"A Thousand Days on Earth" Discussion *SPOILERS*

He has no one to blame but himself, he wasn't honest with his fiance, living under a different name and trying to hide from his own mistakes. In the end they always come back to bite someone in the arse.

Or at least don't lie to the police :rolleyes:
Not if there are witnesses to place you nearer to the crime scene than you'd like to be.
As someone who has come into contact with police before, he should know that part of police work is to check out if witness statements are correct

I wonder how Wendy felt about Hodges talking to her and then, when he's got some results and she asks him what came up, he just ignores her and instead waves at Grissom to make a good impression.
Hodges' public declaration of love to Wendy will probably consist of telling her some important piece of information first (and then go brown-nosing)
He has no one to blame but himself, he wasn't honest with his fiance, living under a different name and trying to hide from his own mistakes. In the end they always come back to bite someone in the arse.
The guy lied to Catherine and Brass and lying to the police (and a CSI) doesn't go over very well. Maybe if he'd been up front with them from the beginning, they wouldn't have been so tough on him but like you say, he has no one to blame but himself.

Exactly, if he had been honest about taking the box to the mechanic rather than throwing it out, then it might have gone better. But most people put in that situation are stubborn and don't want to go down for a crime and lose everything. Cops and CSIs have to follow every lead that they get, and if a suspect isn't going to cooperate then they have to get a bit hostile.

I think the tension of finding a dead three year old put a bit of haste on the case so that everyone in volved wouldn't get too emotionally attached, though it's hard not to when the victum is a child.
i was not crazy about this ending.
he would have called 911 if he really loved the girl and if he was wrongly found guilty gone to jail gladly to save a 3 year old.
i would go to jail if it meant my child to live.

and the other guy who was naked in front of kids.
I have been wasted, drunk, gacked up thousands of times, I was never wasted naked where kids are. i was never so gone that I was around children.
he is scary and I am sure we will see him again
I agree with you on that point. Just look at how Flack treated the one guy in this week's CSI NY episode. He called him a murderer, told him how heartless he was for making all the people homeless and how he was going to pay for what he did. Turns out he had nothing to do with it. Dean confronting Catherine while creepy, also goes to the truth. They trample all over suspect's rights with no thoughts of their innocence or the lives they ruin in the process, as long as they can solve their case.
I just rewatched this episode together with my boyfriend.
His thoughts on the episode:
- He likes the fact that Nick drives a hybrid car (He says he already noticed that in 8x12, but wasn't sure if Nick had gotten the car before that)
- He laughed at the name of the camera robot thing at the hostage scene: iRobot

Only an engineering grad student could watch such an episode and take note of car types and names of gadgets :lol:
I freaking loved this episode, it was amazing! I cried when the step father laid his step daughter into the box...it was so sad!
...As for the fingerprints, you, actually, don't leave fingerprints on every type of surface and/or you can't lift fingerprints on every type of surface. So I don't thing you could get fingertprints for clothes. For the Saint Jude necklace, they should've been able to get one from there. As for the cardboard box, maybe fingerprints don't show up cardboard or did Catherine say she didn't see any?

It's very difficult to get decent prints of a necklace as it is an awkward shape, and cardboard absorbes the oils from your skin and it looked like the box was in not great of a condition, so unless they tried to use ninhydrin they wouldn't be able to pick up prints.

Sorry if that sounds very snotty, i'm taking classes to be an investigator and my focus is on fingerprints:)
I thought Warrick could get a print off of air. ;) The stepdad was carrying her and hugging her...no trace on her body from him? None of his long hairs were on her or her clothes or in the box?

I was wondering if Catherine was wearing her gun, because it looked like she was going home and don't they usually take them off when they leave to go home?

I guess it's a sign you've watched too much CSI (gasp! :eek:) when you nitpick things like that, and I'm definitely guilty as charged there! :lol:
I was wondering if Catherine was wearing her gun, because it looked like she was going home and don't they usually take them off when they leave to go home?
Nope if you remember in the ep "Weeping Willows" she had her gun with her, when she found out that Adam Novak was at her house when she called her mom on her way home. - Also Nick in the ep Stalker also had his gun at home in a drawer.

Thing is in both these cases they could have been their off duty weapons.
I was wondering if Catherine was wearing her gun, because it looked like she was going home and don't they usually take them off when they leave to go home?
Nope if you remember in the ep "Weeping Willows" she had her gun with her, when she found out that Adam Novak was at her house when she called her mom on her way home. - Also Nick in the ep Stalker also had his gun at home in a drawer.

Thing is in both these cases they could have been their off duty weapons.

I thought she was still on shift when she went by her house in that episode, but maybe not.

And remember, Nigel said that was where Nick kept his "spare gun". :)
Overall, I thought it was a very touching show. I am rewatching again, but I do have to agree the little girl's death was a lot to take in.
It was nice to see the step-dad run so against the stereotype I was building up for him in my head. Ex-con who "stole" his cell mates wife and family. I was buying into the dirty, underhanded, criminal vibe.
Shame on me because he ended up being truly repentant and emotional regarding both the little girl's and his wife's death I thought. He made a lot of bad choices but not out of an intention of malice.

It kind of reminds me of Nick's case in Toe Tags, with the soldier who's killed at the gas station. Everyone's trying to make sense of it the whole episode, and at the end it just seems random

And if I were Cath I'd have had the gun out WAY earlier in the parking gargae. But then again I'm a wuss.