I loved this season's premiere!!! Does anyone know where I can save all the screencaps by downloading them? (I know I am only allowed to talk about legal downloads)
I don't understand why Palmer didn't contact Jack. Why? If Chloe could, why couldn't Palmer?

I thought about the same thing. But then Chloe is just like a usual friend to Jack....She is not a big person. Palmer would also have had call transcript somewhere. And again, he would be responsible for treason for helping/contacting with the guy who was to be delivered to Chinese gov. and then supposed to be dead. It would be a big deal if people found out Palmer to be involved in this.
And yet again, from his point of view, Martha being the first lady could do more than Jack could. Also, Palmer dearly cared about Jack; he wouldn't do anythihng to jeopardize his life if there were still other options available.

I really think Mike would be the one to catch Walt. Poor Mike...he was very very fond of Palmer (except for that one time).

jazzfan, I know how you feel about Logan. He must be the worst president of US in the history of TV and reallife...or at least I hope so.
Logan who should have been shot instead of Palmer.
Poor Jack, Palmer was like his best friend.

BTW, did anyone get a clear picture of what happened in the promo for the next week?
did Mike really said 'Nerve gas'?

OMG I need a time machine to travel a week.
Does anyone know where I can save all the screencaps by downloading them? (I know I am only allowed to talk about legal downloads)

Um, I usually get caps from twentyfouronline.com They have the biggest selection.

BTW, did anyone get a clear picture of what happened in the promo for the next week?
did Mike really said 'Nerve gas'?
Yep, I think that's what is in the canisters those guys stole at the end.
Nerve gas is right. :eek:

Damn it didn't record the promo for next week. :mad: What was I thinking. :(

BILLY: I've been able to avoid fame for a long time. I used to get recognized every now and then, but now every third person knows who you are. You stop being the observer and you start being the observed. It was pretty fabulous for to be the observer in life, to go whenever I wanted and hang with whoever I wanted too.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***


Theres an interesting 24 article in this weeks TV GUIDE. It talks about why they whacked Palmer and Michelle.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I added *spoilors for season 5* in the main title of the thread because some people haven't seen it yet. Sorry guys. :s
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I added *spoilors for season 5* in the main title of the thread because some people haven't seen it yet. Sorry guys. :s

Thanks Cat! I was getting worried some folks might get upset about the spoiler stuff.

Anyway, I think this Spencer guy who slept with Chloe is up to no good. He didn't seem to care about Chloe after she was "arrested". He is either a jerk or he knows something. Could he be a mole of some sort?
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Anyway, I think this Spencer guy who slept with Chloe is up to no good. He didn't seem to care about Chloe after she was "arrested". He is either a jerk or he knows something. Could he be a mole of some sort?

We already found at who the mole was, it was Walter, the man who works with President Logan.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I added *spoilors for season 5* in the main title of the thread because some people haven't seen it yet. Sorry guys. :s

Cat I'm confused here. :confused: I was told that once an ep has aired in the U.S. it becomes fair game and is no longer considered a spoiler? :eek:

We already found at who the mole was, it was Walter, the man who works with President Logan.

Walt works for President Logan not CTU. There's always a mole at CTU. :)

Logan who should have been shot instead of Palmer.

Maybe, but who have cared if Logan was killed? We all would have cheered.

Poor Jack, Palmer was like his best friend.

Very true. I loved how until the guy admitted to Jack that he was the one who killed Palmer Jack was going to let him live. As soon as that little tidbit got out, Jack wasted no time and shot him then and there. Very chilling...and very in character...
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Cat I'm confused here. :confused: I was told that once an ep has aired in the U.S. it becomes fair game and is no longer considered a spoiler? :eek:
Yes, that's what the rules state. But, you see, that there are many people in other countries that haven't seen stuff yet. And many of these people might not want to know about what happens in the new season. So, to be fair to them, we mention that we're gonna talk about stuff that will sorta spoil it when they watch it. Perhaps it's mentioned in the title of the thread or it can be used with spoilor space in the actual post.
Hoped that cleared it up. :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***


Its just that once the word "spoiler" is in the thread title wouldn't more fans post spoilers? :confused:
Cause I don't read spoilers and the spaces for spoilers just don't work for me. :( Fans have a tendency to reply to spoilers. :confused:
Oh well, it's not the end of the world if we read them by accident. :lol:

CATHERINE: How old were you when your father died?
CATHERINE: Little guy.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I wouldn't really know. I'm a mod so i generally read anyways. But i guess it might save space due to the lack of spoilor space. i don't know about more spoilors. It could well be that people post more spoilors.