*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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Well didn't Cath leave after that? So, she went home to wait on Nicky and get everything ready??.. *whispers to Mo* we did install that camera last night right?

Aww, that is such a cute look, aww, she loves her Nicky. and Nicky is saying what Mo typed, I agree, I thought we were hiding it at work cath!.. -- cath then says, well I'll go home, get things ready, and you come home after your done. Don't make me wait long big boy. :devil:


Chelly you give up ficcie yet???

Mo likes when I'm fluffy for some reason.
*Mo winks at Lynny and giggles softly...* Oh no worries, we installed that one, plus that other one too just in case, remember? ;) :devil:

"Big boy" :lol: Lynny I read that and totally heard Cath saying that in my head! :lol:

*Shrugs...* Can't help it, you fluffy makes me grin! ;)
Oh good, i remember installed a few, but after awhile, you forget which camera went where...

haha, after the 'try and keep up' line from RIBSC and a few others they've had, I can definately see Cath calling him that.

good :)
where the heck are you people??? :p its like I post and yall don't. when I don't post for awhile, you guys are all over this thread.. *stalks each of you* Don't make me tell Cath you haven't been in this thread, We all know how she gets when you don't come in her thread!
Well, I have been reading. Busy putting the finishing touches on my CatNip story. This one is kicking my butt. I have to tell you that it is proving to be a challenging chapter for me to write. Give me two minutes and the next chapter will be up.
I can admit that CatNip ficcies can kick your butt---they have mine. I feel your pain! ;) There's so much to write....so little time. :devil:

Lynny, my CatNip ficcie will be so hot and so tender that it will make you ship D/L again!! You will just adore me once more---as if you didn't already adore the heck out of me!! :lol: In fact I was having brilliant CatNip dreams last night---I added those to my ficcie. :D

Okay, so maybe it won't be that brilliant, but it will bring all sorts of warm fuzzies to your angsty heart. I also will no longer use 'Puppy' against you. I'll use HEGM!!

I need some good CatNip spoilers!! Where are they? :eek:
I'm here, I'm here...don't tell Cath, I don't wanna get whacked! :(

Lol, yeah we put those cameras so many places it's hard to remember where each one is! ;) Heehee! :D

Aud! Hello wub! ;) Oohhhh a hot and tender CatNip fic? YAY! And Lynny I think I have a potential Keith Urban song for a CatNip vid...and I'm working on those clips...so you better prepare to adore us both! ;)

Tell me HEGM already...please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE!!!

Ohhh yeah spoilers...do we have any??
maybe cn will work the case together this week, but who knows!

Oh, I'll be prepared to adore you both when Auda gives me ficcie and you give me viddie. I'll be happy. Aud, don't you think I already have enough DL deals going down?

Chelly, have you posted an update to your ficcie yet? I'm sure you'll do great, you always do :D

Did we put a camera in the bathroom?
Lights, camera, action :lol: That was enough right? :p

Sor has something to do like school but CatNip is distracting me too much lately :rolleyes: They are not good for me *whistles* *watches out of her window and sees Cath* Oh no, I think I have to go now :rolleyes:
CSIWillows, I love your quotes!! :)

Are we still playing cat-n-mouse with Cath? Nicky loves play time. :devil:

Hey, Lynny Pie. Tell Mo about HEGM already. After all, she and Mer are tag-teaming-ya at the moment. And they will win. :lol:

He couldn't believe it...the moment she walked in the room, he... :p
Sor!! Behave. :devil:

Yeah, I'd be running pretty fast if I were you, there, Sor, Cath's been working out again, remember, CURVES!

We miss ya, Sory!

Auda, that so isn't fair to play with that teasting thing your doing. You should just give it up!

...Nah, Thats one thing I'm keeping :p

Nicky always loves his play time with Cath. :devil: He's trying to bribe me with cookies (which is working) to let him play with her tonight.
You already adore me Lynny hon, when Aud gives you that ficcie and I give you that vid...you'll...well I dunno but it'll be good! ;) And as for deals...well, you can never make too many of those babes! :D

Camera in the bathroom...honey...the bathroom has the SHOWER in it, and knowing your fascination with CatNip in the shower, that was one of the first camera's we installed....remember?! :devil: :D

Sor honey you better run, I think Cath's coming after you! ;)

Aud! Hi honey! :D Ohhhh yeah Lynny listen to my fluffy Twin, tell me HEGM! I give you vid if you give me that! ;) Heehee! :D

Nicky bribed you with cookies huh...wanna share? ;)
Come on, quit being a tease (like cath and kels) and give Lynny the vid/ficcie.. I'll let you proof read the dl fic I'm writing Mer. :D

...Oh didn't I tell you, I installed one behind the shower, which looks in the shower, because as you said, I'm in heartsville with the shower. :devil:

You give me vid if I give you HEGM?.. Nope, need more bribes then that.

*hands you some of the cookies* He makes a good wifey. :devil: *runs before Cath hears that*
audacity said:
CSIWillows, I love your quotes!! :)

Thank you so much! :D Maybe my humour can distract Cath? *coughs* :p

And yeah, I had to run fast but Cath is helping me to work out. That's the way how I describe it :lol:
CSI_Willows said:
audacity said:
CSIWillows, I love your quotes!! :)

Thank you so much! :D Maybe my humour can distract Cath? *coughs* :p

And yeah, I had to run fast but Cath is helping me to work out. That's the way how I describe it :lol:

haha, You hope it distracts Cath, anyways. :d Sor, you gotta a big curve up ahead, take it, trust me, Cath can't handle it, plus Nicky's going to help us out and be on the edge of the curve, so he'll grab her. :D

Instead of being the whole, 'run for my life, while the blonde/red one chases me'?
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