*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

yeah, Kels is in love with icons :D

yeah Mo told you you agreed to it, but you never listen to me.

I am so mean.. I love it. *points at banner* HEGM says so! :p
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I'm so mean..
Yeah but somehow it's part of your charm! ;) Still it's SO not nice! :p You should practice niceness and tell me already! ;) :lol:
Ditto!.. Along with Ali Larter, AJ Cook and of course Calleigh!.. I'd say Stella but she's mean to me.
Ditto to all the above...and gee I wonder why Stel's mean to you...something to do with you always stealing her man? I mean just a guess, ya know! ;) And hey have you ever heard of/seen Lena Headey she's a huge girl crush of mine! Her and Poppy Montgomery from Without a Trace!

Lol, it would make a fabulous thread title Kels! And as for why I want...ummm, just cuz? :lol: ;)

I really don't remember agreeing to that! ;) But since I do want it...okay I guess! :D If I'm gonna make them kiss, might as well make them come clean as well! :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Moriel21 said:
CatNip #7: Just Kiss Already!

one idea ;)

Aww I love the CatNip kissing cap. Makes me happy to see it but I want to see the clip. Damn them for not releasing it yet.
me too i want the clip is a pity :rolleyes: ,but someday we will see in the show the kiss :p
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

A-hem. Lynn's not stealing her man because he's MINE. I'M stealing him. *whacks you* lol I'm spreading it.

LOL I think CatNip likes to tease us. We need to lock them in a room together so they get the message about what needs to happen :)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

yeah, Kels is in love with icons
I can't help it.

It's a great thread title. We know they should just kiss. They do it all the time but they won't let us see. They're just being mean.

I like the icon Sidlreiana_15.

CatNip are the worst teasers. Lynn likes locking them in rooms.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I do not!!... wait, yeah I do, don't I? ha. Go figure. :D

I like the icon too Sidlreiana_15 thats a really great one. ;) and yeah Hopefully they'll show us a kiss soon!

and *scoffs* I don't steal Macky, he comes to me. Difference :D

And hey have you ever heard of/seen Lena Headey

I dunno her, who is she?

Mo -- even though I'm angsty, can I hang out with you in the bubble? ... Did I just say that?
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

It's a great thread title. We know they should just kiss. They do it all the time but they won't let us see. They're just being mean.
Thank you Kels! That is totally what I'm saying! They're just teasing us and being mean...geez! But I want it as a thread title anyway! Unless we can get them to kiss before we need a new thread title...cuz then we could have it be...
CatNip: #7 "Told Ya They Were Together!!" :lol: Now wouldn't that be awesome! :lol:
Mo -- even though I'm angsty, can I hang out with you in the bubble? ... Did I just say that?
Lol, totally honey! Give me a minute to pick my jaw up off the ground at hearing you ask though ;) ...lol, just kidding! ;) Yup I'd love to have you hang in my bubble with me! :D Always, you know that! :lol:

Lena Headey is not in a lot of movies...did you ever watch the people version of Jungle Book? She's "Katie" in that...and she's in "The Cave" apparently though I've never seen that...yeah she's gorgeous! :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

No he comes to ME. *Whacks you* You have fake Mac and you know it.

I wonder if CatNip went soaring together...I watched Highs and Lows last night and loved Nicky at the end. He should take Cath with him next time *g* Only no kissing or their chutes will tangle up and that wouldn't be good. no smashed CatNip!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

oh I'm sure Nicky's got ways of getting around that. :devil:

*Whacks you back* You wished I had fake Mac!

The Cave you say? hmmm is it the horror one?

*plays in Mo's bubble*

You know, I'm voting for that one!.. Cause we know their together, CatNip's just gotta give in and show us, Dangit. I'm gonna bribe Nicky.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

*whacks you back* You wish you did!

LOL they could go tandem...I'd love that too...underneath him with his arms around me...*sigh* Bet she would too.

*tries to kick Lynn out* you're angsty and you know it! OK touche I am too...I just hate being left hanging. *points to sharp objects*
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

oh shuddaup Melly.

You know Mac's going with Stella and Nick's going with Cath. We're both out of that because they never give up their man long enough for us to snag!

quit kicking and I wouldn't be pointing those sharp objects in Mo's bubble, she doesn't like that.. I know I'm angsty, but I do have my fluff moments... I don't like left hanging either!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Hello my wuverly CatNippers! How's it hangin'? (Yeah....and now I'm in the Gutter! :devil: :lol: But then again it's CatNip so what's new? :lol: Heehee!)
The Cave you say? hmmm is it the horror one?
Yup it is...which would be why I haven't seen it... :p I'm SO not a horror movie fan! But I LOVE Lena...
*plays in Mo's bubble*
**Giggles!** See fluffy bubbles are fun, told ya! ;)
You know, I'm voting for that one!.. Cause we know their together, CatNip's just gotta give in and show us, Dangit. I'm gonna bribe Nicky.
Ohhhhhh, yeah I like that! You bribe him and I'll convince Cath...how I'm not sure, I'm sure it will involve some ass-kicking of me by her...but if she'll admit it in the end it'd be worth it! :lol:
*tries to kick Lynn out* you're angsty and you know it! OK touche I am too...I just hate being left hanging. *points to sharp objects*
Don't you dare even think about sharp objects around my bubble...Melly! That is SO not cool! My bubble is strong...but still that's just mean! If you're jealous and want to climb into the bubble just say so...no point in being cruel! :p
quit kicking and I wouldn't be pointing those sharp objects in Mo's bubble, she doesn't like that.. I know I'm angsty, but I do have my fluff moments... I don't like left hanging either!
**Mo nods emphatically!** That's for darn sure! I don't like them sharp pointy things around me or me bubble...it's a nice fluffy bubble, don't you be trying to hurt it! And yeah Lynny honey you's entitled to fluffy moments! ;) Of course you are! :D Always! :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I'm a total horror fanatic :D

Would you like me to take Cath, I always get my ass kicked by her and you can take Nick?

CatNip brings out Fluffy in me. :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Mmmm, yeah then you would totally like The Cave then...and I just remembered it has my other girl crush in it too...Piper Perabo...so you should watch it and tell me if they're good in it! ;)

Lol, I'm not sure you or Kels wants me taking Nicky! ;) Lol! :devil:

I always knew something would bring out the fluffy in you! Just remember hon, I called it...way in the beginning! ;) Heehee! :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I'll look for it. If I get it on DVD, I'll cap it for ya. :D

Lets put it this way, You do something with Nicky, I get Danny, k?

Yeah yeah, you called it.. CatNip's the only one thats got it, Smacked gets it.. I'm working on the others.
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