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    Who Said It?

    This is similar to Name That Episode, only now we're looking for who said the line. Let's Start with: Season 4: Butterflied "The prodigal CSI returns."
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    Fave Sara Quotes

    There was a thread like this awhile back, but it disappeared, so I thought we'd start fresh. :) Sara (Nervously after being jumped at by one of the patients): Grissom? You take this one. (Committed) Sara: Clowns? Cath: Oh, yeah. Lindsey's fourth? Bad scene. (Invisible Evidence) Grissom: What...
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    All Roads Lead To You- GSR Fic

    Sara was falling apart. She'd been trying to sleep for hours, but it was hopeless. The nightmares filled with the ghosts of her past kept trapping her, and the only way to avoid them was not closing her eyes. This had been why she'd prsctically lived at the lab since she'd started all those...
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    Snicker RP-Open

    Sara had barely gotten through that last shift. "What was I thinking?" she asked herself. "A triple? I gotta stop this. I've gotta think of the two of us." Sara put a hand on her stomach. She wasn't showing yet, but she had a feeling people were starting to have suspicions. She knew they...
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    Key To Your Heart GSR Fic

    Sara had just gotten home after a long shift. Her feet were screaming, and she was feeling depressed. The source of her depression was once again how she felt for Grissom. She ached to take a leap of faith with him, but she knew it wasn't logical. He'd rejected her the last time she'd tried, and...
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    New YoBling RP- Open

    Cath walked into her office one morning and felt a terrible sadness wash over her. She sat down and took a breath. She had no clue what caused it. She was looking over some autopsy reports when she heard a knock at the door. "Come in," she called. "Get a grip, Cath," she thought to herself. "If...
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    New GSR RP- Open

    Sara sighed and walked in to get a coffee. "Hmm, what a night." She poured a cup and sat on the couch. She groaned. She'd hurt her wrist earlier, and it was killing her. She was starting to wish she had a pain killer. To be truthful, she didn't even know how she'd hurt it. She sighed. Oh, now...
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    Snicker RP- Open

    Nick was exausted. It'd been another long shifr. He took a breath and rested on a chair in the lab.
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    New GSR RP- Open

    Sara's head was spinning. She'd had a hard night last night. The nightmares were getting worse and worse lately. As she went out for a little air, she ran into Gil. She glanced up. "Oh, sorry."
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    Comfort- GSR Fic

    Chapter 1: Comfort (It's a slow day in the lab, and Gil comes upon the break room. He starts to walk past the door, but a strangled cry stops him.) Sara (Child-like, frightened): Please stop, Mama! It shouldn't happen like this! (She cries out again, this time more urgently. Gil rushes to her...
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    CSI Dreams

    I was curious and had to ask. Anyone ever had a CSI dream? I had one a couple nights ago. I was Sara and was processing a scene. Suddenly, I saw these big netal spiders. I smashed a few, but then I came to my senses and called Grissom, who came to my side and bent down to examine them. After a...
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    New YoBling RP- Open

    It was a warm morning as Cath walked into HQ. She waved to the techs in the lab and walked straight to her office. She was looking over some case files when she heard a knock on her door.
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    Oppotunities- GSR fic- Sara's POV

    Chapter 1: A New Opportunity I sit alone in the lab processing some new evidence in a casino homicide when I see Grissom walking by the window. “Hey, Griss, I've got something,” I call. He turns, coming toward me, but it feels like he's coming in slow motion. What happened between us that...
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    Name that episode

    I thought of a new game. Someone posts a line, and someone else guesses the name of the episode in which it was said. Sara: It's funny the things that you remember and the things that you don't.
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    New RP- open

    Catherine sighed. The placement of the body didn't make sense. The vic, Olivia Shilling, had been attacked by her stairs, but now, she was by her front door, and there were no drag marks or blood to suggest she'd crawled there. She bent down next to the body. "How'd she get here?" she asked into...