Criminal Minds

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"The Collector"? I've never even heard of the book - I thought it was something that was supposed have "inspired many adventures"...
monkeyrabbit said:

I told you you were amazing Lyn!

Thank you : This has been pretty fun, I confess :D Btw - can you PM me your LJ name? I want to make sure, so I can add you :D
I've been thinking about the music box (mainly because at the end of the finale, they flashed on a note that Gideon had written that said, "what is the significance of the music box?") I've been doing some looking into the Schubert piece. The music was based on a poem by German poet Christian Friedrick Daniel Schubart called "The Trout". He was a composer as well as a poet - also a criminal who was imprisoned for ten years (supposedly for insulting the wife of a Duke). Most of his greatest work was written while he was locked away.

In a clear brooklet,
in lively haste,
the wayward trout
flashed arrowlike by.
Standing on the bank,
contentedly I watched
the jolly little fish
swimming the clear brook.

An angler, with rod,
stood on the bank, cold-bloodedly noting
the fish’s twists and turns.
As long as the water
remains so clear, I thought,
he'll never take the trout
with his rod.

But at last the thief
tired of waiting. Artfully
he muddied the brooklet,
and the next moment,
a flick of the rod,
and there writhed the fish;
and I, with blood boiling,
looked at the deceived one.
:D Done.

I'm thinking the "secrets from her knight" mean a secret of Reids. He has all the adventures of a Knight, and the secrets could be either what is in the letters, or something we don't know. A secrte from the past.
monkeyrabbit said:
:D Done.

I'm thinking the "secrets from her knight" mean a secret of Reids. He has all the adventures of a Knight, and the secrets could be either what is in the letters, or something we don't know. A secrte from the past.

Added! Add me back already.

Reid writes to his mother everyday, and she writes about those letters in her journal. I'm thinking these are the "secrets" mentioned.

I don't know...the more I read it, I think it's someone connected to Reid and his mother, who knows about their pasts. I can't help thinking his father is involved.
Added back! Sorry it took so long .. i was getting carried away with this!

Reids mum talks to anyone she can about him. They would know he worked for the BAU. We don’t know how long his mum has been in that sanitarium. If she was in there since Reid joined the unsub could have come up with the plan, and kidnapped the Rebecca girl for it…if you get me.

He would include personal details in the letters. The unsub didn’t get personal details like the Fox and Butterfly from the computer. He is very close to Gideon and went on that date with JJ, the other two sent the clues. Seen as Reid will recall almost anything you tell him, maybe they spoke about it briefly and Spencer included them in the letters. Anyone in the hospital could read them, or his mother could have spoken about them.

It is something to do with Reid mum. 15th Century Literature professor, clue with links to medieval history, and her son seemingly key in the killers mind.

Maybe the “save her” is talking about Reids mum aswell as the kidnapped girl?

Is the fact the girls missing for 2 years significant? Something happened at that time that involves them?

What is the significance of the music box. I don’t think it was just for the note, but I don’t know.

”All Work, No Play”. Just a taunt or significant?

Do you think the ending was a set-up for the killer? I don’t think so but somewhere else this has been suggested. Although, the way people were acting didn’t seem like a set-up to me. Unless they think the killer can see them, but I very much doubt that. I think the shot was from the agent who brough Elle home to be honest, and will be explained by him checking the perimeter of Elles house because of an FBI hunch.

Long post, and a lot of irrelevant stuff here. See, I can’t get it out of my head!
The finale of Criminal Minds has already aired May 11th. I do believe it is still on for another season. I would hope so! This show is awsome! :D
I had heard it was renewed (if it hadn't been I'd be royally p*****d off that they left us with a mystery and no resolution!)
For anybody who missed the beginning of the season, CBS is going to air the pilot episode of Criminal Minds on Wednesday. I don't know about places outside the US, but it would be worth keeping an eye on your local station if you want to see the season from the beginning. :)
We had The Popular Kids over here last night.

I actually really enjoyed the episode, i thought the unsub was obvious tonight, which i don't normally find with this programme. that the one with the 'satanic cult' where the popular people watched the body decompose and then the kid killed the girl? Yeah, that was an ok episode. I didn't call him as the unsub from the beginning though. :eek: The best part of that episode was when Reid was going to ask if he could ride back to town with the cop and (Elle I think it was) and he kind of trips and throws his arms out and his long-ass hair kind of billows to the sides...must find a screencap of that. ;)
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