'Bloodlines' Will Spill Character Arcs

CSI Files

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's fourth-season finale will reportedly wrap up two of this year's story arcs.

The episode, entitled "Bloodlines", revolves around five brothers, one of whom is suspected of raping a woman, Linley Parker, by the side of the highway. Set against this difficult background is Nick and Sara's competition for promotion and Greg's desire to get out in the field full-time.

In two of this season's early instalments, "Invisible Evidence" and "Feeling the Heat", it was revealed that Nick and Sara had applied for a promotion to the same "key position". At the end of "Eleven Angry Jurors", Grissom recommended Nick for the promotion. According to CSI Files sources, "Bloodlines" will reveal that Nick has indeed been given the position after Grissom gave him his seal of approval.

Greg Sanders has also been angling for a promotion of sorts. He's been desperate to get out of the lab all season, rejoicing when he's been allowed to help out in the field, as he did in "Assume Nothing" and "After The Show". In the season finale, Greg's analysis will reportedly play a pivotal part in solving the case, leading him to confront Grissom about his status.

Unfortunately, Greg picks a particularly inopportune time to talk to his supervisor. When the lab tech asks whether or not he will be allowed in the field full time, Grissom receives an important page and has to leave urgently. Greg stops him, telling the lead CSI he wants an answer regardless of whether it's yes or no. Grissom, who is clearly unsettled by his page, says that Greg can become a field CSI on one condition: he must find someone to replace him in the lab.

Greg's got his answer, but one question remains unsolved — what has Grissom all shook up?

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.

"Bloodlines" will likely air on May 20, 2004.<center></center>
My guess is that either something has happened to Sara, or he's just been ordered to give Catherine her walking papers. As I've stated many times, a Catherine firing would fit right in with the direction the plot has been heading.
So what's gonna get Grissom so worked up? Anybody else thinking that the brother Sara's sent after is going to be the rapist?
I think it would be great if Cath got fired, not that I hate the character or Marg. I think it would add some great character development and an edge to the storyline.

Who knows, probably has something to do with Sara, that just seems more likely.

Faye_Valentine :devil:
I was also thinking it had to do with Sara... they could pick the drinking storyline back up and say she was rushed to the hospital to have her stomach pumped because of alcohol poisoning. I just can't think of anything else it could plausibly be that would make Grissom that upset (IF it concerns Sara). The only other thought is that the rape goon came after her too... that would really shake up poor Sara and Griss...

As for Cath getting fired, that'd be an interesting twist, but they wouldn't get rid of one of their most loved characters at the end of season 4. My guess is that she'd get re-instated quickly. I mean, Gris let Warrick off the hook in season one after... oh what was her name... the sweet girl who was only there an episode or two? Anyway, after she died because Warrick wasn't there to be her backup, Grissom let him keep his job... said he didn't need to lose another CSI... so I really don't think Cath will get fired.
He has to find his own replacement? What the bejesus! I swear if there's a really pretty girl that Greg has a thing for and it's not me..I think I'll cry!

amanda :cool:
Do you guys remember when Stacy Dash from the Clueless movie worked in the lab for a couple of episodes?

I hope its her! :p :D
Fair enough, but I reckon the new techie should be female because there is way too much testosterone about...unless they're trying to show that most CSIs are actually men? ;)

But hey, all the guys (bar Grissom of course!) could fight over her and the girls could hate her! It would be funny to watch...and who wouldn't audition for the role?! :lol: :D

I know I've got my monologue ready... :p :lol:
I really hope they dont do anything to Sara she is my favorite...What episode was it that Brass thought something was going on with Sara? I hope that Jorga Fox isnt leaving CSI...
Brass was concerned that Sara was turning into a bit of an 'alcopop' if you catch my drift ;)

Which I think is a genius plot line because she is under a lot of stress...all that pent up lust for Grissom! :lol: :p

But seriously, I don't think Jorja's going anywhere :D