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  1. BlueDiamondStar

    To Fly

    To Fly CSI Miami T Tragedy/Drama Ryan Wolfe Summary: Just a short drabble about "what if" series I have in my mind. During Sudden Death. When Ryan falls off the bridge... --- --- --- ---- He ran like he'd never ran before in his life. The some...
  2. BlueDiamondStar


    Sleepless. Csi:Miami Genre: Drama, Suspense, Tragedy, Friendship. Characters: Ryan W. & Tim S. & OC & Team. Rating: T (/M) for violence and language. Summary: They've met before. Only that time it was his worst nightmare. Then they met again. This time he might not make it out...
  3. BlueDiamondStar

    The lies we tell (Hurricane)

    (song fic) --- Csi:Miami Genre: Drama, H/C, Suspense, Adventure, Mystery (a bit from all genres) Rating: T (for language and minor violence) Characters: Ryan Wolfe & OC mostly, team included A/N: Just popped in my head while listening 30 Seconds To Mars song Hurricane. This is one...
  4. BlueDiamondStar

    Somewhere- link to my story

    Hey I just finished my one-shot CSI story
  5. BlueDiamondStar

    Looking through a glass

    Ok guys this is my latest fanfic. I know I'm kinda awkward with them but i like to write anyways. As always I'm again bit distracted off it but I have some ideas about this one. I will try to make this different from my first two. This time I'll try to finish this one. Also I may include...
  6. BlueDiamondStar

    Shattered World and Broken Memories

    This is my first fanfic ever. I posted it on other page and was said to post it on, as i did it, but i have too few reviews and i need more to keep going on with it. So please if you like than R&R
  7. BlueDiamondStar

    Eyes of the Angel

    This is my last fanfic for now, I have written more than posted, but I need to know your opinion about this one. Please let me know whether you liked it or not. I'll post my first fanfic link too. So please tell me your thoughts.
  8. BlueDiamondStar

    "Who did it and in which episode"

    Ok my first thread. I hope you guys will enjoy this :) Thank you Grissom rules for noting:)