Kiefer, oh Kiefer (tho, I always call him Keifer

That's strange I always spelled it Keifer too. :lol: Oh well doesn't matter to me. :lol:
From the day I saw him in Young Guns and Lost Boys I just loved the guy! :p His voice is so unique and sexy! :p Like Billy! :D

In a few more hours
got my timer set, drinks and snacks ready! Wheeeeeeeeee I'm ready!!

yup... already found kiefer-rocks.com
I've been in heaven :D

When I was watching season 1 dvd, everytime he said that "The following takes place..." I always had to say "grrr, baby, grrr" so I agree, very sexy voice. :D

I will miss season 4 both eppys next week :/ BUT! SubTV reruns those on Sat and I should be home by then :D

You know...when s1 was aired here... I didn't watch it because I didn't want to get stuck with a new show, I had plenty of shows to watch already and then season 2 came and I got sucked in :(
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh^ 1000000000000.......

Warning: Everything regarding season 4 ahead


OH my lord......what the f happened in those two hours...I still have to figure out...cause my mind went to overdrive after the first ten minutes....I think I have ADD...cause ahhhh....
those nutters...killed my Palmer....awhhhh...(insert...lots of yellings here)
but before I could pick up my jaws and bang my head, they blew up Michelle......but at the end, I realised that this two hours premier for season 4 turned out to be the best among all the previous seasons....

I couldn't believe that even after the elimination of three most important character, the show is still kicking ass....
They just proved that Jack is all they need.
I mean....the creaters of 24 is god....Jack Bauer is God...Kiefer is God......

and hundred more wailing....for me being so unlucky..that I will not be able to watch any other episode in real time...cause I have my night classes just the same day..monday........
talk about irony...jesus christ..
it is royally gonna suck.....
season 4 just started here last friday, couldnt watch it coz i wasnt home, but i bet i'll watch it on dvd, as i did with season 1-3 as well xD
i just...like 24, dunno why ^^
--------- 7:00am - 9:00am ---------- Season Five

No No Nooooo not Palmer and Michelle!!!!!!

WOW! Wasn't that a BIG shocker!! :eek: :eek:
At least Tony is still alive. For now.

Just seeing the Ex-president's body lying on the floor was very weird. I'm still sad. :(

I never cared for President Logan and to make matters worse his wife is a bit crazy. It's too bad Logan turn his back on Palmer. I don't understand wow Palmer didn't tell Mike about the attack? :eek:

So Buchanan is still head of CTU. Nice to see Curtis and Audrey back. I'm not too crazy about Edgar. I just hope they keep Chloe alive. :eek:

Poor Jack . . . heehee Frank . . . trying to get his personal life back together and is set up by the bad guys. I'm really glad Wayne believes Jack didn't assassinate his brother.
It's amazing watching Jack fight the bad guys and to see him sneak up to the penthouse. I'd like to know how he got away with Derrick.( I think that's the kid's name) :rolleyes:
Too bad his getaway led him where the terrorists were going.

Jack is certainly going to have one hell of a day!

The first two-hours went by way too fast.

I couldn't believe that even after the elimination of three most important character, the show is still kicking ass....
They just proved that Jack is all they need.
I mean....the creaters of 24 is god....Jack Bauer is God...Kiefer is God......

It's all about "JACK"
Kiefer makes the show what it is!!!!!!


And he is carrying the new Jackpack. Boy the Jackpack is really a neat pack. It's got bullets, smokie things, guns and who knows what else is in the Jackpack. I wonder if they sell them at Wal Mart? :D

Michelle :(
Tony :(
Palmer :(
Logan :mad:
Walt :mad: :mad: :mad:
Chole :eek: Wow that girl can shoot.

Ok, just one thing bugging me really. Why in the world was Palmer calling the First Lady to tell her of a threat to National Security? Shouldn't he have at least called CTU? And why try to hide the evidence with a secret file? My Gosh man! Shout it out! I'm hoping this plays out as the day goes on.

And he is carrying the new Jackpack. Boy the Jackpack is really a neat pack.

Ok, just one thing bugging me really. Why in the world was Palmer calling the First Lady to tell her of a threat to National Security? Shouldn't he have at least called CTU? And why try to hide the evidence with a secret file? My Gosh man! Shout it out! I'm hoping this plays out as the day goes on.

A Jackpack! That's great!!
My friend called it a "man purse"
that was sooooo wrong.

Yeah I don't understand why Palmer told Martha about the attack. :eek: She's so unstable. :eek:
I think Palmer didn't trust anyone at CTU since Tony, Jack, and Michelle were no longer there. Maybe we'll find out tonight.

I posted in my live joural that you got to love a show that kills people who had been major characters in pervious seasons... and does it in the first fifteen minutes of the first episode.

As for why Palmer did not go to anyone else... Palmer has alwasys been one to trust people over organizations...that was one of the reasons I think trusted Jack so much...it was their personal history. So without anyone at CTU that he trusted completely he wouldn't go there. Given what happened in season two Mike is the last person he would go to, and given that Logan froze Palmer out of his inner circle, he would not be able to go to any of them...(turns out it was a good thing he didn't)

From what little Martha has said, it sounds like he trusts her very much...even if he didn't agree with her husband's politics. So to me, it was perfectly in character for him to go to her with his information...even if it may not have been the smartest tactics. He might have been planning on giving her proof of what he was telling her to give to her husband, he just hadn't gotten it yet. It is something I can see him doing, so even if is not the smartest thing he could have done, I don't have a problem with it.

That said, I did have a small problem with the whole put the answer in the memiors. How would Palmer know that he would be killed, that Jack would read them and put it together? However, one thing I have learned about this show is not to judge it to much earlier one. The writers do have a plan, it is just not always appearent early on and things are rearly what they appear to be...

There are of a whole set of questions though that have been raised.

Where did Palmer get the information on the attack and how much did he know about it? Or is the something else at the airport and the whole hostage taking thing is just a diverson? I tend to think this is the case.

Was it his phone call to Martha the thing that lead to his death or was that already in the works? (We know the call was made and that Palmer most likely did say what Martha claimed)

How did this group know about Jack, that he was still alive and that Palmer, Michelle, Tony and Chole were the only ones who knew that Jack was still alive?

I just love this show...
I posted in my live joural that you got to love a show that kills people who had been major characters in pervious seasons... and does it in the first fifteen minutes of the first episode.

There are of a whole set of questions though that have been raised.

Where did Palmer get the information on the attack and how much did he know about it? Or is the something else at the airport and the whole hostage taking thing is just a diverson? I tend to think this is the case.

Was it his phone call to Martha the thing that lead to his death or was that already in the works? (We know the call was made and that Palmer most likely did say what Martha claimed)

How did this group know about Jack, that he was still alive and that Palmer, Michelle, Tony and Chole were the only ones who knew that Jack was still alive?

I just love this show...

Yes you got to love a show that kills off the regular characters. :(

RIP Palmer RIP Michelle. :(

As for Palmer knowing about the attack. Even though he's the ex-president he still has his own personal connections.
Maybe the phone call with Martha was a trap? :eek: I bet he told Martha about his plans to visit his brother in LA.

I also think the group knew about Jack through Chloe. :mad:
She's still works for CTU.

GRISSOM: Look, what you do on your time is nobody's business. What you do on my time is my business.
Sorry that last information I meant was for seasono 5..I wrote season 4 by mistake.



24 high here....so bear with me..

I am really loving this season already. Though I am really really sad about my David Palmer, that's the 24 as we know it. Nobody even thought about it...and the impressive thing is it is working so well.. --taking out the old ones, bringing new characters...huh...

That said, I did have a small problem with the whole put the answer in the memiors. How would Palmer know that he would be killed, that Jack would read them and put it together?

I don't think Palmer knew about what was gonna happen to him. I think he learned about the attack the same night just a lil before he called Martha (ie just few hours before he was shot--in the morning). He must have been editing his memo, when he got this message(probably via phone) and he just stuck it in between the memo. He didn't know he was gonna die or Jack was gonna find it. It's just like you gettig an important call and without thinking writing in some piece of paper...--he had comp infront of him and he noted there. (that's just my guess though)

It is yet to be seen where he got it and how much...I don't think the previous hours have left us any clue about that.

I agree with abharding about Palmer trusting only few chosen people. From a logical point of view, I think anyone in Palmer's position would have done what he did. Like said, he was shut out of the white house...and a good friendship with the first lady would have worked out if the president wasn't so bloody chickenish and self-(I-am-f**king-making-history)absorbed. Also, I'm not sure Palmer thought Martha's health problem would be an issue ..after all the news involved 'national security'..it would have jerked a concerned president...unlike it did to Logan. Seems like Logan loves his wife..so maybe Palmer thought she'd be able to sit and talk about it.
I think Palmer immediately made that call after getting the info...and then was thinking about doing sth in the morning...right when he was shot.
The more puzzling thing for me is... how did the person knew that Palmer got this info? His assassination seems to have been planned in a very short time.
How long had Palmer been staying in his brother's house?
Did Palmer went to visit his brother after getting this info or before?
if before, then why he went to Wayne's without any intention to tell him in a hurry?

Maybe the phone call with Martha was a trap? I bet he told Martha about his plans to visit his brother in LA.

Could be.. or maybe his telephone linee was tapped.
Derek reminded me of Jack's daughter Kim...always getting in trouble and being in place to jeopardize Jack's plan. I guess the writers needed someone to create more tension.

Also, does anyone know what the bad guys are really trying to do?
Now that the treaty is signed, do they intend to blackmail the presidents to cancel the treaty(by threatening to release the nerve gas (or that's what I thought Mike said in the next week's promo), or is it a backup punishment for making the treaty? <--well, that doesn't sound plausible though. There is something huge going on here.

Also, if the bad guys were trying to fry a bigger fish, wouldn't they put that gas chamber any place other than the airport they'd be taking hostage in? Wouldn't that only draw attention to the underground chamber plan, or did they think it would work otherwise?

IIIII nnnnnnnneeeed moooorrrreeee 24......

Guys, this might be the last time I'll be able to watch 24 in its normal time slot.....ahhhhh it sucks big time.....
---------- 9:00am - 11:00am ---------- Season 5

Leave it to Jack to sneak around and help out CTU.

I don't understand why Palmer didn't contact Jack. :confused: Why? If Chloe could, why couldn't Palmer? :confused:

I wonder what went thru Audrey's mind when she heard Jack's voice. :eek:

Poor Derek he just had to be the next hostage to be executed. If it hadn't been for the explosion he'd be dead. It was pretty cool how CTU did that.

Too bad Jack had to give himself up. :( Are you surprise Logan has a mole? Hmmm how long has Walt been involved? :mad: In the end, I hope it's Jack that gets Walt. Traitor!! :mad: :mad:

I thought the best part was tricking the terrorists into thinking CTU were coming in one area of the airport. Thanks to Lyn's decision, CTU went back to the original plan and rescued the hostages with Jack's help.

You know I thought Jack was giving CTU a code. Why didn't CTU pick up on that? :eek: Especially Chloe? :eek:

What is on that paper Martha had? She should have just hand it over to her husband. And now Walt has it!!!! Traitor!! :mad:

Enjoyed All four episodes.
So many plot lines. I hope Tony comes back. :(
I'm loving it!!!!!

There is something huge going on here.
That's for sure. I've had 4 hours of 24 and now they want me to wait a week? I'm having withdrawls already.

Jack turned in the Jackpack . Oh, no get it back.

If somebody doesn't shoot president Logan soon I'm gonna throw something.

That Walt guy is a t*rd.