*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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Yay, new lay-out and we have new smilies :guffaw:

^ That episode is my favourite, John Mayer and CatNip in one scene, could it be better? :drool: <- We don't have to say drool again :lol:
^Well they could be nekkid in bed. That would be better wouldn't it? But otherwise it's pretty high up there! :lol:

*sigh* They look so comfortable and easy together. I bet you all those test audiences are wondering what possessed them to give negative feedback about that first kiss. (It's S1 hair I tell you. That's the only reason). :(
I'll have to look at those smileys one day, when i figure this thing out that is.

haha, Liffy is that your answer for everything about season one? Cath's hair? lmao. That is funny.

ooh Sor you found a drool smiley, nice :)

You know, they DO look jealous of the hottness that is CatNip. <3 CatNip is hawt. I love how they danced together, so sexy and close. purr!
^^Yes. Everything that went wrong in Season 1 was due to blindingly bad hair. You know the GD Promo DVD I have? Well the extra's on that DVD are the pilots for CSI & CSI:Miami. So I keep seeing S1 hair. *cringes* No -season 1 was bad hair season. So Cath can't be blamed *aims an iron skillet at her old stylist*

All things that go wrong will be blamed on S1 hair.

The girl off to the side does look like she's uber jealous of their hotness right? :) Well they have cause to be I'd say. CatNip is just :drool:
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The girl off to the side does look like she's uber jealous of their hotness right? :) Well they have cause to be I'd say. CatNip is just :drool:

She is just jealous and can't take it anymore, that's why she is walking away :lol: Hotness everywhere in that club :evil:
She looks like she's about to give CatNip a quick smack for being too sexy in the club. :p

But as always, CatNip is utterly oblivious to it because they are above it all and exist on a higher plane of sexyness. It's not their fault they're genetically gorgeous together. :)
Hello, I haven't been in this thread in a while, but I'm back now as my obsession with Catnip begins to grow rapidly... <3 Do any of you darling have any gorgeous Catnip piccies for me? *Hint, Hint* Pretty please...? :angel: I know how you all love to post them. :D
She looks like she's about to give CatNip a quick smack for being too sexy in the club. :p

But as always, CatNip is utterly oblivious to it because they are above it all and exist on a higher plane of sexyness. It's not their fault they're genetically gorgeous together. :)

Smacked for being to sexy in the club!... Aww, smacked. Two of my ships mentioned in one thread, so lovely. <3 I love my OTPS.

Yeah somehow their above all the bs, (mumbles unlike some people stealing someones personalized icon without asking *coughs*)

Yeah, CatNip is hot together. Hey liffy meet me in 5 mins :devil:

We'll film catnip out by the moonlight.
^Gotcha babes. Just imagine how exotic they'll look...hmm...touching and feeling by moonlight. Just one thing though, moonlight sucks with filming. Let's add in a little fire and a snuggling sleeping back next to it and we can watch them get cozy...and more. :devil:

Who's stealing whose personalised icons? (gosh, I feel like I need to re-learn how to type all over again all of a sudden)
Totally agree. I packed us a cooler. :) Don't forget to pack extra clothes, you know how catnip is once they get all started! *evil laugh*

(you are such a dork)

Auda's supposed to make an appearance today. I'M WAITING! .. She stole my icon :p
Naughty, naughty Auda :lol: APPEAR! *poof*

^Hey if we're supposed to be packing their extra clothes, it means we get to choose what they wear right? Like a pair of matching leopard skin bikinis and speedos :lol: Oh I crack and cringe myself so easily...

Make sure there's ice water in that cooler. We can have ourselves a little steam show by spritzing water on them every once in a while. :lol:
Well, I'm here!! I've decided to stop being rebellious and let Nicky go. My lust for him will never equal the intensity and love that he and Cath share together.

What woman? What do you mean I stole your icon? Huh? I'm lost here.

Why should we pack anything for them? I say they go in the buff. No shirt, no shoes, no clothes, no problem!
Liffy! :: We're supposed to pack clothes for us! *rolls eyes* CatNip would kill us if we packed for them! Because we're evil

Oh trust me, lots of ice are packed :d

Auda! :: You came, how sweet, We've missed you! *snuggles*

Yeah, about time you got that point. Although I haven't given up Mac yet.

haha. I live to confuse you, sorry. :) I'll pm you about it though.

You've been listening to Kenny again haven't you? :p
You live to confuzzle and tease me about things! *Snuggles you*

Nah, I've only been listening to rock lately (and also Mr. McGraw). But I thought that was CatNip appropriate. Clothes shouldn't be optional with them. ;) Liff might come at me with skillets! Quick, what's a good Paisley song for CatNip?

Liff, CatNip doesn't need ice for steam. They create their own steam.

Any good CatNip episodes coming up?
*snuggles back*

Clothes should be not available! *evil laugh* -- Oh yeah Liffy's in here, this could be fun! -- I dunno I think he has a few but I don't have any on the top of my head though.

I haven't really heard anything. I've heard of a Cath spoiler and the rumored Nick spoiler but thats about it.
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