Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Well I guess here we are at the new thread. *does new thread dance, welcomes people with beverages*
If I did something wrong with the posting someone hit me over and over and over again. Virtually at least. :D
Welcome to the new thread! Let's get talking! (and gawking :D)
Woot! Haha, I won't hit you at least... I don't think I will XD I'm very happy there's a new thread. :) Haha, I need Delkonessss XD Well, I'm off to hunt for pics! :)
Yay!!#7! Even though I just started posting here yesterday, seems like I've been here for the past 6 threads! Im glad to see everyone so excited. But Im still thinking about this coming Mondays episode, I wonder whats going to happen!! This is going to be the longest week ever!!!!!!!!!!
Hoorah for the new thread! *throws confetti and hands out brownies*

So I just watched Adam & David's interview on the CBS Morning Show that aired yesterday (I was on my way to work when it aired, hence the need for the good ol' VCR) and Adam was just adorable as he went on and on about his bruised thumb.

Pobrecito (poor little boy). I will say I am liking the shaved look a lot though.
Adam was freakin' adorable on the Early Show. I really love how he is so akwardly funny. I liked the whole, "wah wah wah" thing. Hahaha.

I'm slowly getting used to the shaved head too. I used to have a thing for guys with shaved heads like that but now I like something to grab on to :lol:

Ehm... ILuvJonathanTogo I love your banner picture!

Who's all for Delko waking up in the hospital and running around in that hospital gown? Wonder how many cardiac arrests would occur on that floor :devil:
I know everyone's excited about Eric being shot and the possible ramifications, emotional or physical, of it, and how it might affect his personal life and job.

Me? All I can think of is the fact that we get SHIRTLESS DELKO!
I love seeing shirtless Delko... my mind already wanders a little too much when he's clothed... I think I might be in trouble next week.
*does super happy dance, watches promo and gawks at bloody, bare chest*
Thanks for reminding me!!!
Oh Caro thank you for reminding me of that nice bit! Shirtless Delko is going to be very awesome. I've already planned on purchasing the episode for my iPod - shirtless Eric on loop is going to make the ride to work that much better! :devil:

PS. Asking in advance... could someone make caps of that next week?
I can make the caps. I'll be so excited I probably won't be able to sleep, anyway. I can't promise them right after the episode, though.

Does anyone here have LJ?
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