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  1. Missing

    Breaking Bad

    Has anyone watched this show, which is just starting its second season on AMC? Here is the site for info I watched its first season and loved it. It has Malcom in the Middle's Bryan Cranston as Walt a science teacher who finds out he has lung cancer...
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    Leno to Primetime

    An article here: I watch Leno every now and then but I don't know how many jaywalking or headlines I could watch 5 nights a week. I don't think he is going to get the kind of ratings...
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    CSI Miami opening

    What was the music/song played at the beginning of the episode where we get to see Eric/Calleigh/Ryan all before going to work?
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    The Mentalist

    Has anyone watched this new show on CBS on Tuesdays? I have watched both episodes so far and I like it. Was wondering if anyone did?
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    CSI LV "A la Cart" Song at end

    What was the song at the end when the team was racing in the go carts?
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    Kitchen Nightmares

    Don't think this has been posted but if it has then correct it but I know it was mentioned in the Hell's Kitchen thread awhile ago. for more info. This show started in the USA two weeks ago and boy I have to say from watching this I don't know if I want to...
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    Kid Nation

    On Wednesday Sept 19, Kid Nation premires on CBS. It is about 40 kids that try to make a town work without any help from adults. They cook, clean, govern and work for the town. I am looking forward to this and seeing how it plays out. There has been alot of controversy on this show and some...
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    Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"

    Ok mods I tried searching but only found the UK thread. So hopefully I didn't miss this thread somewhere and if there isn't one well then here we go. Ok this show started about a two weeks ago and finally getting to know everyone. There has been a eviction already and that was Carol. And this...
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    Hell's Kitchen

    Well it is time for another go around with Gordan Ramsey in Hell's Kitchen. And by the previews it looks like a lot of crying and yes yelling. All starts in the US on June 4 on Fox. Has anyone else watched this show? I like it and even though he seems like he...
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    The View on ABC

    I looked to see if this has been posted or not so you can close if need to. I don't know how many of you watch The View but I tune in most of the time and today's show got to be a bitchsession between Rosie and Elizabeth and you can read here...
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    Did anyone catch the premire of Drive last night on Fox? It will continue tonight. It is on right before 24. Here's the website The next time you’re cut off by crazed drivers on your way to work, give them a little slack. They could be racing for their lives. DRIVE...
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    Survivor Fiji

    Contestants: ALEX ANGARITA 28 Los Angeles (originally from Colombia) Attorney KENWARD "BOO" BERNIS 34 Lafayette, La. Construction Worker YAU-MAN CHAN 54 Martinez, Calif. (born in Hong Kong, raised in Borneo, Malaysia) Computer Engineer EARL COLE 35 Santa Monica, Calif. (originally from...