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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    The computer is my dad's so I Don't have anything fun on it, BUT my friend Jo has the COOLEST desktop yes. jo's paper
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    Happy Birthday!

    Our birthdays are right beside each other! We can be best friends! :P
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    Happy Birthday!

    Thanks to EVERYONE :D It's funny you should say that because last weekend I had 6 1/2 and I Didn't see the floor at all...
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    Happy Birthday!

    Tommorow is Manda's birthday! :D Just wanted to share that because I don't know if I'll be on and I like to tell people it's my birthday! :D ...oh, and I like gifts :P I CAN DRINK! I CAN DRINK [legally]
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    Will April Showers Lead To May Flowers For Sara And Greg?

    I don't want to see them together. It makes me sad....
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    Szmanda: Greg Couldn't Have Done It Without His Fans

    I have this! It's the TV guide in my local newspaper. I didn't even know but then my mom told me and I cried with happy! :D
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    Aisha Tyler Joins The Cast Of 'Ghost Whisperer'

    WOT?! You Jest. She does NOT seem like the comedian type. She wasn't even that funny on friends.
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    'CSI' To End Season With A Massive Cliffhanger

    I only wish, but she's not on Grissoms team anymore, so she's automatically safe.
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    'CSI' To End Season With A Massive Cliffhanger

    Good God! If Greg dies I die! I think it will be that Sophia chick. And if not her Sara, Greg's already been hurt and hospitalized, therefore I he better be safe.
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    I had one or rather like 4, and I try to keep it up, but I stop and then the pets die...
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    'Bloodlines' Will Spill Character Arcs

    I'll audtion......and I'll get it....I've been told a few times lately I look about 23ish..... amanda :cool:
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    'Bloodlines' Will Spill Character Arcs

    I hated that! only because she's Dione and she's kind of dumb.. amanda :cool:
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    'Bloodlines' Will Spill Character Arcs

    He has to find his own replacement? What the bejesus! I swear if there's a really pretty girl that Greg has a thing for and it's not me..I think I'll cry! amanda :cool:
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    Zuiker: Big Apple Will Be More Character-Driven

    Riley plays or rather played..I dont' watch it, but he played Kyle Singer. amanda :cool:
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    Petersen Hints Season 5 Will Be His Last

    indeed, but you're ruining my fun, just because I'm not realistic doesn't mean you have to drag me down! It's not cool sista! amanda :cool:
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    First 'Turn Of The Screws' Plot Details

    And Grissom LOVES rollercoasters! It could've been......HIM :eek: amanda :cool:
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    Petersen Hints Season 5 Will Be His Last

    I'll take over that role! amanda :cool:
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    Zuiker: Big Apple Will Be More Character-Driven

    I don't watch that show..although I wanted to, I love my fellow canadians Keifer and Elishia (I don't know how to spell it) and Riley smith is like WAY hot..but I never got around to it, so unless they put csi:ny on tuesday or wed at 8, or tuesday at 9 it will conflit with my schdule! amadna :cool:
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    Zuiker: Big Apple Will Be More Character-Driven

    hope not, my friday tv schedule is packed! I think it should be on at 9 on Tuesdays. amanda :cool:
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    Sinise Will Play 'New York' CSI Calucci

    he scares me amanda :(