The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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*brings marshmallows* whats the use of a campfire if we cannot roast some marshmallows.

wow, new location. love it. my our boys find there happiness here.

i'm off to read Strips easter fic. Hooray !!

ps. i prefer nick's hair short. long hair & moustache is a NO-No for Nick.
that was really a sweet story.
It's good to be here at the new fort on the mountain.

thx for th B-day wishes. Nice drawing Sillie
Clockstopper I so loved your fic, I already read it twice, adrenaline rush sex gotta love, I did post box sex with Greg just how you described him, thought that was kind of funny.

Aw, thank Shacky. I'm getting better at writing smut that I can just sit down on my computer and have a fic done in an hour. I dont' know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Oh and Nick's hair. Hmm... well I've said before I didn't like it long because it just seemed off to me, but it was actually starting to grow on me. But last night's episode... with the hat on... it was really quite bad actually. There was a certain point he should have let it grow to and then stopped it.

Happy Bday Wojo!
I'm actually undesided about Nick's hair. In some pictures, it actually looks pretty nice, but in others... Yeah.
Hey Jeff, loved the fic, not too fluffy, just so Greg, and damn, wish the Easter bunny would bring me one of those :lol:

LoneWolfe001 said:
*brings marshmallows* whats the use of a campfire if we cannot roast some marshmallows.

Marshmallows! I haven't had them in about 18 years! I used to love toasting them over a fire (usually managed to melt half of them from not paying attention, but hey :p)

Sillie said:
I'm actually undesided about Nick's hair. In some pictures, it actually looks pretty nice, but in others... Yeah.

It does seem to depend on the episode, even the scene... :( But I think last night, it was a little too long and 'untamed' - and not in a good way. It either needed a serious trim and some styling, or to go totally!
Yea, 'apparently' the story is going to be shown through 4 different views: Grissom, Sara, Nick & Greg... each have their own take on the situation and their own style (apparently Greg's is suppose to be a Hitchcock view)... this is the epsiode that has the spolier about Nick having a bridesmaid's number comes from.... who knows how much of this will come true though.

Aw Jeff, I loved the fic. Definitely wished I got THAT Easter basket.
hey everyone, congrats on the new thread! and kudos to sillie for the majorly-awesome sketch. its amazing, and i really like the shading!
Hello everyone! Just checking in to say I saw the N/G scene from the last episode, Greg was definitely giving it some flirting!

Mightn't be on much for the rest of the day as it's my birthday, I've reached the ripe old age of 27 but I still think I'm 19, hehe.
Yea on the new thread :D

I like Nick with short. Greg would have fun playing
with it right after he cut it :devil:

Happy Birthday Serenity and Wojo :D
Yeah, Happy Birthday Serenity!!!!!!!!!!!

Hu hum........

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Dear Serenityyyyyy

Happy Birthday to youuuu!!!!!

OK, now the big part, make a wish, make it a good one that we can all enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great one girl.

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