007 #1: Bond, James Bond

I kinda liked seeing Bond fall in love but I guess now we know why James won't give his heart to a woman anymore. I have a feeling that a smitten James would be different but then again he didn't change too much in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. I'll admit that I would like to see them bring in a Bond girl from the past to see how James would react.

Oh, and there's something else I've been meaning to bring up. At first I've heard that the new Bond film will be released on November 7th of 2008 but someone told me that the date is supposed to be May 22nd of the same year. Personally I would love if it was released earlier but I'd like my facts straight first.
The plan was to let it premiere in May 22nd, but the producer postponed it so they had a little more time.
Ahh ok that makes sense. I'm sure it will be worth the wait anyway. Now I'm just interested as to who will be playing the villan & Bond girls. Thanks.

This question isn't really related to the 007 series but more to the creator, Ian Fleming. Have any of you read any of his James Bond novels? I'm thinking of asking for a couple for Christmas but I want to know if they're any good. I'm thinking about requesting Dr.No, Goldfinger or From Russia With Love. Any thoughts?
So far I've read Live and Let Die, Moonraker, Diamonds Are Forever, Dr. No, From Russia with Love, and I'm currently reading Goldfinger. I loved them all, but I think your choises are good. Moonraker is amazing too. The novels have a different order though, they don't have the same order as the movies. Here's the order of novels:

Casino Royale
Live and Let Die
Diamonds Are Forever
Dr. No
From Russia with Love
For Your Eyes Only (couple of short stories, among them For Your Eyes Only and From a View to a Kill)
The Spy Who Loved Me
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
You Only Live Twice
The Man with the Golden Gun
Octopussy/The Living Daylights (couple of short stories, among them: Octopussy and The Living Daylights)

It's not neccesary to read them in order, but Fleming often refers to previous adventures.
Thanks for your opinion. I'll probably end up reading all of them eventually but I plan to start in the order that the films of the books were released, if that makes sense. Are the novels & films totally different or are there some parts that are the same? I'd like it if they were slightly different.
I'm also reading all of them. I'm even planning to read the Gardner novels when I'm done. Some novels have much similarities to the film, but some don't. Dr. No, From Russia with Love and Goldfinger are very similar. On the other hand, Moonraker, Live and Let Die and Diamonds Sre Forever are very different. You see some very familiar scenes though. For example, in Live and Let Die there is a passage that clearly returns in the film Licence to Kill.
Sounds good. It is my goal to read most of the James Bond novels when I begin my Christmas break next week. I'd also like to watch Casino Royale a couple of times as well. Anyway, I think we're due for a poll in which we choose our favourite Bond & favourite Bond film...
Fav. Bond; Sean Connery. Because he was the original bond and he's a great actor.

Favorite Movie; Octopussy. I don't know why, but I just liked that movie. And Uh, J, I think you made a mistake creating this poll, not sure, wasn't it Die Another Day, instead of Die Another Die? :)
Awww crap. Yes, you are correct :lol:. It is Die Another Day. It's a good thing somebody has eyes that work :lol:.

I liked Octopussy as well & seeing Roger Moore dressed up as a clown was priceless. Also, Maud Adams, who played Octopussy also had a role in The Man With The Golden Gun as Andrea Andres, Scaramanga ill-fated lover.

Ooh, and what I wouldn't give to play a Bond girl opposite Sean Connery back in the day :devil:.
You'd kill me? Because I secretly am the new Bond girl :p

My eyes don't work. I have help from my best friend 'the glasses'. Well, I just didn't like Die Another Day. I can't remember the movie very good, but I remembered Madonna's part being very weird.
Sean Connery for me. He's just THE Bond. I picked From Russia with Love. Don't knoiw for sure why, but it was very tough to choose. As for Felix Leiter; Jack Lord and Norman Burton. Loved both of them.
I picked Daniel Craig. I do like Sean Connery but I can't say he's my favorite Bond just because he started the series off.

And my favorite movie was Casino Royale. It was more realistic than any of the ones I've seen and I liked how Daniel portrayed James.
I went with Jack Lord & Cec Linder for the role's of Felix Leiter. I can't really explain why...

Here's an interesting fact:

Eunice Gayson, who played Sylia Trench in Dr.No & From Russia With Love was orginally supposed to play the role of Miss Moneypenny instead of actress Lois Maxwell.

I'm glad they went with Lois though as I think the role is more suited(sp?) for someone who isn't over the top gorgeous like all the Bond girls. Plus, it's nice to see someone from Canada make it big.