"Stella...where are we"? asked Lindsay. "I'm not sure, some kind of basement, or something". "How are the babies"? "From what I can see, they are fine, right now". "Mama...I ared", said Mackenzie. "I know sweetheart, don't worry, we'll go home soon". "But at man aid, he ill, ill us". "No sweetheart, no one's going to hurt you". "K mama, but I ant dada". "Soon love, soon, I promise". Stella got up to look around for a door, but couldn't find one. "Anything Stella"? "No nothing yet, Linds, hold tight, we will get out of here". "I hope you are right Stella, I really do".
As continued to look, she noticed one window, boarded up. "I found a window, but it's to high, I'll have to put Mackenzie through it". "Stella, you can't do that, she don't even know where we are". "I know, but she may find someone to help, she's very smart". "Mama...I okay, I find dada". Stella hated what she had to do, but she had no choice. Picking up Mackenzie, she put her to the window. "Push against the window love, can you push"? "Es mama, I opened it". "Okay what do you see love"? "I not know mama, it's ark, I ared". "Okay love, said Stella, lifting her back down. "We'll have to wait till morning, it's obviously night".
When Stella turned around, she noticed Michael was playing with his flashlight. "Michael, when did you bring your flashlight"? "When the man ook us, I was paying all animals". "Smart boy, give mama, your flashlight". As Michael handing his mom, his flashlight, Stella turned it on, and put it out the window and started flickering it, hoping someone would see it. While they waited, Caroline was getting hungry, and screaming. "Shh!!!! it's okay love, said stella. As Caroline continued to cry, Stella had Mackenzie flicker the light, while she tried to feed Caroline from her breast.
"Stel....you must be dry, you haven't been breastfeeding her". "I know Linds, I'm going to have to hope, I haven't dried out". As she bared her breast, caroline began to suckle and drink. "She's getting something, said Stella, I can hear her suckling". Out on the street, an old man was walking his dog, when he seen what looked like an SOS. Crossing the street, not watching, Mac and Danny almost hit him, *Screetch** went the car. "You okay mister"? asked Mac. "Oh I'm sorry, I was watching the flashing light, coming from that abandoned house, and thought someone might be in trouble".
When Mac and danny looked over, they seen the SOS signal. gEtting out of the car, they walked over to the window, bent down, and said...."Is anyone in there"? "DADA!!!! yelled Mackenzie, mama, it's dada". "Stel....are you okay love"? "We're fine mac, but hurry, I'm not sure, where he went". As Mac and Danny pushed out the window, he lifted Mackenzie through and snuggled her. "Aww , sweetheart, you brave girl you". "I ow dada, elp mama". "Okay love". "Stella, pass up the babies first". As stella passed up the babies, Danny took them to the squad car, and called for back-up, while Mac talked to Stel and Lindsay. "Listen love, hold on, help is coming". "Oh Mac...I hear him coming". Passing down his gun to Stella, she waited for the guy to enter, and as he opened the door, she fired, and got him straight through the heart.
"Did you get him love"? "Of course I got him". Stella and Lindsay made there way upstairs, and out the door, right into Mac's arms, as he kissed and caressed her. "Oh sweetheart, I thought I lost you and the kids". "Never Mac, that could never happen". "I can see that, with Mackenzie, being all brave". "She is that, said stella, just like her dad". "Let's go home love".