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  1. 19ams87

    The English Football Thread.

    Who do you support? Who's your fav player etc etc? Lets have a discussion peoples! To answer my own questions, I support my boys Blackburn Rovers, always have, always will. It's in my blood. Love them to death!! My fav player is Mr Robbie Savage, most people probs don't like him but I adore...
  2. 19ams87

    The News Thread.

    I don't know if anybodies done a thread like this but I thought it'd be a good idea for us guys to have a place to discuss recent news etc. Something thats really troubling me atm is that little girl whos gone missing in The Algarve. Gets me so upset to think about it, she's not even 4. It's...
  3. 19ams87

    Holly Gribbs.

    Apparently she was cut out of CSI because the fans didn't like her. I don't see why people didn't like her, think she woulda made an interesting addition to the team. Did you guys like her? Would you like to have seen more of her? I would've, it's a shame she was killed off so early. Saying that...
  4. 19ams87

    If you had to....

    who would you kill off/not be bothered if they left? For me it'd probs be either Warrick or Sara, they're ok as characters but I wouldn't be too bothered if either of them left. Nothing against the actors, they do a wonderful job but those two characters just don't rock my boat much. I s'pose...
  5. 19ams87

    Does anybody ever find themselves...

    Doing things that characters do on CSI? Like I mean, for example now that I found the beast that is Billy Petersen and his pout, I find myself doing it sometimes and i'm like, oh god, i'm turning into him LOL. I also do the hair flick a la Marg Helgenberger LMAO. I'm so wierd.
  6. 19ams87

    CSI Dreams

    I think there was a thread about this somewhere but I can't find it sooo, mods feel free to direct me to it and lock this one. But for now, does anyone dream about CSI/characters? I had a dream last night that it was New Years Eve but I couldn't go out because I was scared. It turned out that...
  7. 19ams87

    Why doesn't Gary have a thread?! :(

    I just noticed that nobody seems to have started a Gary/Warrick thread? Personally I think he's supafly and needs his own thread. Big love for Gary!
  8. 19ams87

    CSI: The Movie?!

    I don't know if theres ever been a thread discussing this so here goes. Do you think CSI The Movie would be a good idea? Or a realistic one? Could it ever happen? X Files did it (and I sit everyday and pray for the second one lol) do you think it would be a good move for CSI to follow in thier...
  9. 19ams87

    CSI: The Movie?!

    csiGD-ML-1108136-ML- To: General CSI Discussion
  10. 19ams87

    Shipping, for boys or girls?!

    Well, i'm a gal, my mind tells me shipping in general (no matter of who you ship) is more of a female thing. What you peoples think? Any male shippers out there?
  11. 19ams87

    What got you hooked?

    I thought it'd be interesting to see what was the first episode everyone ever watched of CSI. Did you start from the offset with the Pilot are like me were you a late starter? My first episode was Pledging Mr Johnson (I think this is probs the reason I don't ship GSR, more of a GCR lass!) And...
  12. 19ams87

    X Files!

    Did anyone watch it? I still love it. I adore David Duchovny, bloody gorgeous. Wasn't keen on the last two series' but up to then, it was fantastic. Still love watching it back now. Go Mulder and Scully. I'm still awaiting any news on a second X Files movie. :devil:
  13. 19ams87

    Anyone ever wrote to any of the cast members?

    Just wondering if anybody has ever wrote to any of the CSI cast members? Wondering what the responce is like, i'm thinking of writing to Billy Peterson :devil: :p
  14. 19ams87

    Anyone ever wrote to any of the cast members?

    csiGD-ML-1076311-ML- To: General CSI Discussion