana see him kissing ;) Then i can get a screen cap and manipulate the photo so he kisses me.... sigh, :p

It seriously should be illegal to look that good!

I could do w/out the cane only 'cus i like to see him run & beat people up! Somehow, I can't see him being in some great fist-fighting scene if he's wabbling around on one leg. Unless of course he uses the cane to beat someone with!

SKYLAR, I thought about the whole drug addiction thing, too. God, I'd really hope they wouldn't do that to him. He'd get addicted to a bunch of crazy shit over the next few seasons, then Dr.'s would tell him he'll live a long healthy life because he's no longer in danger of the bullet in his brain. Then TPTB would kill him off from a drug overdose just to show the fu**in irony!! Stupid writers!! Leave our sad little man alone for a while.

K- Im done w/ that stupid thought... ADORELO, look for the epi "when the nightclub catches fire" sorry can't think of the title, but him & Speed are in the club in the beginning & he kisses the girl who hes w/. His flavor for the day who then dies in the fire...sorry to sound so terrible but...HIP HIP HOORAY! Anyway you might be able to work something from that.
Eric with a cane = HOT!!!!!!
Eric with a drug addiction= sad and I will scream if that ever happens!!!

Like many others I thought it was odd that he recovered the way he did! I say Delko in therapy!! Not physical, even though that be yummy!!! And maybe Calleigh can help him with the exercises! ;) Can you tell who I want him with?? LOL Ok, got distracted there for a moment! Sorry. Anyways Eric in therapy~ as in counseling. Maybe group therapy. Either way Eric can get all emotional. The poor guy has gone through sooooooo much!!! Stupid writters!!!! :mad:

As for Adam in Boston.......hmmmmmmmm... One of my best friends is 20 min. from there!!! I might have to go visit her!!! And the 2 of us can go hunt down Adam!!! :p
Haha, Yeah that would be nice. A bit of eric/calleigh bonding :)
only_true_love: If I get the day off, can I join you?? :p Maybe we could kidnap him and tie him up lol

Oh, mjszud Is that one of the earlier seasons??? I don't remember it much but... maybe he should kiss someone different haha
*ahem* have you all forgotten there is a CaRWasher here!! ;) thank you very much! so please keep the shipping to a minimum....i really don't wanna here what you want Calleigh and Eric to do in thier spare time. but hey that's just me.

anyways back to our sexy Adam/Eric!!! Love the hat he's wearing in the pics!!!! that hat just screams PIMP!!! LOL!!! :lol: :D
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