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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    ^^ Definitely, I'm with the ones who think "kiss,kiss,kiss" is a great choice as the new thread tittle. Btw, I have just ended giving a quick look at the last night episode and well... mj0621, are Mac and Stella the ones who appear on you avatar? If so, from where you took the capture...
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    Can't wait for tomorrow's new episode! Remember "Child's play"? There wasn't even a small hint of SMacked scenes, so I hope the new one bring us more Stella/Mac moments. But just in case... kiss, kiss, kiss... KISS!! yas ********* "I'm glad you stayed"
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    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    ^^ Wow!! Thanks for sharing all those pics!! Some of them were completely new to me so, thanks again!! I know it has been said before, but I can't help it, I so love Melina's pic with the glasses. I mean, it's not just that she looks fantastic in that image, it's the whole situation that comes...
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Hi!! I've just come from spending my Christmas out of town and for my amazement, there were still a couple of postcards on the mailbox! How nice! I loved participating in this project, and I hope next year we can manage to organize another one. yas *********** "I'm glad you stayed"
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    NY Quote Game # 3

    Sure, who's next turn? yas ********** "I'm glad you stayed"
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    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    wow!! I've just arrived from my Christmas vacation and when I thougt I've already got all my presents, I found the new AJ's thread! Cool!! I love the tittle chosen for it, btv. And as some of you have already pointed out, I'm more like the second option of the poll, too. Oh! Almot forget it...
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    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Nice to have two new members on board! *me waving a big and warm hello to Shevonne and Persona* yas ************* "I'm glad you stayed"
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    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

    Well, since the Linds/Danny's existence or non existence of a so called relationship has become an issue lately, I have to say that from my point of view there IS a relationship. But,what kind of one? We don't know (yet), and that's because we haven't been shown that side of the charters on the...
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    NY Quote Game # 3

    yay!! that's absolutely right, poisongirl!!! Now, it's your turn! yas *********** "I'm glad you stayed"
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    NY Quote Game # 3

    nope, sorry. yas ********** "I'm glad you stayed"
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    NY Quote Game # 3

    Can I cogratulate myself for guessing the episode? I'm so thrilled since it's the first time I got the answer stright! Here you go... "I've run out of letters" (hope it's not too hard) yas ********** "I'm glad you stayed"
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    Even it's kind of late, let me thank you, BonaTaylor for that gorgueous wallpaper of yours! I'm using it as a screensaver, now! (wondering what my sister is going to think when she realizes I changed the last one she chose, jojo) And yes, I'm practically fully recovered from the lack of...
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    NY Quote Game # 3

    Mac on 'Down the rabbit hole'? yas **************** "I'm glad you stayed"
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    Grade 'Child's Play'

    Just feeling like pointing something out about last week episode. I really loved Mac-Linds-Danny scene with Ruben's death body. Moreover, what I axactely liked was how the dialogue flowed between them. But what was just great is what they didn't say. It is, did you notice that afer Linds ends...
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    The Warm Welcome Thread

    It's funny seeing how the 'stopping by the warm welcome thread' routine has turn for me. Anytime I enter to some of the threads, there are new people posting whose nicknames I haven't seen before. So after finding this "new people", I hurry to this thread to welcome all of them. And that's what...
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    'Happily Never After' Delayed--Will Not Air on 12/19

    I don't know how exactely US-tv works, but here, on Spain, regular programs are stopped on Christmas break. So, for a couple of weeks, channels stop airing new episodes from tv-shows like CSI. Anyway, it's really a shame we are not going to see 'Happily Never After' tonight, but well, let's...
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    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

    Ok, going back to what Lorelai posted few days ago, I've to say that even knowing that this info alludes to 'Familly ties', it's kind of hard trying to extract any clear conclusion from it... I mean, it just describes some characters which I presume are going to be the ones the case got...
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    ^^ You can now breath without worries, CT, because today I got your postcard!! And I've to say that I loved the image on the card, it was way original!! In case you haven't got CT's postcards yet, I'm posting the next coment as an spoiler, Btw, I got the one from Althea, too! I've to...
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    I can't focus on anything constructive to say right now because I'm so mad with... with who? I don't know... ...what about with the one who decided not to let Stella and Mac share any screentime toghether. I think it has been the first time they don't have any scene toghether on a whole...
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    Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

    ^^ Sure! The cuff scene with Flack all gesticulating in order to explain to that guy to turn so he can handcuff him was great!! His expression was priceless! Oh, and Laughing Larry, what were you thinking about when you said "better looking than him" (referring to Flack)? I mean, sure you don't...