9x14 - 'Stoned Cold ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Bully or not, that is a brutal way to go.

Why the heck is Horatio picking up that stone without gloves on? There could have been fingerprints on it!

Stoning is called lapidation?

Molly's OCD like Ryan... interesting. And Ryan alphabetizes his cereals. I don't have the space in my cabinets to do that because there are so many other things in there lol.

The mom is in denial that her daughter was a bully.

Well, we learn a little bit about Ryan's childhood (about him being bullied).

Love Ryan's sneakers!

Dave cut his hair. :( I liked Dave's long hair. Oh well, he's still pretty cute. :)

Walter calling Nat "BV" was cute.
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I love this episode to night it was good to see something differnt .....happy to see dave not happy about him cuting his hair lol....ryan was great an this episode :)
Am I the only one that thought this ep really resembled the movie "Heathers"? I kept expecting to see Shannen Doherty, Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. (I am probably dating myself bringing up a film from the 80's).

Molly seemed a bit ditzy to me, not impressed so far. :shifty:

Ep was good, though wasn't my favorite so far this season. It's hard to feel empathy for a victim that is that horrible - kind of like "Mommy Deadest" is S8.

Next week's ep looks promising.
I liked the episode,there has been a lot in the news about bullying in the last year.
We did learn that Ryan was bullied(and his telescope broken) as a child.It was great that the team(I assume) bought him another telescope.Nice team moment, I love those.
I did think a parent was involved in the murder,but not 3 parents.
Ryan and Molly just had a short scene together.Thought it was cute when Ryan said"Good job new girl".
He tried putting her at ease by telling her he put his cereal in alphabetical order.
I was surprised by Dave's haircut.
Next week does look interesting.
The best part of this episode for me was Ryan telling Eric about being bullied. I know bullying isn't funny, and I feel bad that Ryan broke his collar bone but I couldn't help laughing a bit. :lol: I loved the look Ryan gave Eric when Eric laughed. Aaw but "Wolfie, are you seeing stars now?" How mean! Love that Eric told the team and they all (I think) got him a new telescope though, lmao.

I had my doubts about Molly Sloan but from the whole like 30 second scene she was in, I really liked her! And I liked Ryan's awkwardness, aaw. Awesome how they referenced his OCD and that Molly is sort of like that too. She's really pretty (like that has anything to do with this, it's just a general observation... :lol:) and if they did get Ryan and her together (although I dunno if they're going to, in that interview with Leven Rambin she made it seem more like they just become close friends) I don't think I would mind it. They'd look cute together. Leven is so young though, couldn't they have just hired me to be Jonathan's TV love interest? :shifty:

I really liked Walter using Ryan and Natalia to tie knots since they're opposite handed. That was pretty cool.

Dave cut his hair! I liked him better with long hair but he's still hot. xD

I liked the case, had a hard time feeling bad for the girl... like I didn't feel bad for her at all. For some reason though I didn't really like the fact that the parents did it. I dunno. It was different but I just find it hard to believe that parents would kill a kid no matter how much that person was bullying their own child (but hey I'm not a parent so maybe they would). I just think it would have made a lot more sense if the bullied kids had done it, but I guess that's too normal. :lol:

Still not a lot of Calleigh. I'm starting to miss her a little, even though I do love Natalia. Hopefully she'll start showing up a bit more often.

They didn't show the promo for me and I watched it on CBS. Wtf?
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The team getting him the telescope was sweet.

Molly's adorable, but I still miss Valera. I wish they'd explain where she went.

I was surprised the parents were the killers. The girl was horrible, but I don't know if she deserved that brutal a death. She needed some tough love... but given her mother's comments, I doubt that ever would have happened.
Didn't Molly say something about the lab techs not sticking around? That seemed to be part of what made her nervous( I think,but the stupid phone was ringing).

She needed some tough love... but given her mother's comments, I doubt that ever would have happened.
Her mother was in total denial,she would have never handled Blair with tough love.Blair seemed to be the type of child that would turn on her mother if she tried to handle her with tough love.Her mother probably has been treating Blair as if she were special and better than others her entire life.
Didn't Molly say something about the lab techs not sticking around? That seemed to be part of what made her nervous( I think,but the stupid phone was ringing).

I know, but Valera was recurring since Season 2. To have her just disappear without explanation is just weird. The others that disappeared weren't there long at all.

Her mother was in total denial,she would have never handled Blair with tough love.Blair seemed to be the type of child that would turn on her mother if she tried to handle her with tough love.Her mother probably has been treating Blair as if she were special and better than others her entire life.

I wonder if the mother was afraid of her or something. I agree she would turn on her mother in a heartbeat.
Much better than last week, that's for sure. But I do feel that the episode could've been called "CSI: Gossip Girl" as well. Blair and Nate? Please, they could've gotten a little more creative with the names.

Only one Calleigh scene again. Oh well, I keep reminding myself that it won't be this way forever.

Molly Sloan was rather unimpressive. I think they were going for "awkwardly cute" but it came off more as "awkward and incompetent".

Some great Ryan moments in the episode, from him telling the story of his bullying experience, telling the new tech about his OCD tendencies, etc. Also loved when he discovered the telescope from Eric at the end.

Walter calling Nat "BV" was cute.

See, I didn't see it that way, because my interest in reproductive health immediately make me think "Bacterial Vaginosis" instead of "Boa Vista". :lol:
Decent episode all around. And while the doers have to go to jail, I truly can't feel sorry for the victim in this case. You reap what you sow.
LOVED tonight's episode. I think it's in the running for my all time fav, story line wise. So clever to use school bulling at a time it's critical, so many suicides and kids indeed hurting themselves.... It was nice to see something extremely fresh, and as far as I know, not used on any of the other CSI shows to date, not in that capacity anyway. (I could be wrong, I can't remember every episode, haha)

That being said, as hard as it is to believe, I'm sure parents could and would kill over their children. Adults hurt children all the time, sad but true, and that is a huge motive when you mess with their kids!

The team moments tonight also shown through as epic. Ryan and Eric's scene was so cute, and I couldn't help but giggle. Poor Ryan though! It was SO awesome they reviled a few little details about him. "Seeing stars now, Wolfey?" Hahaha, :lol: So clever! And the ending.. wow the ending, there should be more endings like that! Love the locker room scenes, and the fact the team bought Ryan a new telescope to star gaze(another fact we learned about him!) , was just amazing. Really need to keep this formula for future references, TPTB!

The entire episode flowed well, and went off flawlessly. It seemed natural, and just... I don't know, realistic? A+++++

ETA: Didn't really form any impression of Molly, one way or the other. She was cute, and seems like a good enough actress. I did LOVE Ryan's fumbling when he talked to her. His awkward way of flirting is beyond cute. interested for more of this character...
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I found it really hilarious that she kept mouthing off to the parents even as she was knocked out and tied up-a smart girl would have been begging for forgiveness and crying for mercy..she was a monster to those kids but now they are the real victims since they don't have parents freedom just visits in jail..sad...Horatio almost looked smug though about the parents-wonder what his reaction would have been when Kyle was 16 and he got bullied? well probably not since he survived adult prison anybody might be too scared to pick on him! also having a police Lt. as a dad doesn't hurt either..
^^ I thought the same thing. Horatio already harasses suspects, imagine if someone did that to Kyle! He'd show less mercy.

Good, valid point!
Really enjoyed the episode - it was an interesting murder mystery, and they really left no room for sympathy for the victim - she was a #@$@#$ to the end...:shifty:

I REALLY loved what we saw about Ryan in this ep. I thought his interaction w/Molly was cute, and liked that they had some things in common. It was a good way to learn a tidbit about Ryan, too (Ah, the cereal boxes, and the way Togo delivered that line, "That's weird, right?" :lol: Gosh, I LOVE Jon Togo - he is SAVING this show for me!!)

Loved the scene w/Ryan and Delko - I could totally picture "teenage Ryan" on his bike, beaming w/his new scope that he bought all by himself, and then it all being taken away from him by some stupid bully, who broke his freakin' collar bone to boot! Jon Togo's delivery was AWESOME and his reactions in that scene were great - I just LOVE Ryan! He's come a long way!

This is the kind of character development I've been longing for/asking for - this is how it was in Seasons 1-3. Where a case would come along and two characters would share a conversation that revealed a little bit about themselves. It doesn't have to be overt, or episode-driven or dramatic - just SUBTLE! The writing was fantastic and it accomplished giving us two pretty awesome scenes. :thumbsup: I, too, loved the "team" ending w/Nat, Walter and "Wolfeee" :) It showed team bonding and that they are like a family, although I would've preferred the WHOLE team to be there, but hey, I'll take what I can get!

Maybe this is just b/c I've experienced a fair amount of bullying in my childhood and found Ryan's story to be very sad, not funny - but did anyone else feel like Delko was a real jerk when Ryan told him the story? :confused: I was so pissed at Delko I wanted to smack him - then I thought, of course he wouldn't understand. How would a macho jock like him ever understand what Ryan went through? And him saying he wasn't bullied just confirmed my suspicions - glad Ryan asked him that! Maybe Delko did some bullying of his own, too - it kind of puts the whole Ryan/Delko relationship into a bit of perspective - until this season Delko's been really hard on Ryan, and his treatment of him could be considered bullying in my book.

The fact that Ryan would open up to Eric shows that he cares a great deal for his friend (who almost died several times and left for awhile). To have Eric react that way, and not even apologize, must've hurt Ryan - I mean, he's a sensitive guy. Sometimes I think Eric misses his "sarcastic" interactions w/Speed, still, and likes to relate to his fellow male CSIs (aside from H) in a competitive, macho, suck-it-up way than simply listening to them and having some compassion.

OK, maybe some will say I'm being a bit hard on Delko (and it's no secret I never liked the guy that much b/c of his womanizing ways and the way he treated (bullied) Ryan), but hear me out. We don't know for sure if it was Delko who bought him that scope - he wasn't in the lockerroom w/Nat and Walter when Ryan found it. What we DO know is that he TOLD the story, which Ryan obviously still felt very hurt about - to the entire team (IMHO breaking confidence). For all we know, Walter and Nat were the ones who had compassion on Ryan and bought him the scope, while Delko didn't think twice about embarrassing Ryan.

At first, I thought it was only Delko who bought him the scope, and I was like "awwww - that was sweet - maybe Delko has changed." But then only Walter and Nat were there and we find out Delko told them! And Delko is nowhere to be found - I question whether it was him. If it was Delko who got him the microscope, all is forgiven, but if not...then in my mind he's still the same "bullying jerk" who's been giving Ryan grief for the past 6 or 7 years. Maybe someone can "analyze" the handwriting on the note and find out for sure. Sorry this is so "ranty" but as a person who was bullied as a kid, I find Delko's actions to be heartless and cold towards his supposed friend. If he said he was sorry (or got him the scope) then that's one thing, but if he just blabbed it to the rest of the CSIs, then...just a class A jerk.

OK, moving on...:rolleyes:

So, seriously, how long is Calleigh going to be MIA?? She's in one scene an episode, and sometimes I feel like I see her more in the credits! (Oh, and so glad Horatio is interacting w/ONE of the female CSIs (Nat) again - funny how he hasn't been able to do that w/Cal for the last three years :rolleyes: ) I really do think Natalia's adding a lot to the show, and Eva LaRue is a FANTASTIC actress - very down-to-earth and real. I really loved those scenes w/her and Megan and was so glad that Megan didn't murder Blair - I truly believed she was willing to confide in Nat. (And what a relief that FINALLY a victim isn't crying on Horatio's shoulder - it was nice to see a bit of a change w/that...)

"Judge, jury and executioner..." Really, H? Did you really say that w/all you've been doing w/police brutality and such?? I HATE hypocrisy - maybe H has turned over a new leaf after Memmo, but he should be a bit less condemning of others (or at least refrain from being so freakin' heavy handed and on his moral high-horse - this girl tormented dozens of kids! Was Blair really any better than the guy who "allegedly" beat his girlfriend in that ep. where H lost it??? Seriously??? :wtf:) Oh, and if anything like that ever happened to Kyle, I'm sure H would handle it in a COMPLETELY professional manner :rolleyes:

OK - I really DID love the episode as a whole (though my comments have kind of gone in a different direction, sorry). It was a hard spot for the viewer to be in, not really sympathizing for the victim and feeling sorry for the kids and their parents. Lots of twists, good subtle character development for Ryan - definitely an A episode!!
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