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  1. M

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    There once were two people in love, They fit perfect like hand in glove, Though sorrow did dump, They survived every bump, It's the stuff real romance is made of! *Mo grins and opens the thread, popping open a bottle of champagne and passing out freshly made "Sex on the Beach" drinks in honor...
  2. M

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    *Mo throws confetti, and tosses M&M's, and cake and opens champagne and soda for those under age and passes all of it around happily!* Welcome one and all lovely shipper buddies to the 18th thread of celebrating Danny and Lindsay's love! Our couple is amazing, loving, gorgeous, hot, smexy...
  3. M

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    Welcome Twinny, nieces, fluffies, angsties, flungsties, shippers, and newbies to the haven of Danny and Lindsay love! Our ship has sailed, the ocean is calm, the sun is out, and WE ARE CANON Y'ALL!! Oh the joy...Super Ep solidified what we already knew to be true...these two are IN LOVE...
  4. M

    Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

    Good morning all my shippy buddies! Welcome to the latest edition of the Danny and Lindsay Show!! Our contestants today are the lovely Miss Lindsay Monroe from Montana and the gorgeous Mr. Daniel Messer from New York! :D "Beautiful!" What Linds' dreams are made of! (A fun little banner...
  5. M

    DuCaine songs--Steaming up the Radio Waves!!

    Alright all my fellow DuCaine lovers! :D It's official we have our very own song thread now! So feel free to fill it up with all sorts of steamy songs that fit our hot couple!! :D (Pssst... Emer this especially cuz you requested it! ;) )
  6. M

    Our Danny & Linds Soundtrack

    Hello my lovely D/L shippers! :D Thanks to our lovely mod **waves to Rhonda! I finally got us our very own M&M soundtrack thread! Everyone else had I thought it's about dang time we did too! :lol: So find any and all songs that remind you of our lovely Danny and Linds and post away! :D...
  7. M

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    Yay! Hi Y'all!! Welcome to our new thread celebrating the gorgeous Miss Monroe and the devastatingly handsome Mr. Messer! Yay, yay, yay for a new thread!! Wohoo!! :D :D **Moriel dances around happily and passes out M&M's, cookie dough, bubbly drinks, confetti, and water guns cuz Aud said...