I decided to watch this one because going by the spoilers it wasn’t going to be Horatio centric, and therefore I had a feeling they wouldn’t be getting the character to do the stupid things he’s done of late. Also, I wanted to pay my respects to a unique and very much loveable character.
Very spooky beginning.
I dunno, even though it seems they did their best at the beginning to make it seem as if everyone was there at the scene of the crime, it still seemed disjointed to me. You had Horatio and Alexx, with no sign of Calleigh and Eric, then Calleigh and Alexx, with Horatio gone from the background and no sign of Eric, and then Eric and Calleigh with no sign of Horatio or Alexx. And then finally Ryan and Natalia.
I mean back in “The Lost Son” you had Eric, Horatio and Speed and then Calleigh, Alexx and Horatio in another part of the opening sequence. Seemed more of a team back then because of the extra person. *shrug*
Still it was nice to see Alexx out and about
I really liked that Eric was adamant to keep to what his job demanded and run the fingerprints, but that he would not run them until the last possible moment, giving Alexx a chance to find her son. Way to go Eric!
I felt incredibly nervous when Horatio got involved, wondering if he was going to snowball the whole thing, but then it wasn’t his own kid or his nephew so I guess I should have had more confidence in the character. Hard for me to do given some of the things he’s done, but, well, there you go. I did like how he almost begged Brian to give him the information he needed so he could eliminate the boy from the investigation, it was Horatio of old and I really did enjoy that. I still don’t hold out much hope that this kind of concern will remain, but it was nice while it lasted.
Alexx holding her hand up, as if to say ‘talk to the hand’ made me giggle especially because it was aimed towards Horatio. Anyone else, even given the circumstances, and I have a feeling he would have ripped them a new one with just a look, so it was funny to see his complete lack of response at it.
For once, well, in such a long time now, I really enjoyed the incidental music. Far more sedate, as were the split screens. Much, much better.
All in all, it is such a crying shame that the last story Alexx is heavily involved in was to be the best of this season. What a waste, what a bloody waste of such a unique, sensitive, compassionate character and such a waste to be letting this character and such a superb actress go. Idiots! The scene between Alexx and her son Brian was wonderful and what Alexx had to impart was brilliant. Not only a very good piece of writing, but so well acted by Khandi and the guy playing Brian. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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For me, Alexx used to be an integral part of the team, the heart of it, in all honesty, where compassion, love and respect used to reside, and now that part is leaving. I have no idea who is going to step into those loving shoes, though, to be honest, I’m not sure anyone can.
I would really like to say that I will miss Alexx, but, to be honest, I’ve been missing the Alexx of the first three seasons for such a long time now, that her leaving now wasn’t as much of a sadness as it once could have been, and that is such a shame for me. I wish I could have shed a tear but I didn’t. Not one and I really wanted to because everyone should mourn compassion and love when it’s been lost.
An excellent send-off, but it would be a better send off for me, and a better show of respect for such a character and actress, if this episode marks the first steps of CSI Miami trying to get back to what it was once before.