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  1. M

    Criminal Minds

    We had The Popular Kids over here last night. I actually really enjoyed the episode, i thought the unsub was obvious tonight, which i don't normally find with this programme.
  2. M

    Contact Thread

    MSN: Anyone who wants to just add :)
  3. M

    Criminal Minds

    Added back! Sorry it took so long .. i was getting carried away with this! Reids mum talks to anyone she can about him. They would know he worked for the BAU. We don’t know how long his mum has been in that sanitarium. If she was in there since Reid joined the unsub could have come up with the...
  4. M

    Criminal Minds

    :D Done. I'm thinking the "secrets from her knight" mean a secret of Reids. He has all the adventures of a Knight, and the secrets could be either what is in the letters, or something we don't know. A secrte from the past.
  5. M

    Criminal Minds

    OH DEAR LORD! I told you you were amazing Lyn!
  6. M

    Criminal Minds

    I just saw this, and it made me very happy. Apologies if this has already been posted! Look who is the Best Comic Relief?
  7. M

    Criminal Minds

    This may sound a little harsh, but right at the end when Elle was tired, i thought that Lola Glaudini was just, well plain bad. I haven't had a problem with her acting accept for tonight. Also, in this episode, the complete corniness of the scene at night at the beach. I laughed out loud at...
  8. M

    Criminal Minds

    I just saw the episode....i'm not sure if i actually enjoyed it or not. One thing that this episode has confirmed is that i don't like Elle very much, both the character and the actress annoyed me in this one. I've never really warmed to her, maybe once i see the rest of the episodes...
  9. M

    Beta Volunteers

    Name:Emma Pairings you beta: Any. Beta specialty: Grammer, continuation throughout, tenses, general "neatness". Ideas (see below) If anyone wants to use me, one thing i set the rules, whether you want me to suggest anything to help the story plot-wise. I know some people only want...
  10. M

    Criminal Minds

    Lyn yes i did join LJ to follow it. Don't worry you're not going crazier. :) You know, seeing the reaction of people i think this cliffhanger was a great idea for the show. What better way to ensure the viewers come back next year?
  11. M

    Criminal Minds

    Just something that made me laugh. It's about 5.30am here, i can't sleep, and all i can blooming think about it CM, and wondering if anyone has made progress with the clues. Also, what do you guys think will happen about the Elle situation?
  12. M

    Criminal Minds

    Lyn you're doing amazing at this thing!! I do feel sorry for Gideon about the cabin, that must be hard losing that one "safe" place you have. *grumble* - I got a phonecall from my dad in America, he took great pleasure in teasing me about watching the finale!!!!
  13. M

    Criminal Minds

    It's going to be hard to make the code work. I honestly don't think its the word in a sentance on a page (you wouldn't get 16 words on a line..) But somehow it has to work. And Faylinn, go with "Le Morte de Arthur". You never know, it might be it! If the book on LJ doesn't work, then you might...
  14. M

    Without A Trace *May Contain Spoilers*

    Re: Without A Trace Has anyone else seen the finale promo? Now I want to throw my shoe at my UK tv!
  15. M

    Criminal Minds

    I was just coming here to post that link. Whoever found that book is amazing!
  16. M

    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    Thank you so much for posting that site pizzapie FINALLY i can watch promos! And face looks okay! But Mac holding Flack's hand? Come on, altogether now....AHHHHWWWWWWWWWW!!
  17. M

    Criminal Minds

    I know how the ep finished now, and i have to admit that i don't think they'll shoot Elle. I don't know how it will happen but i just can't see it.. Okay..i need a little help with one thing. With the whole "save her"..who is the her? Is it Elle? Do we know?
  18. M

    Criminal Minds

    Question, when does the new season air in the US? (Oh, and it's Derailed on tonight for me .... they've missed out Natural Born Killer for some reason. I hope they don't start missing out episode a lot)
  19. M

    Criminal Minds

    I can now say that if you take the 2nd edition of Tales of Canterbury it does not work if you use the number after the first full stop as the tale, and number before as the line and the number after as line. It took me 3 hours to work out it doesn't work... haha! But i could make a couple of...
  20. M

    Criminal Minds

    Well i know for one i wouldn't mind one, seen as its all i seem to talk about at the moment anyway! and ThisIsMe - sucks you didn't see it!