007 #1: Bond, James Bond

Totally. I just don't like the scene before the very end. I read the book version of Casino Royale & what happens to Vesper is way different then what takes place towards the film. That's all I'm gonna say as I don't wanna give anything away. I just loved her & Bond together :(. And he actually admitted that he loved her & that incident happened :(.

I could definitely see the film a couple more times before it's released on DVD. I'm also actually beginning to find that Daniel Craig may actually be the best Bond to date.
I read the novel version before I went to see the film and I have to say I am glad they changed the film version otherwise it wouldn't have been very Bond or Hollywood-like.

In terms of raw talent than Daniel Craig is amazing but I grew up with Pierce so I'm always going to have a soft spot for him .... Daniel for amazing raw acting and Pierce for the more suave-side of Bond. :)
I grew up with Pierce as well. They're both excellent Bonds. Pierce made Bond more of a warmer guy with a lot of empathy for what's he done & those around him. You could see how bad he felt about he shot Elektra. He was more sensitive. Daniel turned Bond into a guy with no remorse & one who would do anything to get the job done. He was more of a macho man. Personally, I appreciate the differences.

Yeah, I found the film version of Casino Royale to be way better. The book wasn't very modern but it was still enjoyable.
Yeah, if they had decided to make the next Bond film set after 'Die Another Day' rather than go back to the beginning then I don't think Daniel Craig would have suited the part very well. As it is, he was amazing.

Wish that we had Q and Moneypenny in this film though. Hope we get them in the next!
Ditto that. To have Bond change personalites in a big way would be weird to me & the audience. I mean, would could possibly make him act so different. There was nothing big in Die Another Day anyway. After seeing Craig in Casino Royale I can't imagine him portraying Bond as a sweet, sensitive guy. It would be too awkward. I mean, look at the way he reacted after he spoke with M on his mobile about Vesper. It would just be too weird if he turned into this big mushball in the next Bond film. Even though Bronson is one hell of an actor I can't imagine him in Casino Royale. To see him act as a macho agent would be odd. I'm glad they brough in Craig. I'm just glad I understand why he cannot trust anyone anymore & why he cannot fall in love like he did with Vesper. It made everything make sense. Anyway, my head feels kinda weird so I hope what I wrote made sense :lol:.

Yeah, they definitely have to bring back Moneypenny & Q in the 2008 Bond film! I wonder if they'll use John Cleese & Samantha Bond again.
Supposedly Bond 22 will draw on the Risco(???) storyline from the novel version of For Your Eyes Only. I kinda like knowing that as the Bond films created from the mind, not that novel haven't been all that spectacular. I dunno, that's just me...
:lol: I love it! Thanks for sharing it :D.

Here's some info on Bond 22. Unfortunately it doesn't reveal much but then I want it to be a surprise...
I read in the January 15th issue of Star magazine that the producers of the Bond films are considering Australian actress Abbie Cornish as the lead Bond girl for Bond 22. It's a gossip magazine so it may not be true but anyway, I've had a few other actresses in mind who could take on the role. For those interested in Abbie Cornish check out her imdb profile :).
I want another Bond girl like Rosamund Pike ...she's one of my faves along with Eva Green of course!

I don't know who I'd like to play the next Bond girl. They usually choose actresses who come from relative obscurity anyway. Of course it's not just about their looks either - they've got to have good chemistry with Daniel too!
I loved Rosamund Pike as well! I was so sad what happened to her despit her intentions. I actually prefered her over Halle Berry, even though Halle Berry is an excellent actress. She just made the film too comical & the franchise isn't meant to be a comedy. I still love that line though...

Guy: Who sent you?
Jinx: Your mama!


Eva Green is still my favourite one though.

I agree, chemistry is key. I like it when they bring in lesser known actress. I mean, everyone knows who Denise Richards is & no offence, but she was the worst Bond girl in chemistry. Plus, it doesn't work well when the Bond girl is a bigger star then the guy who portrays Bond. As long as the Bond girl doesn't over shadow Daniel then it's all good. Non big-stars work best IMO :).
I recently just finished reading Casino Royale & wow, I don't think I've ever cried that hard after reading a novel...

Bond tells Vesper that he wants to marry her which throws her off, in a good sense. She excuses herself & I believe at that moment she writes her suicide note. She kills herself with sleeping pills. Anyway, Bond receives the note later on & he was heartbroken. The note explains how Vesper fell for Bond & that she'll always love him & how she'll take his memories with her & how she wanted to have his child etc. She just couldn't bear to live with herself or how Bond would react through his eyes as she basically went against him/betrayed him even though she was technically working with him. As soon as they "escaped" she became so distant to the point it hurt & worried Bond. It was an extremely emotional ending that made me shed quite a few tears :(.

Seeing poor Vesper suffer because of what she actually knew was heart-wrenching. She just wanted to give herself to Bond but she just couldn't, knowing what she's done to him :(. The romance aspect of the novel is way better then the way it is in the film. Now I've begun Goldfinger & I must say I enjoy the film version much more. Hopefully it'll pick up soon.
Wish that we had Q and Moneypenny in this film though. Hope we get them in the next!

I Don't know about Moneypenny But if They Bring Q Back they'll have to find another Old Actor to play him since Desmond (The Original Q) Died the same year Tomarrow Never Dies Was still in Theaters.
Calleigh_Caine said:
I Don't know about Moneypenny But if They Bring Q Back they'll have to find another Old Actor to play him since Desmond (The Original Q) Died the same year Tomarrow Never Dies Was still in Theaters.

They already have a new actor ....... John Cleese was introduced as 'R' when Q was still alive but after Desmond died John Cleese became Q as seen in 'Die Another Day'.