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  1. P

    Important Announcement - ALL POSTERS PLEASE READ & REPLY

    Read and understood, but think the 3 line rule is a bit petty. Personally I find the reminder posts from the mods far more annoying than the 1-2 line posts they're pulling ppl up on. Wouldn't it have been better just to tell ppl they can't do 'me too' replies, instead of dictating how many...
  2. P

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    *comes back from the dead* I would love to see George in a QT movie...the whole way he puts those things together, the real larger-than-life, OTTness of the characters and the plotlines - George'd be great in it, and I bet he'd have the best time. He says he's a character actor on the inside...
  3. P

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Oh wow...that had me in tears. Beautifully written.
  4. P

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    I think my image is of Nick as being the more 'masculine' of the two because, honestly - Greg walks like a girl! Just watch him walking along a corridor and it's all from the the jump from how we see him onscreen to imagining him in women's underwear isn't quite as far :p I love...
  5. P

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Lol...I was having a similar discussion with someone, about Greg's 'wait 'til I get you home look' and what they'd be getting up to later. Only I decided it'd be G who did the dressing up, because the thought of Nick in women's underwear disturbed me a little...but somehow I could deal with it...
  6. P

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Marshmallows! I haven't had them in about 18 years! I used to love toasting them over a fire (usually managed to melt half of them from not paying attention, but hey :p) It does seem to depend on the episode, even the scene... :( But I think last night, it was a little too long and...
  7. P

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    *drags in sleeping bag and lots of pillows* I don't do so well on hard ground :p But it's nice and peaceful here at for the squeeing, lol I didn't like it either, stripforensics...I could live with it until that scene you mentioned, where it looked AWFUL. I am so glad that in...