A NY Smex Story: Loosing Faith on Love

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MacsLovlyAngl, Apr 25, 2007.


Title for Cont'd Thread Story -A NY Smex Story

Poll closed May 24, 2008.
  1. CSI:NY/Miami - The Younger Generation

  2. CSI:NY/Miami - The New Blood

  3. CSI:NY/Miami - The Hardcore Generation

  1. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    They're soooo gonna wind up with a baby sooner or later lol

    poor Stella :(
  2. MacsLovlyAngl

    MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jan 30, 2007
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    You think"? :confused: Hmmm!!!! I hadn't concidered it. Good Idea, Maybe. :p :p
  3. nattybatty55

    nattybatty55 Nadalaholic

    Jan 28, 2007
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    Oh I bet you hadn't LMH!!!! :lol:
  4. MacsLovlyAngl

    MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jan 30, 2007
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    Lindsay had never been angry and upset , she couldn't understand why Danny was being so difficult with these babies.

    Being so angry, she forgot to buckle up , and she wasn't watching the light as it turned from Amber to red.


    Lindsay banged into another car , as her head smashed through the windsheild. As the person in the next car called 911, the guy checked on Lindsay.

    He could see she was hurt badly. As the sirens and police pulled up, they noticed it was Lindsay, and called Danny.

    "Hello"! said Danny with anger, as you could hear the babies screaming in the background.

    "Danny it's Officer Quest". "We need to inform you that your wife has been in an accident". "She's in critical condition and she's being rushed to General".

    "Okay, thanks man", said Danny.

    Once he hung up the phone, he called Mac, in tears.

    "Mac, it's Danny, I need.........."

    "I know Danny, they just informed me, bring the babies over".

    After Danny had dropped the babies off at Mac and Stella's, he rushed over to the Hospital.


    Sheldon had got the call from Mac.

    "Hey Mac"! "How bad is she"?

    "From what the officer told me, really bad, her face has deep slashes and her head has shards of glass embedded".

    "Who has the babies"?

    "Stella and I do", they're sleeping right now".

    "If you need any help, you let me know". "I'm going to call a friend of mine, he's an excellent Plastic Surgeon".

    "How excellent"?

    "Let's just say, he can make you look like nothing ever happened".

    "Really "Okay you call, and see if Dr.Swennie will come down to NY", than call me back".

    Once Sheldon got in touch with Dr.Swennie, he agreed to fly down , and have a look at Lindsay.
  5. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    They should call Brandon lolol...too bad you can't cross your stories with each other.
  6. nattybatty55

    nattybatty55 Nadalaholic

    Jan 28, 2007
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    ^^^^ What cross a crossover!!!:lol: (I don't understand <<<<<My own words:lol: just ignore me!! :))
  7. MacsLovlyAngl

    MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jan 30, 2007
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    Meanwhile .......

    Danny waited patiently for the doctor, to inform him of Lindsay's condition.

    "How's she doing Danny"? asked Hawkes.

    "I don't know yet man, I've never seen so much blood". "I could see pieces of skin hanging from her face".

    "Just relax Danny, I have an excellent P.S. coming down to see her". "He's a friend of mine".

    At that moment the doctor came out and asked for Det.Messer.

    "I'm Messer"! "How is my wife"?

    "She's awake, but very drugged up, she's suffered several deep laserations to her face, and a very bad bruise across her chest from the steering wheel". "She's asking for you".

    As Danny walked into the room, all he could see was two eyes, lips and a nose, sticking out from white gauze.

    "Lind's sweetheart", "It's Danny, I'm so sorry I let you go out love, I should have gone".

    "Lindsay just looked at Danny with tears.

    "Don't cry sweetheart", "I'm so sorry". "Please forgive me".

    Lindsay lifted her hand to touch Danny.

    "It's okay Danny". "It's my fault, I should have buckled up". "Please don't cry".

    Climbing into bed with Lindsay, he held her tight.

    "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I should have gone". "I'm so, so, sorry".


    Hawkes called Stella and Mac to let them know, Lindsay was going to live.

    "How is she mentally Hawkes"? asked Stella.

    "We're not sure yet she's got some deep laserations and we'are just waiting for the P.S. to show up and assess her".

    "Please let us know Sheldon", said Stella.

    "I will Stella, how's the kids"?

    "They are good, all sleeping". "Let Danny know not to rush".

    "I will Stella, talk to you later".


    Mac was putting in a new alarm system.

    "What do you think Don"? "Does it look safe"?

    "It looks like Fort Knox", laughed Don.

    "I'll only lock it at night, or when we go out". "I need to ensure Stella and the kids are secure, when I'm not home".

    "Mac"! "The Devil couldn't even get in here".

    "That's all I needed to know Don". "Thanks".

    At that moment Stella walked out.

    "How is Lindsay love"?

    "Sheldon said she's has alot of deep laserations, and a bruised chest, from the steering wheel". "They are waiting on the P.S."

    "Okay love, thanks". "Have you made lunch yet, we are starving".

    "Yeah"!! "Everything is ready".

    While they sat down to lunch, Seth and Billy Joe were waiting for their chance to grab that file.
  8. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I hope Lindsay's okay. And that the others are safe too.
  9. MacsLovlyAngl

    MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jan 30, 2007
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    always. Post will be late. Also there will only be one. :( I have to work again this afternoon till 9pm. But keep smiling and reading, I'm happy that you all love my story. :D

    As they sat down to lunch, Mac seen the red flash light up too the silent alarm.

    "Don, look". "Let's go". "Shh"!!!! said Mac.

    As they got to the Den, they opened the door and found two funny looking guys snooping around.

    "FREEZE"!!! yelled Mac and Don at the same time. "Down on the ground now".

    "You dimb @$$ Seth, what did I tell you". "You'll never learn, now daddy's gonna kill us".

    "Shut up Billy Joe, you dumb hick", said Seth.

    "Well's you dumb too ya know", you is my brother".

    Mac yelled.

    "Both of you shut up". "Now what the hell are you after"?

    "Should we tell"? asked Seth to Billy Joe.

    "No, you dummy, you never tell". "Just take us to the Hooskow , until our papa comes to get us".

    Mac and Don looked at each other.

    "The what"? said Don.

    "You know's , your jails place", said Seth.

    "Let's go"!!! said Mac. "Stella, we'll be back in a bit love, we need to take these clowns to holding".

    "Okay hun"! "Have fun", laughed Stella.


    Danny was watching the P.S. looking at Lindsay's face. Danny was shocked with what he could see. So many stiches and gashes. He knew it was going to take months of graph's to correct it all. Once he left Danny went back to Lindsay's side.

    "You okay sweetheart"?

    *crying** "No"!!! "I'm in so much pain Danny, it hurts so bad".

    Danny rang the bell for the nurse. When she arrived, she had a needle with Morphene.

    "This will make you really groggy, so no fooling around", smiled the nurse.

    Danny smiled, he knew the nurse was trying to make her feel better.

    After the nurse left, Danny climbed into bed with Lindsay, and held her while she slept..


    Seth and BJ's dad had arrived at the NYPD.

    "Where is my boy's, yelled their dad.

    Mac and Don walked up and informed the father, they were in holding for B&E.

    "Listen, why would your boys break into my home, to steal a file". "Just what is it you want"?

    "What the hell you talking about boy"? "My son's were supposed to steal back my farming files from my ex wife". "She stole my property and brought it here". "I found her and ordered my boys to bring it back". "It's my land".

    Don started to laugh.

    "Christ Mac, they hit the wrong house". "What's your wife's address"?

    "1442 West Hemstead , NY".

    "Well your son's hit the wrong place, they broke into my home twice". "I live beside your ex wife".

    "So how do I get my papers, and my sons"?

    "You have to wait for a judge to grant bail", as for your papers, take her to court". "Your son's could have hurt someone".

    After Mac had everything straightened out, he headed home to give Stella a good laugh.
  10. nattybatty55

    nattybatty55 Nadalaholic

    Jan 28, 2007
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    haha.... What sort of robbers are they :lol:
  11. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    lol probably the dumb kind *g*
  12. MacsLovlyAngl

    MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jan 30, 2007
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    Lindsay woke up in pain.

    *Crying* Danny "! "I hurt so bad". "Danny".

    "Shh!!! "It's okay Linds", said Danny as he called for the nurse.

    When the nurse came in she had another needle for her.

    "How long is this pain going to last"? asked Danny.

    "Quite a while Mr.Messer, she destroyed alot of tissue, and muscle".

    After the nurse left Danny talked to Lindsay about their babies, until she fell back to sleep.


    Mac and Don had gotten back to the house, and informed Stella of the news.

    "They were what"? laughed Stella.

    They were after some papers next door". "They broke into the wrong place", said Mac.

    "Oh my God". "That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while".

    "How did the dad take it"?

    "He wasn't very happy with the boys, but he was more angry, that he didn't get his papers".

    "Hmm!! said Stella. "Anyways I was thinking we should take the babies to see their mom". "They must miss her, and DJ's been doing nothing but crying".

    "Did you want to go now"? asked Mac.

    "No"! "The morning is fine".


    Sheldon and Jimeka were really enjoying each others company.

    "This is great Sheldon, I've not had this much fun in years". "I forgot how much fun Pool could be".

    "Well, Im glad you're having fun, because I really enjoy spending time with you".

    Once they left the pool hall, they headed over to the restaruant for something to eat. As they got there, they heard the shots ring out.

    Looking around the corner of the restaraunt, Sheldon seen the owner laying on the ground along with about 6 customers. Picking up the phone, Sheldon called NYPD and then Mac.

    "Hey Sheldon", said Mac. "What's happened"?

    "I',m not sure Mac, we came around the corner and heard the shots, when we got here, we found this mess".

    While Sheldon and Jimeka helped out the EMT's, Mac and Flack looked for any evidence they could find.


    Back at the house Stella couldn't get the triplets to settle down. They had been crying for almost two hours now. Just when Stella was nearing her breaking point, with being tired from pregnancy herself, Danny walked in.

    "Hey Stella". "How are they doing"?

    "Not to good, I can't get them to stop crying".

    Danny walked over and took two of the triplets from Stella. Sitting down, he cradled them, slowly swinging them, they fell asleep.

    "I think they miss Lindsay". "How is she by the way"? asked Stella.

    "Not good, she's in so much pain Stella". "I can see the long road ahead of her".

    "She'll make it Danny, she'll do it for the babies".

    "I hope you're right Stella".

    After Danny helped Stella put down the triplets, he walked in to DJ's bed, slipped his arm around him and fell asleep.
  13. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    i do hope she gets better fast.

    more soon!
  14. MacsLovlyAngl

    MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jan 30, 2007
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    Stella was watching the news, with her peanut butter cups, when Mac walked in.

    "Hi sweetheart", "How are you feeling"?

    "Good thanks, Danny's upstairs sleeping with DJ, and Don left for home, he says it's time".

    "Well I hope he does okay".

    "I'm sure he will, he's very strong".

    Sitting down beside his wife, he put his hand on her knee and leaned into her lips. Giving her a heated kiss, she responded with passion.

    "Mac"! sighed Stella.

    "I know love, I feel it too".

    Just as they were getting heavy, they heard Danny coming down the stairs.

    "Are you okay Danny,? asked Mac.

    "Yeah"!! "Listen, I'm going to head back and stay with Lindsay".

    "Sure, you go ahead, we'll watch the kids", said Mac.


    Don unlocked his door and took a step inside. Everything in the apartment, reminded him of her and their unborn child. Closing the door, he walked back out and headed over to Mac's.


    Hawkes and Jimeka, had just got done, making Lindsay comfortable, when Danny walked back in.

    "Hey Danny, is something wrong"? asked Hawkes.

    "I just can't be away from her". "I need to be here".

    "Okay Danny, if you need us you call".

    "I will Hawkes and thanks, for everything".

    "Anytime Danny, I'll see you".

    Once they left, Danny climbed back into bed beside Lindsay, and went to sleep.


    Mac and Stella turned when they heard the door opening.

    "Don"! "Are you okay"? asked Stella.

    "I couldn't do it Mac, I couldn't go back in there alone".

    "Then wait till morning Don, we'll go together".

    "Thanks Mac, I really appriciate it".

    "Anytime Don, I know, it's not going to be easy, but you'll get through it".
  15. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    awww I hope they can help him out.

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