Alright. Let me get this out of the way. I both liked and disliked this episode. It was great to get a Greg-centric episode, I enjoyed Von Teese, and I love noir. But something felt off...
I feel they pushed the noir angle too much. The tone fits with Greg's character, but I don't think it meshes well with the show - not for a whole episode at least. I get the formula, which would seem to work here: tired cop (or CSI) working the long shifts, no luck or opportunity with the ladies, meets an attractive, interested woman with a mystery and falls hard. Turns out she's a femme fatale and he has to choose, though he knows already what decision he'll make. This would seem to fit well with a crime drama show like CSI. To me though, it didn't.
The beginning of the episode was great. When 'Lodges'


first introduces us to "Ellen", everything seemed to go well. There was chemistry between her and Greg (thanks in part to Eric and Dita being friends in real life, I'm sure). Their first date went well, I thought. Even her sneaking a peek at his files felt right. But then it went somewhere else. The music, Greg's shifty attitude, and the way the rest of the case played out just didn't flow with me. I feel it could have been executed better.
That being said, I also enjoyed this episode. I felt Von Teese did a great job. I wasn't holding any expectations so I wasn't hard to impress. I mainly liked her in the first half, before Greg begins to suspect her. She felt natural there.
Greg's fascination with her smell was pretty funny too. His last line was great.
And I'm still very happy that we got a Gregisode (and the implications that Greggo got laid. I was rooting for you to hit that, buddy!!)
Overall, an okay episode. I feel there was a lot of hype for this ep amongst the Greg fans, so maybe that might contribute to my mixed feelings.
Basically, I think we can blame Nick for this. He kept on Greg to call her. Yep. Nick's fault.