I'm sorry, but there is no way in heck anyone can convince me that someone who dances around with a headdress on his head or puts on a fortune teller hat (sorry I don't know what they're called) and pretends to tell people their futures with the evidence and admits to having a glitter fettish isn't that type of nerd. :lol: Come on! That's just absurd. Sorry, not buying it. I don't give a rat's tail what was in a previous script (IMO, the writers made a mistake there- Greg would TOTALLY be into sci-fi, there's no way he wouldn't be). I still don't buy it, never have, never will. :lol:
I guess I was using myself as an example as that type of nerd. I've seen Star Wars and enjoyed it. I loved Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, I don't really care for the other Trek shows (even the original) and have never gotten into others (Battlestar Gallactica). I'm more of a casual sci-fi watcher. Greg could be similar in that regard. He's seen some television and movies of the genre. Probably even enjoyed a few of them. He did say in Leapin' Lizards that he practically grew up on the The X-Files (though I see that as a different genre). He probably just isn't as into it as Archie, Wendy and Hodges. Kinda like Mandy who watched sci-fi (Mr. Ed :lolbut wasn't a die hard.
I think the point is being missed here. The writers have deliberately left Greg out (of scenes they could have easily included him in) on more than one occassion and it's really starting to tick people off. They could have very easily have shown them ask Greg. And if he's already gone home or has other plans, fine, but at least tell us that instead of leaving him out of the scene without out even a mention! The same goes for Cath. I wouldn't say that Cath wouldn't watch sci-fi either though. I once heard Cath say she watched Horror movies with Lindsey (they never get the spatter right, she said lol). So, I can't be certain that she wouldn't be into sci-fi either. :lol: They could at least had Wendy ask "aren't Cath and Greg going to join you?" and Nick saying "nah, they both went home. Cath's got to check in on Lindsey and Greg was tired." How long would that have taken? Ten seconds? Come on! It's not that hard to do!
I know... I just like to think of other reasons they weren't there. Cath and Greg are two of my favorites and I do wish they had been there. So I try to make up possible excuses besides TPTB being a bunch of ****ers. :lol: However, I also realize that with a show that stars an ensemble cast, it can be difficult for all the actors to be in all the shots. Perhaps there was a shooting conflict or time issues. Like myfuturecsi pointed out, maybe Marg and Eric were shooting different scenes. I do agree though that Nick could have referenced them or have a cameo of them in the breakroom waiting with popcorn or something.