*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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"Leaving Las Vegas".

Wow!!!! :eek: :eek: Lots of CatNip going on here. I cheated and jumped ahead on the seasons :devil: :lol: :lol:. You can see Cat purring......"Hurry Nicky, I want some CatNip time". :devil: :devil: :devil:

*Waves* bye :lol:

LMH -- You're evil. and yay to you getting to watch/catch up!
Lovely pictures. They look so cute together.

They're obviously secretly canonized. Damn TPTB, do they think we are oblivious to what is going on?

And damn them for cutting the kiss scene. Still...I have my imagination :devil:
Oh and my fanfic which I am almost done with and will post a link to shortly.
And damn them for cutting the kiss scene. Still...I have my imagination
Oh and my fanfic which I am almost done with and will post a link to shortly.

Imaginations are great, when it comes to CatNip :devil: :devil:

Hello, nice to meet you. I'm still new, Lynny dragged me in :lol:

I'll be looking forward to reading your story. If you'd like to check out mine, it's over in the FanFic thread.

ttys LMH :)
Aww the dancing pic, I love that. Everytime I listen to Waiting on the World to Change I think of CatNip dancing.

luvingmyHoratio you made a good decision jumping ahead, Leaving Las Vegas is a really great episode. They're really cute together, I love their knuckle punch at the end.
Welcome, El! I'm relatively new here too, I don't post very much, but I do appreciate a nice pic like that! Off to read Catnip fics, and search for what Lynny wants me to. I mean, Miami already has spoilers coming out, CSI should soon. I mean, this is really killing me.
luvingmyHoratio you made a good decision jumping ahead, Leaving Las Vegas is a really great episode. They're really cute together, I love their knuckle punch at the end.

@CathWStokes, I agree 100%. I was waiting for them to pull over in the vehicle and do some CatNipping :devil: :devil: .

Also, a little off topic, but Gumdrops, made me melt, when a man cries like Nick did at the end, that melts my heart and gives me 100% respect for him. Men who cry are damn sexy.

Now back on Topic, CatNip story will be updated shortly, along with some new poems, Guttery of course.

ttyas ***Big Hugs*** all around.

Okay lets play this game:

Both Cath and Nicky said "dating coworkers are wrong" .. Before I get the looks, remember this coming from the couple that had chin on shoulder, touching his arm, being really close to each other. So that brings us to, "we ain't believing your bs, we all know your together, so just freaking admit it!"


LMH: Ooh you posted LLV picture, nice! You rule, and I can't believe you skipped!.. But I'm glad you picked an awesome catnip episode to go to.

Catey: I wonder why LV is always the last to announce spoilers.

Mother: CatNip pwns. We rock. :)

Sor: OMG, you posted Dancing!
Both Cath and Nicky said "dating coworkers are wrong" .. Before I get the looks, remember this coming from the couple that had chin on shoulder, touching his arm, being really close to each other. So that brings us to, "we ain't believing your bs, we all know your together, so just freaking admit it!"
*Here, here* Yes they are!!!!! :devil: :devil:

LMH: Ooh you posted LLV picture, nice! You rule, and I can't believe you skipped!.. But I'm glad you picked an awesome catnip episode to go to.

*I'm going back". "I promise". I can't help I get over excited, it's your fault Lynny. Now all I do is go along the DVD and look for CatNip." :( :p :p :devil:
Seriously, do they really think we're not picking up on this?? *sighs* My crazy ship, I thought they knew me better then that. *kidnaps Nick from Catherine* Lets see what you do without your Nicky!..

*runs with Nick*


:evil laugh: I take great joy in that, you know that right? yay! enjoy watching hon, don't forget to tell me your thoughts!
:evil laugh: I take great joy in that, you know that right? yay! enjoy watching hon, don't forget to tell me your thoughts!

Lynny, do you want my clean thoughts, or naughty thoughts"? :lol: :lol:

Okay, here goes.

Liked: #104: Nicky made me melt, such sensitivity ;)*sighs*

#105: More CatNip, what more needs to be said.

#108: I loved Nicky in this. My fav was when he and Warrick started betting on how the guy went over the cliff. :lol: :lol:

#112: Yeah! more CatNip, " :Dnough said" :D

#113: Defenite fav, loved the hug and love a man that cries, damn sexy. :devil:*Getting just about heated, may try and steal Nicky*** :devil:

#119: Very sad, :( This one wasn't easy to watch.

#120: Yummy, more CatNip :devil: :devil: :devil:*Getting hotter, hide him good Lynny** :devil: :devil:

#202: Very interesting, was shocked by the Theory of it, good epi. I can understand why it would be hard for the parents to accept it. ;)

#203: This made me cry, with Nick, and more sensitivity. *Run with him Lynny, I'm coming** Damn he's hotttt*

#205: Loved the CatNip scenes, Interesting place, to find the diver, made me laugh.

And that's it for now. Except the few I jumped ahead on, but you already knew that.

*And now that I'm Hottt, I'm going to go find Lynny and Nicky**

haha, that rhymes :lol: :lol:

Bye :D
Del bud grinned:
Mo: *Whispers "I bet CatNip are already together! TPTB just were mean and cut their damn scenes again!!*
Lol, yeah I totally think that's what happened hon! The PTB know how much we want to see CatNIp canonized and so they are being mean and just not showing it to us! RAR! Cuz that's the only explanation...CatNip is just way too HOT to not be Canon! :devil:

Fluffy Twin Aud my wub laughed:
Angst blows!! Lynny, cheer me up!! You can whack me if you want!
*Mo tackles her fluffykins!* Awww no whacking! Just imagine CatNip doing it...everywhere...and that'll cheer you up! Or stare at my avie for a bit...it works to cheer me up! :lol:

[/b]LMH[/b], I LOVE that LLV pic you posted...they were SOOOO hot in that eppy! I was waiting for them to just push eachother up against the nearest wall and go at it! :devil:

spoiler Queen Catey investigated:
CSI should soon. I mean, this is really killing me.
Yay you're gonna find CSI spoilers?!! You so rock Catey hon! I mean you rock anyway, but you finding out all these spoilers like you do...you're amazing! :D

CatNip-pwning-angsty/fluffy-brilliant-buddy-Lynny dear rolled her eyes:
So that brings us to, "we ain't believing your bs, we all know your together, so just freaking admit it!"
Lol, yeah I've been saying that for a looooooooong time hon! :lol: They are way too close, and way too touchy and way too feely...to ever be anything but Canon! The song that always makes me think of CatNip..."Let's Give Them Something to Talk About"! ("they say we dance just a little too close, we stare just a little too long...") Sound like anyone we know? ;) Heehee!

*kidnaps Nick from Catherine* Lets see what you do without your Nicky!..

*runs with Nick*
:eek: Ohhhhh woman you better run!! You know how hard Cath whacks...you better run like the wind and pray like heck she don't see you! :lol:
CathStokes said:
*runs with Nick*
Oh, Lynny *sigh*
You know I'm not any good at resisting temptation... *sticks out foot and trips lynn* :devil:

Oh wait, maybe *I* should run now! But first, were you able to get any dirt out of Nicky on what's what? I am soo ready for spoilers. Miami's spoilers coming out just whet my appetite.
:lol: :lol: Mer-bear you are too cute! ;) And yeah hon, you had better run! Cath is the winner when it comes to the "Who-whacks-the-hardest" game...but Lynny is a close second and if you prevent her from stealing Nicky...lol, yeah running is good! :lol:

What's what? I can tell you that! CatNip is canon and the PTB finally acknowledge that! *Mo snaps awake, dang it it was a dream! :p * :lol:
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