3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

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Re: 3rd Post Count Party !!

Woot, I just found out I just posted my 1900th. I'm hoping to score my 2000th post by the end of the week. :)
Re: 3rd Post Count Party !!

oh my... this is my 6000th post (i think)

i'm finally a corpse... took a while!
Re: 3rd Post Count Party !!

Congrats Kate :D
Feeling dead? Talking to Alexx?

Oh I remember when Cat was the first one to reach that number... it was so much back then :eek:
Re: 3rd Post Count Party !!

Congrats on being...dead, Kate :p

Now you can go join Nearly Headless Nick and the Bloody Baron ;)
Re: 3rd Post Count Party !!

When you reach 500 posts, you'll aquire the rank of 'Lab Technician' ;)

Congrats on the super dooper numbers guys!

I'm currently sitting at 8231 posts. :D
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