Liked it overall, give it a B+

I think Ted and I will get along great as long as he interacts with the rest of the team and not just Nick All. The. Time.
Greg's time was alright and OMG!!!! WE MET ONE OF HIS RELATIVES!!!! Sorta, I know but I can settle with that, for now

, his hair is darker and I think I like it better lighter
Was the Greg scene in the credits updated or not? Really the whole credits need to be updated but anyway
I know one shouldn't pick sides but I'm kinda with Catherine on this
How did Hodges know about the octowhatever?? :lol:
:wtf: Killing Haskell saved Ray's life? :wtf: Yeah whatever
"Ray screws up and we pay for it" or however he said it exactly, Nick, you and most of the others played a small part in it too

yes Ray committed the murder not Nick I know I know, but still he should have called Cath the second you found him and honestly Nick just admit you were wrong, with that attitude I'm glad Nick's not getting the role of supervisor
Where did the ants come from? Are they just native to LV or what?
I'm glad to see they're going back to the books, will it last is the question?
And what are they going to with Brass? Will they continue with what he did or not? Knowing the writers, not!
Loved Morgan and Greg scenes, can't wait to see more of them

hopefully Greg and DB scenes too
ETA: I like that DB has a wife and family, but I don't want to meet them until later, those scenes where he was talking with his wife were funny, not sure I want to see them in every ep, maybe every other ep