Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Lynn didn't work at CTU until this season. Was he even in the first couple episodes? It doesn't surprise me that someone got into CTU AGAIN...it happens every season. :rolleyes: It wasn't hard either to figure out that someone was wanting that key card. I didn't think it was an accident that the BF asked for it. Lynn should have been suspicious and he also should have alerted Bill about it when it happened. That way, that guy would have never gotten into CTU and then poor Edgar wouldn't be dead. :(

Poor Edgar...I just knew something was gonna happen to him when he went to look for that girl. He was so sweet. I agree it was appropriate to end the show in silence.

I think Tony is in the same room where they took Henderson. What's with that guy? Cares more about the stupid terrorists than his own wife or his country for that matter.

President Logan...what can be said about him except he disgusts me. :mad: How in the world did he ever get elected president? His wife has more balls than he does. Hopefully Martha will convince him of the right thing to do. Who's running the country exactly? The VP comes in and decides to take matters into his own hands without the approval from congress. I think the terrorists should have killed him instead of Palmer.

I was a little surprised by Kim's reaction to Jack. I thought she would be happy to see him. What a jerk of a boyfriend she has. Jack wasn't taking any crap from him. After Audrey explained that she just found out about Jack too and the fact that Palmer and Michelle were killed, Tony was injured, and Chloe would have been killed if Jack hadn't come to her rescue, I think Kim will understand...she would probably be dead too if she had known about him.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

1CSIMfan said:

Poor Edgar...I just knew something was gonna happen to him when he went to look for that girl. He was so sweet. I agree it was appropriate to end the show in silence.

I think Tony is in the same room where they took Henderson. What's with that guy? Cares more about the stupid terrorists than his own wife or his country for that matter.

You know I was so busy thinking about Tony and Henderson being in the same locked room that Edger completely slipped my mind. I think that was one of the most powerful moments in the episode as the people in the sealed room watched Edger falls to the fall. And I agree that the silent clock made it all the more scary...

President Logan...what can be said about him except he disgusts me. :mad: How in the world did he ever get elected president?

He didn't...get elected as President. He was the Vice-President, but the President (blanking on the name right now) was killed last season. Logan is a prime example of what happens when you make a bad choice for what could be a very important job. Most of the time, the VP can be a very insignifigant job - expect for when something happens to the President, as was the case with Logan.

His wife has more balls than he does. Hopefully Martha will convince him of the right thing to do. Who's running the country exactly? The VP comes in and decides to take matters into his own hands without the approval from congress. I think the terrorists should have killed him instead of Palmer.

The terrorists didn't kill Palmer. Walt did. Or had it done. And as for the VP...yeah he is a piece of work. Who knew that Mike would the one we would want Logan to listen too. But right now, he is the voice of reason. I still don't trust him as far as I could throw him though...
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

The terrorists didn't kill Palmer. Walt did. Or had it done. And as for the VP...yeah he is a piece of work. Who knew that Mike would the one we would want Logan to listen too. But right now, he is the voice of reason. I still don't trust him as far as I could throw him though...

But Walt confessed to the president that he leaked information to the terrorists about the nerve gas. So, they are just as guilty as Walt was. If he hadn't leaked that info, there would have been no reason to go after Palmer just to implicate Jack.

He didn't...get elected as President. He was the Vice-President, but the President (blanking on the name right now) was killed last season. Logan is a prime example of what happens when you make a bad choice for what could be a very important job. Most of the time, the VP can be a very insignifigant job - expect for when something happens to the President, as was the case with Logan.

That I didn't remember. I tend to forget most things from one season to the next. I don't even remember what did happen last season aside from Jack having to fake his death.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

The President last season in a couple of eps :rolleyes: was Keeler.

I kept getting Keeler and Heller mixed up. :lol: :lol:

Let's see . . . . I know Keeler survived the crashed but what I don't know is whether or not the former president died?? :eek: Was it mention or did I miss something? :rolleyes:

I just assumed the President was in a coma. I do know his son died. :(

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yeah I remmeber him being in a coma too but I can't recall whether he died or not. Maybe he survived but had brain damamge and couldn't preform presidential duties or something.:confused: Don't quote me on that though because I really don't remember what happened and am just guessing
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Poor Edgar, he was one of my favourite characters. I knew someone was going to die in 5.12, just didn't know who. Kim was too predictable, so I thought Tony, but then I saw the confersation between Edgar and the girl, I knew it was gonna be him. This was definately one of the best 24 episodes ever, so far I love this season, i like it much better that season 4.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Anybody would probably be a better president than Logan. Although after the last episode I wouldn't want the VP to take Logan's place. Who the heck would want to enforce martial law without congress approving it! :rolleyes:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

LoneWolf13 said:
Anybody would probably be a better president than Logan. Although after the last episode I wouldn't want the VP to take Logan's place. Who the heck would want to enforce martial law without congress approving it! :rolleyes:

The VP has his own agenda for sure. He has to know Logan is a weak decision maker and he is easily influenced. I think he's hoping Logan will declare martial law which would throw everything into chaos. The fallout from it would be catastrophic for Logan, who would then resign or be impeached and then the VP can move in. It's all about power with these guys. :eek:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

How many more cast members do they plan on killing this season?!?! There isn't going to be anyone left if they keep going at this rate. Tonight I really wanted to slap Kim for being so stupid and not even hugging her dad or anything. Lynn of course was redeemed tonight for saving everyone and then he died (at least he ended on a good note) And how the hell did Henderson end up shoving the needle into Tony when he was suppose to be in a coma?!?! :mad: :confused:
By the end of the season I'm going to be an emotional train wreck with all of the stress this show puts me through! :lol:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Nooooooooooo please not Tony!!!!!!!!!!!

No no no no no no no please say it isn't so!
Why did Tony hesitate?? :eek: Why? :mad:

OMG this was an awesome episode I was so angry at Lynn and we all knew it was his fault. :mad: In the end, I was just so sad and admire Lynn's bravery along with the security guard for saving the lives of those still remaining.

Did Logan know Lynn was being detained? :rolleyes:

Sheesh, I couldn't hold my breath as long as Jack. Talk about lung power. Ok, how many of you tried holding your breath along with Jack? *raises hand* :lol: :lol:

I really don't get why Kim was brought into the picture in the first place? :mad: :mad: Her attitude totally sucked for the most part.
She and Barry together? Ewwwww. :eek: :eek:

So Karen of Homeland Security has now taken over and CTU doesn't exist? :eek: For now? :rolleyes:

Would you fall apart had you been in Logan's shoe? :rolleyes:
Hmmmm Logan is partly to blame.

Man I'm still trying to get over the twist in the end. WOW!
I don't think Tony wanted to live. :( Not without Michelle. :( :(

By the end of the season I'm going to be an emotional train wreck with all of the stress this show puts me through!

I'm joining you Lonewolf.

As far as killing off the cast, just keep Jack standing and I'm just fine.

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Tony was/IS my fav.. so here's to Tony

I found you in the most unlikely place
or it was you who found me
From the first moment I heard your name
something in my heart came alive

You showed me love without words, so
I can't belive you're gone
I don't know who to blame

My heart is acheing, all hope is fadeing
I never felt such pain
Why is everything so hard?
Why can't we be toghether, like we were before?

I feel the cold beneath my feet
I'm waiting for the world to fall
I run, far away from home
I find that there's no escape

I used to think that I was strong
Until the day he took you away
I'll need a miracle to make it through
I never thought this could happen
That you would ever leave me

In a perfect world you'd still be here
In a perfect world I'd just pick up the pieces
In a perfect world I would turn back time
In a perfect world this would never happen

I can see your face in every shooting star
Can you feel my pain from where you are?
I wish I still were an angel, I wish I still had wings
So that I could fly up there and tell you how much I miss you

I am no longer an angel and I no longer have wings
You were the one who made me fly
You were the one who made me an angel
Now instead, I catch a falling star
Hoping it's a message from you
Telling me you've spread your wings
And flown to the horizons very end

I never know why, I never know how
My life will turn out, now that you're gone

In the dream in which I'm dyeing
The best one I've ever had we were still together

Life is a river passing you by
Sometimes angels cannot fly

In a perfect world, we would still be together.

(it's mixed lyrics)
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Sheesh, I couldn't hold my breath as long as Jack. Talk about lung power. Ok, how many of you tried holding your breath along with Jack? *raises hand* :lol: :lol:

I tried holding my breath too! :lol: and yeah I definetly would've died. My family thought I was crazy when they started to talk to me but I couldn't talk back because I was holding my breath!

As far as killing off the cast, just keep Jack standing and I'm just fine.

I second that :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Not only did Jack hold his breath that long...he also was trying to get to the computer terminal. If that would have been me....I'd be dead. No way could I hold my breath that long.

I can't believe how many people they kill in each episode. I still hadn't gotten over Edgar and now Lynn and Tony.

As for Henderson, I guess he had them fooled that he was in a coma. I just hope Jack quickly realizes that he's gone.

Oh, BTW, IMissSpeed , I love your NCIS banner. :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

LoneWolf13 said:

I tried holding my breath too! :lol: and yeah I definetly would've died. My family thought I was crazy when they started to talk to me but I couldn't talk back because I was holding my breath![/b]

Thanks for being honest.

God, I would have passed out and died.

Do you really think Tony is dead??? :eek: I mean it's only been a less than a minute when Jack held him. :rolleyes: He might still be alive. :eek:
